Chapter 401 Low voice

Just when Nanjiro was surprised, Chiba’s arm swung out in an instant, and the giant tree swayed along with it.

The forest giant tree lifted a branch, and as Chiba’s arm waved, it slammed hard on the tennis ball. The delayed tennis ball traversed the entire court in an instant and hit Byōdōin Hōō, who was also on the baseline.


With Chiba’s scream, the name of this domineering skill is instilled into everyone’s mind.


The tennis ball passed by, bringing up a cloud of smoke and dust, and a green light flashed in the dust. What remained in the eyes of Byōdōin Hōō were afterimages after another.

At this time, he just wanted to raise his arm to wave racquet, only to find that he… couldn’t move.

The fear from the heart has spread to the whole body. Turning his head with difficulty, he slowly cast his gaze to 033’s legs, which seemed to be filled with lead. There were actually two strands of vines that bound his feet.

At the same time, it also restrains the hands and feet of the pirates. The majestic pirate instantly becomes a skeleton that can be slaughtered, without any momentum, like a fish on a chopping board.


The branches and leaves screamed, and suddenly hit the skeleton’s body. At the moment of touching, there was no time to resist. The pirate was carrying his katana, and his whole body disappeared in an instant.

With extremely well-developed leg muscles, he could not help resisting and wanted to shake his feet, but the fear from his heart actually made him unable to exert 10% of his strength. In addition to the solidity of the vines, he was Nailed firmly in place.


The tennis ball hit the ground fiercely. Unlike the way it hits the ground, it bounced quickly after touching the ground, and the grin became bigger and bigger in Byōdōin Hōō’s eyes, and hit him on the head.

Just like two years ago, that…a great humiliation fell on him again today.

And Byodoin was in another dimension, wrapped in layers of vines, and couldn’t resist at all. And he in the eyes of everyone. The expression in his eyes gradually faded away, and his consciousness slowly drained away.


There was a huge muffled sound, and Byōdōin Hōō fell to the ground in response, hitting the court straight like this, and the strong body hit the ground with a huge sound.

There was a small hole in his head, which was far away from the scars of the year. The red blood flowed to the ground. It is estimated that Byodoin will need a larger cloth to cover the shame in the future.

Mifune entered the drunk face, but also changed into a sober color, and a trace of worry flashed across his face.

After all, Byōdōin Hōō is the captain of the Japanese national team. No, he should be the original captain. The top combat power he possesses still plays a decisive role in U17.

“2-0, Kinoshita Chiba won this game. Because Byōdōin Hōō lost the ability to match, the match Kinoshita Chiba won this match!”

Listening to the sound of Mifune’s judgment, Chiba’s face showed the same indifferent color as always, but it was not (bbbj) hard to find joy in it. Win… That’s how it should be.

I – Kinoshita Chiba – U17 first!


Duke Watanabe yelled and saw Byodo-in Temple fall to the ground, the huge figure whizzed past the stands with a speed that did not match its size, and the breathing room appeared on the court. The situation of Byodoin Temple.

His eyes only glanced at Byodoin Temple, which fell on the ground, and Chiba walked out with his head up, still quite confident in controlling his own strength.

“Huh~, this match is still a little bit like, this trip is not in vain!”

Seeing this ending, Saitō Itaru’s stunned face heard Echizen Nanjiro say this, and the elongated jaw stretched further and further.

Once the world’s No. 1-Samurai Nanjiro, the evaluation of this match is all praise, so the exciting degree of this match is by no means inferior to the match of world-class high school students.

In my mind, I came to the conclusion that the Kurobe trio set off quickly, and took the medical personnel to the online court.

From the moment Byodo-in Temple lay down, he didn’t stand up from the court anymore, his divergent pupils gradually recovered, despair filled his eyes, he wanted to speak, but it seemed that his vocal cords were not controlled and hesitated. It is difficult to say a complete sentence.

Unwilling to do everything, Chiba smashed a ball and swallowed it back into his stomach.

Watanabe looked at Byodoin, whose eyes were difficult to focus, and after a quick rub, he got up and stopped Chiba.

“Why, do you want to… have two tricks with me?”

The smile on Chiba’s face was even worse. From Watanabe’s eyes, the smile of the Sunshine Boy looked like the smile of the god of death when he reaped his life, deeply deep into his bones.

“No…No, I just want to ask…Can you still make the Japanese team to the World Cup?

The sturdy man’s voice trembled at this time, and his burly figure did not give him a trace of confidence at this time, it turned out to be a faint voice.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads!


With a sneer, the newly appointed captain of the Japanese team went away, leaving the elegant figure for Watanabe to figure out for himself. .

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