Chapter 418 Greek mythology

“Compared to the world-ranked Greek team, they won the first game like a broken bamboo!”

Mifune entered the road and looked at the field that quickly ended the first game, and then moved his gaze to the captain of the Song team. At this time, Chiba’s eyes also revealed a trace of approval. The opponent will pay the price for their contempt.

“Beginning of the second game, the Japanese team serve!”

“The more I know Senior, I will beg of you!”

Mach serve!

With the height of 226, the direct hit smash hit directly made the opponent lose their temper.

“0 to 2, the Japanese team won this game!’

“Well done! It turned out to be a crushing posture to win another round!”

“The serve just now was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish the position with the naked eye.”

The fans of the Japanese team in the field have the basis of the previous game, and the number is no less than that of the Greek team.The wonderful performance also attracted the cheers of everyone.The Greek fans all over them can only swallow their breath, because the Greek team’s appearance is true. There is nothing to celebrate and appreciate.

“How is this possible? The other side is obviously only twenty-third in the world ranking, why is there such a strong strength of 11!,

Ewan cried out in horror, his psychology was first defeated, and the maladies of the junior high school students’ psychological quality also appeared at this time. On the other hand, Herahles, who is also a junior high school student, may be the appearance bonus of the middle-aged uncle? At this time, the expression is still calm, and the mentally collapsed teammate is helped aside. This match can no longer rely on the teammates. Next

The match will be a one-to-two doubles match.

“I will be in charge of the next match!”

As Heracles said, there was a burst of dazzling light all over his body, just like the gods in Greek mythology, instantly surrounded by light.

Hasegawa hurriedly covered his eyes, the dazzling white light was too shining, and the middle-aged Greek uncle on the opposite side instantly exuded a dangerous aura.

“Olympia Silver Light!”

“His Royal Highness Heracles was actually driven to a dead end in the group stage. It seems that the strength of the opponent does give him a sense of crisis.”

On the Japanese bench, there were also bursts of exclamation. The white light coming from Heracles in the field gave them a very familiar feeling.

“It looks like…it’s like a light shot from the main player!” Duke Watanabe stared at it for a while, then said.

“No, their essence is completely different!” Mitsuya Akuto directly denied. Then said.

“Hera Heles, it is said that he was the son of Zeus and Al Hermene. He was infinitely powerful and courageous. After his death, he entered the sacred mountain of Olympus and became a Hercules.”

“Everyone who can be given the name Herachles is one in a million, and it’s hard to find an opponent among people of the same age.”

Listening to Mitsuya’s account, everyone looked at the Yuezhi Yueguang again, and it felt very troublesome to hear it, let alone how difficult it was to face.

“It seems that the Greek team let you two junior high school students come out to play doubles, the main reason is because of your existence!”

Looking at the opponent’s current state, shrouded in bursts of light, the power contained in it can already be imagined. However, the more I knew that Moonlight’s eyes were hiding under the colorful hair, his hair was also lifted at this time, and his pupils were directed at Herahles’ body, looking undaunted by light.

“this is…”

Seeing Yuezhi Yueguang lift their hair, everyone was shocked. It felt like the Yuezhi Yueguang on the court at this time was completely different from normal, as if he was a different person.

“Hasegawa, I suggest you step aside!”

“Senior, this is a doubles match, don’t worry, I’m very clever!”


Puff! It’s another Mach serve, but the speed has surpassed the previous limit.

“15 to 0! The Japanese team scored!”


With a cold snort, Heracles looked cumbersome directly, but after knowing the moonlight’s swing, he followed the rhythm of the ball and started a counterattack between you and me.

“0-2, the Japanese team won this round!”


“1-2, the Greek team won this game!”

For a time, the two sides engaged in a fierce battle. The racquet you came and I waved, the match entered a white-hot stage, and the score was steadily rising.

“What a fast speed, is this the real strength of the Yuezhi senior!” Hasegawa said with emotion. He had always thought that the better the moonlight is Mach serve, which is extremely good in his eyes. I thought that he was already close to the strength of a high school student, but now it seems that there is still a gap.

On the opposite side of Herahles, a junior high school student was able to fight against Koshichi Moonlight, and Hasegawa suddenly felt the gap.

“Is this… the strength of the world?”

“4-5, the Japanese team won this round!”

Taking the lead in winning the match point, everyone’s expressions were filled with excitement.

“It seems that there is no way. I’m sorry to say something to you, my child.”

When the words were over, Heracles flashed a trace of fierceness in her eyes, and after throwing the ball and hitting it, he directly bombarded Hasegawa’s face.

Everything happened too suddenly, and he suddenly fell into an embarrassing situation when he was still a spectator.

“Be careful!” Chiba frowned, with a look of doubt, and then reminded. It’s just that the ball is faster than the sound.

“It’s so spicy!” Everyone suddenly felt unbalanced, and this middle-aged uncle who seemed to be clearly peaceful, suddenly became very spicy.

Byodoin disagrees. This is the opposite of Tokugawa’s righteousness. Victory becomes 043 supreme in that instant.

“This is the mission of fighting against the country!”

Hearing this, everyone was silent for a while, what it said… as if Hasegawa deserved to be bombarded in the face by a tennis ball.


“It’s really… it’s a matter of minutes!”

The yellow tennis ball stopped flying forward in front of Hasegawa’s face, and kept hitting the white net. Hasegawa, who had been waiting for a long time, smiled, as if this scene had already been in his calculations.

“I’ll give this gift back to you!”


Herahles’ brows tightened immediately, and the junior high school student on the opposite side actually reacted, and was able to hit his ball back, and then glanced at the sluggish Evan, which immediately made him think, what is the gap between teammates? So big.

“Next, let me try it! The more I know Senior!”

Immediately, another round of confrontation began, and Hasegawa was not weak in the face of Heracles under the shining light.


With a violent shout, the opponent was lured for a long time and finally hit a high-altitude ball. Hasegawa leaped high and was about to make a strong smash. Hera Helles hurriedly backed away to defend.

Immediately, Hasegawa ghostly smiled and lightly cut the tennis ball.

Walk the tightrope! The tennis ball drops onto the net, then touches the ground and scores!

“The match is over, 6-4! The Japanese team won!”.

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