First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 91 What a gorgeous show! Day of Thunder

How strange!

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone were all provided by the Mo family. Yun Zhonghe couldn't do anything. Why was there white phosphorus on the secret contract and why could it spontaneously ignite?

It's very simple, pen, ink, paper and inkstone are all prepared by Mo's.

But you, Mo, can't prepare Jing Zhongyue's seal, right? That is the seal of power passed down from generation to generation in the Jing family. Without this seal, the secret agreement cannot take effect.

And there was already white phosphorus on this big seal, and it was also white phosphorus dyed red.

It was cold when the contract was signed and there was no chance of spontaneous combustion.

The weather is hot now, and there is still half a month until May 19th, so the white phosphorus on the secret contract can't wait to spontaneously combust.

In fact, at this moment, the Mo family has been pushed into the abyss, but they don't know it yet.


That night, Jing Zhongyue did not stop in Daxi City, but returned to Split Wind City with Yun Zhonghe and Zuo An overnight.

Master, aren't you afraid of being assassinated this late at night? Yun Zhonghe asked.

Jing Zhongyue said: There is no one who can assassinate me, at least in the Borderlands.

This sentence is really domineering.

Girl, are you so confident in your martial arts?

Is Baiyun City that awesome? After studying there for eleven years, you have become so capable?

When passing a bunch of graveyards.

Huh... In the dark night, a free will-o'-the-wisp suddenly appeared, green and faint.

Jing Zhongyue and Zuo An couldn't help but look towards the will-o'-the-wisp.

It's really a cover of great evil. In this weather, there are already will-o'-the-wisps. The secret contract in the box must have spontaneously combusted, or is about to spontaneously combust.

Because the conditions for the formation of will-o'-wisps are much worse.

And the amount of white phosphorus in those three secret contracts is sufficient, and it will definitely ignite spontaneously as soon as the temperature reaches it.

Yun Zhonghe smiled and said: My lord, the Mo family may have fallen into the abyss, but they don't know it yet.

For the benefit of the Rift Valley cession, the Mo family had offended countless people during the day. Especially the Tantai family. The most exciting scene today must be the Tantai family.

Because Yun Zhonghe could see it clearly, Tantai duckweed's face changed a bit despite his indifferent temperament.

Therefore, Yun Zhonghe's plan of alienation was almost successful.

Today's City Lord Mo Ye still feels that he has reached the peak.

Little did he know, he was already in an abyss.

Li Lingzhi is stunned. Jing Zhongyue said: City Lord Mo Ye is cruel and ruthless. He has fought with my father for decades and has never been at a disadvantage. Our Jing family sent troops several times but failed to recapture the Fallen Leaf Territory. I did not expect that in the huge interests In front of him, he was lost.

This is too normal. Yun Zhonghe said: A greedy person is even willing to sell the rope used to hang himself.

Who knew these three secrets would spontaneously combust?

If it is a real contract that can permanently cede the Fallen Leaf Territory and lease the silver salt field for fifty years, then it will be worth it even if the Mo family has offended many princes, and it does not matter even if it makes the Tantai family unhappy.

Compared with the real interests, the attitudes of these princes are nothing.

Besides, at this critical moment, will the Tantai family send troops to attack the Mo family?

Moreover, the Mo family has a stronger backer.

In the carriage, by the light of the light, Yun Zhonghe once again took out the treasure map of the Jing family, which claimed to mark the location of Emperor Nu's tomb.

During this period, Yun Zhonghe took out the treasure map whenever he had time.

After studying it countless times, I still can't find any clues.

Even if he used psychopathic Leonardo da Vinci on his body, nothing could be researched.

This is a ghost painting talisman, there is no information in it.

You don't need to spend too much time on this. Our Jing family has been studying for hundreds of years and still can't figure out the reason. Jing Zhongyue said: Even if the tomb of the wrathful emperor is discovered, a thousand years have passed, and there will already be something in it. Rotten.”

Yun Zhonghe said: I just treat it as solving puzzles.

Then, Yun Zhonghe continued to be obsessed with this so-called treasure map.

And Jing Zhongyue closed her beautiful eyes and began to meditate and breathe out.

Yun Zhonghe couldn't help but move away a little bit, because when she was vomiting, the ups and downs were too great, which made her distracted and couldn't concentrate on her study.


The first prince in the Borderless Land, the Tantai family.

Within these five hundred thousand square kilometers, the biggest tycoon, Tantai Mieming, who wanted to be the king of Daxi, held a book in his hand, wore a linen robe, and had his hair simply combed. Despite the hot weather, there was not even a drop of sweat on his face. No.

This man is really a rare middle-aged handsome man in Borderland. The key is that he has a noble temperament and does not feel like an ordinary person at all.

After hearing what his daughter Tantai Duckweed said, Tantai Mieming did not speak, but picked up a long-handled ladle and slowly scooped the water from the wooden bucket in front into the pool.

There is a small water wheel device in this room, which brings live water into the room. It is very subtle.

The Mo family is gone. Tantai Mieming said with a smile: Maybe with the new backer, we don't take our Tantai family too seriously.

Then what should we do? Tantai Duckweed asked.

Tantai Mieming smiled and said, Nothing to do. It's going to rain and my mother wants to get married. Let him go.

Then, his eyes fell on his daughter's face and said: Pingping, what do you think about your own marriage? If you don't get married, you will become an old girl. Don't you have the young man you like?

After listening to his father's words, Tantai Duckweed seemed completely indifferent.


The blockade sanctions on Riven Valley have been lifted.

But just like City Lord Mo Ye said, no one dared to do business, and no one brought food.

First, Rift Valley is indeed out of money.

Second, although Rift Valley survived, its vitality was severely damaged.

Although the sanctions and blockade have been lifted, the people of Rift Valley are still on the run, and they still look miserable.

However, the atmosphere in Split Wind City was much better, and the morale of the army was also much higher.

A few days later, Yan Ruoshan, the head of the Mo family, came to Split Wind City again.

His attitude became more domineering and arrogant.

I'm here today to convey the Lord's order and to watch with my own eyes you once again reduce your army by two thousand.

The 100,000 stones of food we had before are almost gone. If we don't want to starve to death, I'll replace them with a new batch of armors and weapons.

Remember, this is an order, not a request.

Yan Ruoshan's attitude was even more arrogant than that of City Lord Mo Ye. This was of course a test.

As a result, Jing Zhongyue once again acted out the drama of disarmament.

In the immense grief and anger of the army, and with tears in the eyes of countless people, Jing Zhongyue ordered another two thousand troops to be laid off and stripped off their armor and weapons.

Split Wind City's 10,000-strong army was reduced by half, leaving only 5,000.

Yan Ruoshan was overjoyed to see it, and then went back to report to the Lord of Mo Ye.

Seeing that Rift Valley Jing Zhongyue was so weak, City Lord Mo Ye was completely relieved.

Now that the fate of the Jing family has been completely controlled by him, he only needs to tighten the rope bit by bit to completely annex the Rift Valley.

By then, not only will you be able to taste the flavor of Mrs. Musk, but you will also be able to enjoy the delicacy of the moon in the well.


The tenth day of May.

The Mo family officially sent envoys to the Tantai family, the Ning family, Daxicheng and so on.

Invite many princes in the Borderlands, invite Daxi Academy, Daxi Martial Arts Academy and other forces to witness the delivery ceremony on May 19th.

The contract signed before was a secret one and could not be known to others for fear of being broken midway.

Because at that time, Baiyin Salt Field and Lantian Salt Field were still under sanctions and did not fully belong to the Jing family.

Now that everything has settled, the Jing family has also lifted the sanctions and has complete sovereignty. Naturally, it has the power to deliver the Fallen Leaf Territory and Silver Salt Fields.

Therefore, on the day of official delivery, many princes from Borderlands must come to witness it.

Take advantage of this victory.

Of course, after many princes witnessed it, they would definitely be extremely envious, jealous and hateful.

But so what?

The contract is huge.

The contract was signed in triplicate, and it couldn't be more formal.

Fifty years ago, Jing Zhongyue's grandfather leased the Fallen Leaf Territory to the Mo family for fifty years, and the contract was signed in secret at the beginning.

After the dust settled, the Fallen Leaf Territory was officially handed over in front of all the princes.

Weren't those princes also jealous that day?

But he could only watch helplessly as this piece of fat fell into Mo's mouth.

Borderlands respects the strong the most.

Now that the Mo family is so powerful, even if the Tantai family is jealous and unhappy, will they still fall out?

You know, there is a really big backer behind the Mo family.


Sure enough, many princes who received the invitation were shocked, and then suddenly realized.

So that’s it.

The reason why the Mo family spared the Jing family was because they had a secret agreement.

But this time, the Jing family doesn't know how many benefits they have to sacrifice.

Poor Jing Zhongyue, poor Jing E who is unconscious.

After this disaster, the Jing family was afraid that it was inevitable.

It just changed from rapid death to chronic suicide.

He avoided the fate of being eaten by many princes, but had to be monopolized by the Mo family.

However, many princes still agreed to go to Baiyinling Salt Fields on May 19th to participate in the handover ceremony of the Mo family and the Jing family.


May 18th, tomorrow is the real big day.

It was another fateful moment, but it was not the fate of the Jing family that was decided, but that of the Mo family.

Master, let's go. Yun Zhonghe said.

Jing Zhongyue nodded and then boarded the gorgeous carriage.

Under the protection of a thousand cavalry, they once again left Split Wind City and headed towards the Silver Territory.

In the carriage, besides Jing Zhongyue, there was also Mrs. Musk in full dress.

This was the first time that Yun Zhonghe faced this beautiful woman up close.

It was also different from what he imagined. Yun Zhonghe was originally going to enter the city lord's palace as her male favorite, so he imagined that she should be the kind of gorgeous but incompetent person.

The result is completely different.

She thought it was beautiful, but full of literary and artistic flavor.

And it's not Ning Qing's arrogance and aloofness, but a very soft and charming literary atmosphere.

The reason why he took her with him was entirely in compliance with the orders of City Lord Mo Ye.

He said that during this handover ceremony, Split Wind City would also send Mrs. Musk there, so they would hold a simple concubine ceremony at the Baiyin Salt Fields and send Mrs. Musk to Mo Ye's room, which could be regarded as a different kind of marriage.

Mo also wanted to tell everyone that from now on, Rift Valley would also become a vassal of his Xiyu City.

Presenting Mrs. Musk in public can further demonstrate Jing Zhongyue's obedience.

Mrs. Musk dressed up and went out, which was considered the last paralysis to City Lord Moye.

Yun Zhonghe always holds an iron box.

This is the box containing the secret agreement, also provided by the Mo family, with a seal on it.

Of course, the seal has actually been changed.

This seal alone is not simple. The complex lines on it are comparable to those of banknotes.

Moreover, the patterns of several seals still match each other, and there are hidden patterns inside.

In short, this seal is extremely difficult to forge and is even completely impossible to forge in this world.

But...for Leonardo No. 23, it was completely effortless.

Are you ready? Jing Zhongyue asked, looking at the box in Yun Zhonghe's arms.

Yun Zhonghe smiled and said: Everything is ready, let's wait for tomorrow's gorgeous performance. I guarantee that Mr. Mo will taste the feeling of falling from heaven to hell.


From Split Wind City to Silver Territory, it is only about a hundred miles.

On the night of May 18th, a thousand cavalry led by Jing Zhongyue had already stationed themselves in Baiyin Territory.

The Silver Collar Castle is very large, almost no smaller than the City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, many envoys from the princes in Borderlands, and even the princes themselves, had already arrived.

There were hundreds of people, it was really a big scene.

These people were all invited by the Mo family to witness the handover ceremony tomorrow.

The Mo family built such a grand scene and invited so many princes from the Borderlands to come, so that people could witness the Mo family reaching the pinnacle of glory.

The result was hell.

Tomorrow will definitely be extremely exciting.


After one night.

On May 19th, this historic moment officially arrived.


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