Chapter 389 Super fighting spirit

Byōdōin Hōō’s expression solidified in such an instant, and was completely stunned by Chiba’s hand.

This was completely out of his imagination.With his all-in-one move, Chiba easily caught the ball?

And I just made that kind of promise. Isn’t this just slapping myself in the face?

You know, not to mention the members of the U17 training camp in Japan, even high school students in the world, no one dares to say that they can fight back against their own American pirates like the teenager opposite.

Moreover, those who can receive their own light hits require a lot of time to get familiar with light hits, and this fourteen-year-old boy has an understanding of light hits far beyond his imagination.

Because of this violent upsurge of countless balls, only players who have mastered multiple balls at the same time can hit back one by one in an instant.

But Chiba is even more…return with one blow.

It is undoubtedly a manifestation of arrogance, and arrogance also requires capital. And Chiba happens to have this kind of capital, which makes the team’s No. 1 face no longer available.

“How did this guy do it?!”

Byodoin gritted his teeth and exclaimed, this is really unbelievable, let alone him!

“Only this level of different-dimensional ball skills, I have hundreds of ways to fight back, I just used the quickest, most…easy one!”

Chiba’s mouth couldn’t hide a smile, watching the galloping tennis ball drift away, and then calmly said: “First solve the trouble in front of you, and then try my other methods,||!”

When the words fell, the tennis ball had teleported to Byōdōin Hōō, while Byōdōin was still in a state of demon, at a loss.


He was awakened by the huge roar of tennis. He blinked and retreated violently. He still has a certain amount of capital to be a leader of the army.


All of a sudden, the light filled Byodoin’s eyes, and he couldn’t open his eyes. Just when he was taken aback, the tennis ball directly crossed everyone’s retina and flew out from the side of Byodoin Temple.

“1-0, Chiba takes the lead in winning the next game!”

A clean serve game, four goals-three goals ACE, the last ball defeated the opponent’s psychology.

Byōdōin Hōō didn’t even have time to react. After being scored three goals in a row, when he finally wanted to get serious, he found that he really couldn’t beat his opponent.

What a mockery!

In U17 training camp No.1, a middle school student won the first game, and it was so fast. The audience still had time to remember when they were excited. The excitement of this match is undoubtedly world-class. This kind of wonderful match can only be seen in world-class matches.

If this is said, it is estimated that no one in the entire world tennis will believe it?!

Suddenly, someone below was complacent and was fortunate to witness this match.

“I saw this level of match without a ticket. I didn’t participate in this training camp in vain!”

“If it weren’t for my coach to force me to come, I would really not come. But today’s match is really hard to see without going abroad!”

Mitsuya Akuto looked at Ishigami with complicated eyes, only to feel that this young man was unfathomable, with inexplicable power behind him that made people unable to see through.

“I don’t know if the serve bureau of Byodoin Temple will be able to bring it back?”

Inui Sadaharu took the notebook in his hand and slowly merged. The match in front of him was beyond his comprehension. The data is difficult to explain clearly.

Byōdōin Hōō was already exchanging venues with Chiba, but the exclamations from the stands still came out in bursts.

“Byodoin was completely suppressed by that kid, interesting!’

Tanegashima Shuji chuckled. This young man named Kinoshita Chiba had already aroused his interest. It was the first time that Byodoin, who had always been invincible, saw him be so embarrassed.

“.. Head, completely shatter the boy’s confidence, don’t have any more reservations.

Duke Watanabe yelled at the court, completely ignoring the eyes of the people around him.

Byodoin looked up and glanced, as if he hadn’t heard it, then turned his head to the opponent in front of him-Kinoshita Chiba!

“It’s not bad serve, kid. But…that’s it!”


Chiba’s alcoholic smile is another provocation in Byodoin’s eyes.


Byōdōin Hōō suddenly threw the tennis ball in his hand, and then the whole person’s aura (of Zhao) was instantly condensed to the extreme!


A turbulent aura suddenly diffused from his body, and the entire court was enveloped by his aura.

“That is… the overlord’s aura!

Kurobe raised his eyes slightly, watching the wind and rain on the court, and immediately noticed the strangeness of Byodoin Temple.

Byodoin has a history of wandering around the world, and its majestic and mighty tennis style was formed in the process of wandering.

At this time, Byodoin’s expression was extremely excited, facing Chiba, the so-called middle school student, slapped him in the face again and again.

Sweeping away the haze before, the super fighting spirit condensed from his body. scholar.

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