Chapter 442 Flame ball

The next step is to enter the match point of the Japanese team. If this can be won, they will be able to win the first singles match as usual.

It was Russell’s turn to serve. This numb-looking young man raised the tennis ball in his hand and was an explosive serve.


When the ball hit the ball, Oni Jujiro moved super fast and stretched out his racket towards the tennis ball, but surprisingly, Oni Jujiro’s arm wrapped in the ghost came into contact with Russell’s serve. , The strong hand was bounced alive by the power of the serve, and the tennis ball flew out of bounds.

He just turned into a ghost state, because he scored consecutively, he didn’t pay attention to that guy Russell’s serve. I don’t know what he did.

At this time, the ball returned to Russell’s hand. He was holding racquet in one hand, putting his hand “Zero Six Zero” on the upper back of his body, and holding the ball in his left hand.

“This posture… wave ball???”

Oni Jujiro looked at this player from the De country in surprise. It is no wonder that the serve just now is so strong and powerful. The Wave Ball is considered to be one of the most powerful ball systems, but to be honest, this guy’s Wave Ball is better than any one that Oni Jujiro has ever met. His power is strong, probably because of his solid strength and basic skills.

“call out!

Russell’s wave ball swept through again, Oni Jujiro decisively stepped forward, looking for an opportunity to fight the wave ball again.


When the wave ball hit Onijujiro’s racquet, the ball kept spinning, and he felt that his wrist was instantly crushed.

“call out!”

For his own wrist, Oni Jujiro immediately released racquet and let the ball knock racquet into the air.


Oni Jujiro approached and picked up his net racquet. This guy’s swing ball is really not a joke. If he goes down like this, he will definitely win the game. If this happens, Oni Jujiro You have to win two games in a row. If your physical strength is consumed like this, then Russell will win the final victory of this match, but now his next two

Serve is bound to serve the wave ball, even if the ghost is possessed, it can’t catch this guy’s wave ball.


At this time, Oni Jujirou sighed gently, and the huge ghost and god behind him disappeared in the air with this sigh of his own.

“Huh? How did Senior Ghost get rid of his ghost state? Doesn’t he want to win?”

Xiaojin on the bench looked at this action of Oni Jujiro incomprehensibly and said.

“Fool, the real Oni Jujiro is only now beginning to show!!”

Chiba hit the fool Jin on the head and said confidently.

“No, what does it show just to stand motionless like that?”

Xiao Jin looked at Oni Jujiro on the field with an anxious look, but the other contestants and coach Mifune looked calmly.

“Have you never seen the scariest side of Mifune!”

Fuji Syusuke, who has always been solitary, said to Kojin. For Kojin who joined later, Fuji said kindly to her. These words from Fuji’s senior made Kojin tightly chatting with Oni Jujiro on the field. I feel that he is so calm, like a lake, in such a noisy environment, as if the whole person is outside, and

It didn’t belong to this match, which made Xiaojin feel a little in an instant.

At this time, Russell was still a fast fluctuating ball all the way, and the ball was about to be shot and exploded by him, but the current Oni Jujiro was still standing motionless in the mid-court, and for another second, the tennis ball would be from his side. Across.

Sure enough, things were not that simple. I saw this burly figure flashed, and this guy was standing upright as if he had knocked on the medicine, and he stood at the place of the wave ball in an instant.


With a wave of Oni Jujiro’s arm, Racquet didn’t struggle at all, and the tennis ball went back alive.


The tennis ball bounced up obediently, leaving Russell with a surprised look, because his eyes were now on the opposite Japanese team, who was playing with his eyes closed.


“Appeared! Selfless State, the perfection of seamlessness!!!”

Byōdōin Hōō saw this Selfless State of Oni Jujiro appear and stood on the chair excitedly and shouted.

“Eh! Come down.

Coach Mifune immediately pulled this guy down, where he was a bit leading, like a hooligan…

The perfection of perfection is a move that can completely guide the sleeping power in the body. It can be said to be a very difficult state to reach.

“I think it is misty.”

Russell was a little panicked now, and began to comfort his heart, this player who has always played steadily, met this ghost Jujirou really opened his eyes, there is such a magical move in the world, and I may not dare to say it. Believe.


With this serve, Russell increased his strength, and the wave ball flew away with the sound of the wind.


That Oni Jujiro’s current speed is just like the arrival of a god, and he moved in an instant. The simple freehand swing, the wave of the ball and the speed of the counterattack make Russell beyond the dust.


Immediately afterwards, Russell serve, who was already a little nervous, became anxious, ran with one heel, and swung an aerial shot.

“40-30!! ”

“Wow, it’s a match point!!!”

The Japanese team boiled up instantly, and the first singles victory over the national team was right in front of us.

For the last serve, Russell was still as weak as expected, and he went out as soon as he loosened his hand. It could be seen that there was no desire to fight anymore.


I saw Oni Jujiro instantly opened his eyes 1.9, his eyes turned into a faint purple, like a ghost coming into the world, facing the weak ball, the net racquet vigorously waved, a huge whirlwind was generated around the net racquet.

After a loud noise, the tennis ball was hit back by this heavy force. This time Oni Jujiro took the racket very seriously and hit the ball.

“Puffy Puffy!”

At the moment when the tennis ball moved in delay, it violently rubbed against the air, which directly produced flames, and shot towards Russell.

Russell, who was a little stunned, picked up the racquet in his hand and supported it with both hands, preparing for the next earth-shattering flame ball.


With the sound of Russell falling to the ground, I saw Russell lying on the floor, and a huge hole appeared in the net racquet. .

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