Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 53 Flying over the Four Peaks

At this time, Li Yan was flying in the air. To be precise, Li Wuyi was flying in the air with him.

Li Yan looked curiously at the magical instrument shaped like a letter at his feet. The scenery below slowly became smaller, and then quickly swept back.

After the two of them came out of the house, Li Wuyi took out a small thing that looked like a slip, shook it toward the control, and whispered a few words. The thing swelled in the wind, and instantly grew to a size of two or three feet.

Only after the foundation building stage can monks be able to fly in the air without relying on anything. Disciples in the Qi Condensation stage can only fly with the help of flying artifacts such as spiritual weapons, spiritual treasures, and magic weapons, but they often have flying spiritual weapons. Not bad.

Li Wuyi had reached the foundation building stage early, and he was still in the late stage of foundation building. Of course, he could fly without any problems, and his speed was also quite fast. But now that he was carrying Li Yan, he couldn't carry him on his back or fly alone, so he took it out for a long time. Unused flying magic weapon.

He planned to take Li Yan to Laojun Peak to collect the entry-level items, and then return to Xiaozhu Peak to meet the master. But now that he had brought Li Yan out, he simply asked Li Yan to get an overview of the features of the sect's peaks.

The peak they were on just now was "Lingchong Peak", which was the peak belonging to the monk surnamed Yu who took Li Yan to the sect. They circled around the mountainside of this peak. According to Li Wuyi, he was at the top of the mountain. If you can't fly up there, there is a restricted airspace there, and only Master and the others can fly in.

Li Yan watched the cranes, peacocks and unknown spiritual birds flying around him from time to time, and then looked at the eaves and tiles, hills and bridges, and the tinkling springs on the mountains below. This was a sight he had never dreamed of. .

Li Yan saw a lot of people coming in and out of different places on Lingchong Peak, and they seemed to turn a blind eye to the two people in the sky. They were all like Li Wuyi, basically wearing dark green robes, with only a few individual costumes. Different people.

Some people were riding on a fierce beast covered in scales like a crocodile. The crocodile-like beast watched Li Yan and the others flying overhead, raised its huge head, and stared at the sky with its protruding small eyes. , letting out bursts of roars, shaking its head and tail.

There was also a toad with black bumps all over its body squatting on someone's shoulder. It kept opening its mouth to spit out mucus, which was about to drip on the person's clothes. It stretched out its long tongue and rolled the mucus back into its mouth.

Another person had several colorful centipedes emerge from the mouth of his robe, then criss-cross and wander around on his body. From time to time, they burrowed into his collar and submerged themselves into his clothes. The next moment, they might emerge again from the gaps in his robe or trouser legs at his waist. Take a walk.

There is also an enchanting woman with an exquisite green snake hanging from her earlobe. From time to time she raises her head and vomits her heart out. This woman will occasionally use her jade hands to bring the green snake head to her mouth and kiss it.

Seeing these things, Li Yan's scalp was numb and his body felt chilly. He thought to himself, "Isn't Xiaozhufeng practicing such a perverted and disgusting way?" Thinking of this, he felt like there were thousands of insects crawling on his body.

Li Wuyi looked at Li Yan's expression of eating a fly and chuckled, "Junior brother, the name of this peak is 'Spiritual Insect Peak'. What they major in is raising various spiritual insects and beasts in the world. Humans and animals complement each other and have great attack power." Far from being comparable to people of the same rank.”

"Spirit insects, spirit beasts? They look full of spirit. These are poisonous insects and ferocious beasts, right?" Li Yan cursed in his heart, but when he saw that the senior brother was still looking at him with a smile on his face, It’s hard to tell directly. Looking at his senior brother's face, Li Yan suddenly looked suspicious, as if he was remembering something.

"What's wrong? Junior brother, why are you looking at Brother Wei like this?" Li Wuyi saw Li Yan's expression. Why did he seem to be like those below?


Like a monster, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Well, senior brother, don't be offended. I suddenly remembered what you said before. Are you seventy-four this year?"

Li Yan just saw this senior brother looking at him with a warm smile. Looking at the face that looked a few years older than him, he remembered what Li Wuyi said when he enlightened him before, and finally couldn't hold it back. The curiosity in my heart is that I am seventy-four years old. That is seventy-four years old. In the village, he is an octogenarian. It is difficult to walk. He can't tell where to sit and he can't get up again.

"Haha, what should I do? Of course it is. Senior brother, I joined the Demon Sect when I was ten years old. After establishing the foundation at the age of nineteen, I followed the master. Unfortunately, it has been decades and I am still in the late stage of foundation establishment. Alas , Ashamed and ashamed. " Speaking of this, Li Wuyi didn't feel anything wrong, but he was full of emotions in the following words. He still has more than a hundred years. If he can no longer form the golden elixir, he will only enter the path of reincarnation. .

Speaking of which, more than a hundred years seems like a long time, but for them, it may be just a few retreats.

Of course, Li Yan didn't know what he was thinking. At this moment, there was a wave of confusion in his heart: "Are immortal cultivators really so powerful? Among mortals, living to be sixty years old is already a long life, but immortal cultivators are still in their youth at sixty or seventy years old. Young." He couldn't help but have some expectations for himself in the future.

What Li Yan didn't notice was that his heart was undergoing transformation.

In addition, he also ignored another piece of information in Li Wuyi's words. He succeeded in building the foundation in nine years. It can be said that it was not Li Yan's ignorance, but his ignorance. He did not understand what eight years of foundation building meant. Then It is not an exaggeration to say that one is a proud man of heaven. Generally, a cultivator who can successfully build a foundation within thirty years is regarded as outstanding. If a person can successfully build a foundation after being over thirty years old, this person generally has no hope of condensing the golden elixir in this life. Unless there is a special opportunity, each level before, during, and after foundation building is hundreds of times more difficult than advancing to the next level during the Qi Condensation stage. There are many monks who stay in the early stage of foundation building for their whole life.

While they were talking, the two of them had already flown away from Spirit Insect Peak, flying forward for hundreds of miles. A huge yellow mountain peak appeared in front of them. It was also as high as the clouds, and the depth was unknown. Flying closer, I realized that these yellow and misty colors are a layer of mist-like clouds. They surround the mountain in layers, but they are like a pair of tight clothes that only wrap around the huge mountain peaks but do not spread outwards. It makes it difficult for people to see clearly the situation on this mountain.

"This is the Four Elephant Peaks. The brothers and elders here are masters of formations. The layer of yellow mist you see is their peak-protecting formation. This fog is changing every moment, and there are more than just changes. The appearance, as well as the poison inside, will produce one thousand and eighty different poisons every quarter of an hour. The combinations can continue to change within twelve hours and will not be repeated. The next twelve hours, the arrangement of these poisons will be rearranged. Disrupt the order.

Each poison here will have a chain reaction with other poisons that appear at the same time. As for what kind of reaction it is, it is hard to say. Maybe the poison you plant can be relieved by another poison nearby, but another poison , may be the product of the combination of the previous poison and other poisons. There are various possibilities for people to be poisoned in the formation, which makes it difficult to guard against. We just need to go around here. If the junior brother is interested in the future, he can also get the mark of entering the peak through the master. It’s just that the senior brothers and uncles here have a weird temper. Haha, you should be careful what you say when you enter, otherwise A little trouble is

Food is inevitable. "

After Li Yan heard Li Wuyi's words, he was surprised and sighed in his heart, but he didn't care too much. The reason why he was amazed was that he had just calculated in his mind that there were one thousand and eighty poisons in a quarter of an hour, and it would not be repeated in twelve hours. How many kinds of strange poisons in the world had the Demon Sect researched? He couldn't help but sigh that this was passed down from ancient times. The foundation of Xianmen is profound and powerful. What he didn't care about was that after listening to his elder brother's words, he had no intention of coming to this peak in the future. If he entered or exited accidentally, he would suffer a lot. If he was careless, it was not impossible that he would die. Besides, he didn't even know that he would die. I didn't think about learning any formation methods, so why did I come here?

After circling like this, they flew away again and flew to the opposite side. After about a cup of tea, a huge gray mountain peak appeared in front of them. This peak was not covered by fog or the like, but above the peak was You can see very clearly that there are densely packed tall plants growing on the mountain, which look like sharp swords and are about four or five feet high. Most of them form a cluster of more than a dozen and point straight to the sky. There are also branches between the root clusters. Only less than two feet apart, each sword-shaped object was like a fairy stick filled with gray-black juice. The whole mountain was densely covered with bushes, like a huge hedgehog, which made Li Yan tremble.

"Could it be that the sect I worshiped not only sounds like an evil cultivator, but also the place where I live and practice is so abnormal?" Thinking about the several mountain peaks I have seen, they are either infested with poisonous insects or beasts of all sizes. Thousands of poisons are densely intertwined in the mist, or there is a strange gray-black hedgehog-like mountain peak in front of you. Needless to say, these sword-shaped plants are not good things.

"This is Buli Peak. The main purpose here is to cultivate Gu into immortality. The plants on this mountain are the favorite habitats of most Gu insects, so we don't want to get too close, otherwise we will be disturbed, and then we will die. There are all kinds of unknown poisonous insects flying from these Euphorbia swords. Some of these poisonous insects will directly attach to the human skin and suck the flesh and blood of the human body. For ordinary monks in the Qi Condensation stage, it is estimated that there are only four or five of them. Attached to the skin, after three or four breaths, only a skeleton is left to support the skin; some penetrate into the body through the eyes, ears, and nose acupoints, eating the internal organs from the inside, and in the end there are no bones left, maybe only A piece of human skin floating in the wind; of course, some Gu insects are latent. After sneaking into the body, they either stay in the heart, or crawl into the brain, and either slowly devour the heart blood, or slowly devour the brain. What I said, brother, are also These are just the common ones. These madmen have cultivated countless kinds of poisonous poisonous insects. I have been in the sect for decades and have been to the Four Elephant Peaks more than ten times more than this. I just don’t want to come here. , ahem.”

Speaking of this, Li Wuyi's handsome face also twitched, as if he remembered something.

"As long as you know, let's go." After saying that, Li Wuyi didn't wait for Li Yan's answer, and drove away with his magic weapon. After hearing these words, Li Yan wanted to stay here, but he wanted to leave a long time ago. .

Just as Li Wuyi flew away, many people saw the flying thing among the sword-shaped plants. At the roots of a cluster of plants, a beautiful woman in red, about twenty-eight years old, sat cross-legged and looked at the flying object. Li Wuyi let out a light sigh as he left.

"Hey, the magic weapon just now seems to belong to that boy Li Wuyi. Who is the other person above? Why did he leave after half a circle here? I still want to have a drink with him and write poems."

She pondered for a moment, "Forget it, I'll go find him in a few days. This little guy is almost ready." She had a hot figure, tall breasts, and was dressed in red. Then she looked at the stripe in the palms of her two hands. like


The thin line was faintly visible, and then he closed his beautiful eyes and pressed a pair of jade hands on the plant again.

Li Wuyi seemed to sense something while flying, and the magic power surged under his feet. The speed of the flying magic weapon suddenly soared, and it suddenly shot out like an arrow from a string. This move made Li Yan next to him feel uncomfortable. After taking a few glances, I found that since I met this senior brother today, he has always been easy-going and calm in situations, but why suddenly he seemed to have lost his elegance and became anxious.

Of course, Li Wuyi also noticed Li Yan's gaze. He pretended not to notice and looked straight ahead.

"Junior brother, in front of you is Laojun Peak. This is also the place where our sect mainly handles daily affairs. The head master also lives on this peak. Deacon hall, mission hall, sect teaching, competitions, etc. are all here. Peak held.”

Under Li Wuyi's mad spiritual power, and with only about half a cup of tea, they came to Laojun Peak, the main peak of the Pixie Sect. On the way, Li Wuyi also introduced Laojun Peak to Li Yan. status.

Except for Xiaozhu Peak, each peak has its own law enforcement hall, but like the Kung Fu Secret Book Collection Pavilion, each peak is managed by itself. Firstly, the attributes of cultivating immortals in each peak are different, and each peak has its own main attack attribute. Each peak manages its own corresponding exercises. Of course, those common exercises are available in the collection pavilion of each peak. Secondly, disciples from other peaks are not unable to borrow books from other peaks' collection pavilions, but the borrowing fee is higher. It’s just a lot more than at this peak. There is no doubt about this. After all, they belong to the same sect, and there are several people with a single Holy Spirit root. It is normal for them to learn other attribute techniques.

In addition to the above points, Laojunfeng also has an additional Deacon Hall, which is dedicated to handling external affairs and various sect affairs. For example, the purpose of Li Yan's trip is to receive entry-level items.

Other sermons, such as monthly sermons, are also held at this peak. Each peak will send masters from different foundation-building stages to give lectures, so that a group of disciples can learn and comprehend here. Sometimes even golden elixir majors will Every time I come here to give a sermon, the place is full of heads and figures are constantly moving in the sky.

There are other competitions that are held every five years from the middle to the middle stage of foundation building on each peak, and competitions from the middle to the late stage of foundation building that are held once every ten years. All these things are held at this peak.

The head of the sect is also the master of this peak, and is also a first-level alchemy master. However, the alchemy of their sect is not just the same alchemy master as other sects on the surface. The alchemy of other sects is the true meaning of furnace refining. Immortals, these elixirs are basically elixirs that help with spiritual practice, aid in upgrading, detoxify, or extend life, cure diseases and save lives, etc. Generally speaking, most of them are beneficial to the human body.

In addition to refining the above-mentioned elixirs, the Laojun Peak of the Shou Sect is most famous, or infamous, for refining various highly toxic elixirs, powders, colorless and odorless gases, and even Plague species that can spread over large areas.

Li Yan looked at the Deacon Hall in front of him, then looked at the surrounding buildings and the people coming and going. He felt better. He felt that this was what a normal sect should look like. At least the people here were normal, although occasionally There were people who came with poisonous insects and ferocious beasts, but they were restrained several times. Even those ferocious beasts that came with them were made to look down upon by the monks using unknown methods. But these peaks had one thing in common. Li Yan felt that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was so abundant here that he felt so comfortable that he wanted to moan a few times with every breath he took.

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