Chapter 445 Absolute realm

Kinoshita Chiba flicked at the tennis ball, and the ball quickly advanced to the court of the de national team.

In the next movement of the hand, facing the flying ball, he did not directly swing the racket hard, but moved the racket to the trajectory of the ball. This can be the first time when the ball turns into a fallen leaf. Move the shot backwards, and you can crack the trick of Chiba’s fallen leaves.


There was a slight collision between the net and the ball. The tennis ball hit the racquet, which was motionless, and bounced on the court of the national team. It rolled a few times without moving.


The wide-eyed hand looked at the guy on the opposite side. This ball was just an ordinary counterattack.

“45-0! ”


The Japanese team successfully won the first game, and the bench was boiling in an instant.

In fact, Chiba can vaguely see the mind of the hand.From the subtle preparations of his body, Chiba has been watching, so he decided to give it a shot.If the ball is fallen leaves, Chiba also believes that the man on the opposite side can do it. One hundred percent of it came back, but this time a 060 was unintentionally, but it was finished, which also made Chiba very happy.

At the beginning of the second game, it was the turn of the Japanese team to serve. Now Chiba cannot use the fallen leaves frequently, because it is easy to be cracked when using it all the time. The first game is because the hand Kunimitsu met him for the first time. Now he is already familiar with this move, so he said that he should use it sparingly and save it until the critical moment to be effective.


The tennis ball flew over. This is an ordinary serve, from Chiba’s hand.

However, facing the flying ball, the hand’s posture is a bit strange, this posture, is it…

Chiba’s nerves became tense in an instant, and he squeezed the pat in his hands tightly.


With a strange sound, the hand beat Chiba’s serve back with the backhand of his left hand. To be precise, he cut it back.

“so slow!

Heavenly, the slow or tight ball made him a bit at a loss. After seeing the large and small fast balls in this match, he didn’t expect this kind of medium-speed ball to catch him.

Only (bbbj) saw Chiba come forward, but the scene before him made Chiba’s eyes dumbfounded.The tennis ball that just flew over the net fell straight on the floor without even bounced, and it was facing the net. The direction rolled over.



Chiba directly yelled at him. Although he had heard other people talk before, his hand was able to play the kind of ball that would not bounce on the floor. At that time, Chiba didn’t believe it. Today I was surprised to see this kind of fairy ball. It’s really amazing.

Chiba, who got the ball back, was thinking. If he uses this trick, he must go online and volley. Otherwise, if the ball hits the ground, it will be declared that he has scored.


A high-speed serve passed. At this time, the player did not make the strange preparations as before, but directly hit the ball to the two corners of the Japanese team’s back court, and the two simply fought against each other.


Chiba, who was hitting and hitting, suddenly felt a little strange. There seemed to be something wrong with this feeling.


The hand once again hit the ball into the corner of the back court of the Japanese team. Chiba moved the ball vigorously and then finally received it and hit it back.


The next golfer hit the ball in front of the net, Chiba ran and ran, ran to the net and hit back.


After these few strokes, Chiba’s physical strength began to be consumed violently. At this time, Chiba finally knew.


Kunimitsu made a strong return with his left hand and hit the ball on the right corner of the back court. For this ball, Chiba did not choose to chase it. Panting.


“This guy, I haven’t moved at all since I kicked off!”

Chiba said in his heart that he slipped around like puppies, but he didn’t move and stood in the center of the court.

“Appeared, the absolute realm of the hand family!”

Sitting on the bench, Fuji said indifferently that Fuji couldn’t understand the hand’s moves.

Shoujia added a subtle spin to the serve return of Chiba just now, so that all the balls from the opposite side can return to their own 4.2-meter circle. This circle is the “absolute field.”


It was another kick-off. Chiba’s ball was very hard, and that strength was also very strong, but the hand Kunimitsu hit the ball back alive, and landed at the bottom corner of the Japanese team again.

Chiba rushed in the direction of the baseline of the king of walking, and the bat in his hand leaned back and his body leaped. For a super long smash from the back court, Chiba aimed at the front court of the national team.

However, the ball seemed to not be obediently obedient. When it arrived at the front court of the national team, the ball continued to walk for a few seconds and flew directly in front of the player’s house. A beautiful return hit came back again.

“This all works!!”

Chiba is also speechless. This guy’s control over tennis is really a master of the masters. It is no one to play tennis like this, but it is not good if this continues. This guy will be involved in his rhythm. Must think of a trick.

A tennis ball is flying in front of him. Chiba smiles instantly, his smile is so confident.

“Yiye Qingzhou!

Chiba slowly said the name of the trick, and saw his net racquet wave, and the tennis ball quickly walked towards Kunimitsu.

The hand vigorously waved the racquet against the flying tennis ball, but when he was allowed to wave the racquet, he couldn’t feel any pressure on his arm.

When he moved his gaze to the ground, only a piece of fallen leaf slowly fell in delay, and the moment it touched the floor, it turned into a tennis ball.


It seems that the hand family can’t accept such an outrageous thing, and suddenly beat the tennis ball into a leaf and then change it back. It is really unpredictable and surprising.


Chiba’s face instantly raised a smile, stretched out his index finger, wiped his own person, and saw the expression of the hand, a proud expression.


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