Chapter 480 determination

The next morning, in the second-grade classroom, a red-haired teenager rushed in and faced Lizi who was sitting in a seat drinking milk.

“Coach Lizi, I must start the match at the end of the match.

Kagami patted Reiko’s table and spoke very imposingly. Looking at this guy, the one who was still sleepwalking was surprised by this guy, and sprayed Kagami’s face with a mouthful of milk in his mouth.

But he inadvertently wiped the milk off his face.

“No, you are not an official member yet, and you cannot be allowed to start.”

Reiko, who adjusted her throat, looked at Kagami and said.

“Really, what’s going on today, everyone came to me and said they wanted to start.”,

Reiko looked at Kagami speechlessly.

“One by one, who else?

When Reiko said that, Kagami didn’t expect anyone to come to Reiko too.

“Tetsuya Kuroko! Who else.”

“Actually, you are not officially admitted to the department. You have to fill in a formal recommendation letter before you can count as a member of the Basketball department.”

Reiko, who explained to Kagami, looked at Kagami and said.

“Give me one of the 100 recommended books, oh no, give me two.”

Kagami thoughtfully said to Reiko.

“Okay, here are two, but I declare in advance that I will only end the second get out of class on Monday and accept this recommendation letter on the roof of the teaching building.”

Seeing Kagami about to leave, Reiko smiled badly.

“Okay, I see.”

Kagami, who didn’t care too much, quickly returned to the class with the two recommendation letters.

“Now, I will give you what you want.”

He sat in his seat first, and then handed Chiba a card pretending to be reserved.

“Oh? Admission recommendation letter, what does this mean.

Chiba, who had received this piece of paper, touched his head, stunned for a while.

“Don’t worry about so much, the next practice game, if you want to start, just fill it out for me.”

At this moment Kagami turned his head, looked at Chiba and said, his expression was a bit fierce.

“Um, the starting substitute, I’m not bad…”

Chiba replied weakly. In fact, Chiba doesn’t demand much of himself. In fact, as a junior, a novice, he is still willing to play as a substitute. If he starts, Chiba doesn’t force it.

“Fill me.

But when he heard what he meant, Kagami seemed to get angry instantly, and holding Chiba’s hand was to force him to fill out this form. The reason why Kagami is so excited is actually because of the exaggerated growth rate of Chiba, a novice who knows nothing. Kagami’s heart is ignited, and he has a very strong impulse to be like Chiba.

The kid has a match, and with Tetsuya Kuroko, Kagami seems to have found the basketball he wants to pursue.

“Hey, okay, okay, why are you so fierce.

Chiba, who twisted Kagami’s hand away, took the pen and filled it out, not knowing what was inexplicable.

“Speaking of which, Tetsuya Kuroko, you guys don’t tell us when you go to get this form.

Thinking about it, Kagami was annoyed when he saw Tetsuya Kuroko filling out the recommendation form behind Chiba, but the little angel Tetsuya Kuroko wrote quietly, completely ignoring Kagami.

“The second get out of class on Monday is on the roof of the teaching building. Take this watch, don’t forget, if you dare to forget, you will be killed.”

Kagami showed a fierce expression again and said to Chiba.

“Okay, really, there are so many things.”

Helpless Chiba waved his hand and said, looking at this persistent guy, there was really nothing he could do with him.

Day after day passes. In the past few days, Chiba has been repeatedly training dribble, pass, dribble, and pass. These two basic skills are developing in the direction of point guards, while others are constantly being ridden by Lizi. (bbbj) is practicing speed and quality training, day by day, and soon, now Chiba has been able to master Basketball proficiently, in fact

Now Chiba is not only practicing dribble in the hall, but even at home, in the break time, you can see Chiba playing basketball. It’s really hard.

“Ding Ding Ding…”

After the get out of class bell rang, it was the second get out of class on Monday, and Kagami kept it in his heart.

“Let’s go.

Kagami raised his head and took Tetsuya Kuroko and Chiba to the top of the teaching building with the recommendation form, but there was always something in his mind, but Kagami himself had forgotten.

“Ah! Isn’t it a school-wide conference at this time today?’

Kagami, who had already walked to the top of the building, held his head and said, now Reiko is already waiting for their arrival.

“Coach, this is…”

Chiba was also surprised. Why did Reiko choose this time? They called to the top of the building, what on earth did they want to do.

“Come on, in order to prevent your willpower from not being firm enough in the future, and to make you persevere, you call out your future goals and your name in front of the whole school, and let me see your determination.”

Reiko gave out a devilish smile.

“No way!!!”

Hearing this, the first-year Jiangqi and Heyuan showed unbelievable expressions and were greatly frightened. At this time, Chiba was also very speechless. This coach is really an excellent coach and can do everything.

“Move faster. Otherwise, when the principal arrives, there will be no chance. I won’t receive the recommendation letter by then.

Lizi’s words have forced them to the edge of the cliff for these first-year students.

“Oh, I’ll come first.’

Kagami felt like he was on the thief boat too. There was nothing he could do, and he had to do it. When he ran forward, this Kagami was also terrifying. He jumped on his feet and jumped onto the railing without fear of falling off.

“The second grade of the first grade, Kagami Taiga, the goal is to become the number one in Japan!!!”

Kagami said proudly, with a confident expression.

“Hold it on, don’t care.”

Jiang Qi closed his eyes and walked to the front of the railing.

“The first grade of the first grade, the flag of the tree, the junior high school experienced basketball, I hope to accompany you to play together in the high school Basketball department.”

“The first grade, Heyuan…”

“Coach, I’m not used to speaking loudly, can I use this?”

Tetsuya Kuroko, who walked out nearby, took out a big speaker and said lightly.

“Go ahead.”

Lizi nodded.

“Tetsuya Kuroko Tetsuya, born in the Basketball Division of Tetsuya, in the second class of the first grade, hopes to defeat the members of Generation of Miracles.

Tetsuya Kuroko yelled out happily while holding the loud voice. ‘.

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