Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 86: The Battle for Foundation Establishment

Li Yan sat cross-legged in the training room. At this moment, the foundation building competition has ended after four days. In five days, it will be the day of the Qi Condensation Stage competition. These five days are to summarize the study time for the Qi Condensation Stage disciples who are observing the Foundation Building Competition. The foundation monk recovered from injuries sustained during the game.

Li Yan thought of watching the foundation-building masters' competitions in the past few days and couldn't help but sigh. No wonder each battle platform is fifty miles long. Even if there is a protective mask outside each battle platform, the fighting inside is earth-shattering. The protective mask is covered by The blue light flashed wildly from the blows, and the battle stage had to be repaired many times every day before the game could continue.

In this competition, he saw the ferocity and restraint of Sixth Senior Sister. When attacking, this cold and charming senior sister preferred to use physical training methods to fight face to face, often knocking her opponent unconscious in just a few encounters. When the more cunning monks first entered the battlefield, they would often deliberately distance themselves by more than ten miles and carry out long-range magic attacks. Gong Chenying would either stop or move to arrange formations, which made Li Yan see On the other side of this senior sister, Bu's formations can be said to be ever-changing, and the opponent will often enter the formation while moving unknowingly. In the later stage, he was drawn into a group with Chu Weili of Sixiang Peak, and the two faced each other in formation. The formation was broken and the fight was really exciting. In the end, Chu Weili won the battle with a slightly higher formation and half a chip. This was also the case when Gong Chenying did not use other magical skills. Otherwise, it would be really hard to say. In that battle, Gong Chenying clearly wanted to win with the formation. burden.

However, Gong Chenying was not drawn to play against Wang Tian, ​​which made her look at Wang Tian even more unkindly. After all, this competition only played five games per person in a round, and it ended with the forty-ninth place, and the previous The forty-nine did not continue to compete for rankings, which also made many disciples express dissatisfaction. However, the sect obviously did not want to damage the personnel before the secret realm picking in a few months. After all, the competition for rankings would only become more intense.

What surprised Li Yan at the same time was Zhao Min. She actually used the same fighting style as Gong Chenying, the same fierce close combat. He didn't expect that the slim-looking girl could be so violent. The same way she approached the stage quickly, followed by a storm of attacks. People who were not familiar with her were easily confused by her handsome and frail appearance. If someone is far away from her, Zhao Min will release two kinds of strange poisonous insects. One is good at concealing its aura, approaching the opponent silently and then delivering a fatal blow. There don't seem to be many of these poisonous insects, Li Yan Just watch her release three or four, each with the eighth or ninth level of Qi Condensation Stage. Their attacks are also extremely fast. They often attack people's faces, necks and exposed arms. One bite may cause death, but it's okay. Zhao Min can control it freely. As soon as the poisonous insects touch her opponent's skin, she will stop attacking and just look at her opponent coldly. The opponent will sweat profusely when he sees the poisonous insects sucked on her face, neck or arms. Drenched, just admit defeat.

There is also a kind of Gu insect that is good at combining formations and attacking in groups. It likes to eat flesh and blood, burrowing into the body and eating from the inside out. This kind of Gu insect aura is only about the fifth level of the Qi Condensation stage, but there are so many of them that it can be said to be overwhelming and dense, making people feel chilly in their hearts just looking at them. Li Yan only saw Zhao Min release it once. He stayed away from his opponent and just circled his opponent from a distance. Obviously, she couldn't control such a large number of Gu insects at will.

Both of them entered the forty-nine. The second senior brother Wei Chituo passed all the way and met Gan Shi from Sixiang Peak in the last round. The battle was very fierce. Both of them were in the late stage of foundation building. Realm, the fight was evenly matched. In the end, Gan Shi used his body to form a small formation and trapped Wei Chituo. After half an hour, Wei Chituo was unable to escape and had to admit defeat.


But he also made it into the top forty-nine.

Yun Chunwen met Li Changting at the beginning, and was defeated by Li Changting in the first game, which made his face even more gloomy. After all, Li Changting was the senior sister of Buli Feng, and she was only one step away from reaching the fake elixir realm. Coupled with the astonishing art of controlling poison, Yun Chun's defeat was not unjust. Later in the process, he met disciples from other peaks. With his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building, he lost another game and tied three. In the competition, I ended up in the top 49, but my results were probably at the bottom.

Li Changting passed the test easily. Even when he met Sixiangfeng Ganshi, who was good at formations, he was overwhelmed by her overwhelming cloud of insects. With his current magic power, he could not set up a large formation of dozens of miles. Even if Li Changting was trapped in Within the formation, he also had to face the boundless cloud of insects, because as soon as Li Changting entered the battle arena, large clouds of insects were scattered in all four corners. Li Yan saw the powerful spiritual consciousness and Gu insects of the senior sister Buli Feng. Covering a wide range of areas.

Miao Wangqing only made it to the second round before losing three games in a row and was eliminated.

However, Wen Xinliang reached the fifth round with his early foundation-building skills, but was still eliminated. He gave Li Yan the impression of being ruthless, and his use of poison had reached a certain level. He could use various opportunities to quietly attack He gave his opponent a fatal blow, but due to his realm issues, he finally met several late-stage foundation builders two or three in succession. The realms were so different that he knew he was full of tricks and was ultimately defeated.

He also figured it out. When facing the first late-stage foundation-building monk, he used the Wind Blade Technique to hide the poison of "Latent Qin". The opponent easily evaded the Wind Blade Technique he used, but the Wind Blade Technique passed through. However, the space was already filled with the smell of "lurking qin". The man accidentally took a breath and fell to the ground a moment later, causing the boat to capsize in the gutter. Seeing this, the remaining masters in the late stage of foundation building noticed him. When they drew him again, they no longer gave him any chance to make a comeback and were eliminated after losing a few games.

But Wen Xinliang still had a battle before him, which made everyone in Xiaozhu Peak feel happy. In the fourth round, he drew Zuo Shengyan from Lingchong Peak, who was Wang Tian's Taoist companion. Li Yan had seen it before This person was hit by Wang Tian's consciousness at one glance and almost lay in bed for several days. In the fourth round, Zuo Shengyan met two strong players one after another, one in the late stage of foundation building and one at the peak of mid-stage foundation building. What depressed her was that one of these two was Chu Weixiong, a master of formations, and the other was also from Spirit Insect Peak. As a mid-term master, she originally relied on the Black Wood Scorpion, which gave her a powerful fighting force, and her journey was very smooth. However, she encountered Chu Weixiong in the first game of the fifth round. As soon as she entered the battle, she was trapped by Chu Weixiong. She and The Black Wood Scorpion was unable to get out even after attacking for a long time, so she had to admit defeat. Later, she met a senior brother who was also from Spirit Insect Peak. They were all familiar with each other, but the realm of the human spirit beast was a small realm higher than hers. Coupled with the fact that her talent restrained her spiritual beast, Zuo Shengyan was defeated in the end. By the third game of the fifth round, Zuo Shengyan was already very depressed. Seeing that it was Wen Xinliang, an opponent in the early stage of foundation building, she couldn't help but She wanted to take out the depression caused by successive failures on this person. She was in the middle stage of foundation building, and coupled with a powerful monster at the eighth level of Qi Condensation stage, it was a crushing force no matter what, but she was still careless. Wen Xinliang knew the gap between the two of them, and also knew the power of the venom of the Black Wood Scorpion. As soon as he entered the battle stage, he distanced himself and kept fighting, allowing Zuo Shengyan to encircle him several times without success. Her face turned pale, and her fair belly was naked.

The two exposed scorpions trembled for a while, as if they were about to escape from the body. Unexpectedly, Wen Xinliang was so slippery and difficult to fight. Time passed like this little by little. Zuo Shengyan was already a little arrogant, and she had not been able to do so for such a long time. After winning a foundation building in the early stage, Wen Xinliang couldn't help but feel restless. Wen Xinliang seized the opportunity. When the opponent Black Wood Scorpion sprayed venom again at close range, he strangely released "Two-Headed Fly" powder and spread it on the ground in a thin layer. , but it matched the stone patterns on the countertop without observing it carefully. As a monster, the Black Wood Scorpion seemed to be aware of it. Without waiting for its hissing reminder, Zuo Shengyan stepped into the range. When she felt something bad, she didn't have time to do it. After taking out the antidote, he was already spinning and falling to the ground. Without the support of its master, the Black Wood Scorpion was only in the Qi Condensation Stage. If it was also the Foundation Establishment Stage, Wen Xinliang would be unable to withstand it, and was restrained by Wen Xinliang after a few rounds.

When Zuo Shengyan woke up, she found out about the situation and was filled with anger towards Wen Xinliang. It turned out that she had very little clothing to begin with. When she fell to the ground, due to the powerful medicinal properties of the "two-headed fly", her limbs twitched and spread involuntarily. , that quiet, white body, many places that should not have been exposed, have already leaked a lot of beauty. Fortunately, the elder supervisor discovered it early, waved her out and took the antidote. When Wang Tian found out about this, he became even more furious. He looked at Xiaozhufeng and the others fiercely from time to time, but he never got anyone from Xiaozhufeng, so he turned his anger on the other opponents, causing them to complain endlessly.

Zuo Shengyan was also eliminated from this battle. This also made the rest of Xiaozhufeng look at Wen Xinliang with evil intentions and unkindness. The unkindness was the eyes of the three female cultivators. Wen Xinliang was frightened and quickly explained that it turned out that he was forced to panic. At that time, he only thought of using a poison that would be difficult for opponents to detect and that was powerful. However, no matter how he explained it, Miao Wangqing and Gong Chen Ying just looked at him coldly, not believing it. Although the female nephew behind him did not dare to show it, her eyes also showed fear, as if the fifth uncle was a twisted person.

Compared to these three female cultivators, the remaining male cultivators looked strange.

Lin Daqiao was eliminated in the first round of the competition. He only fought four games. In the second game, he won against Sixiangfeng, who was also a monk who had just established the foundation. He lost in the other three games, which also made him sigh with emotion. , as expected, the strength is too weak.

After this, only Wei Chituo, Yun Chunqu, and Gong Chenying entered the top 49 in Xiaozhu Peak, and the rest were eliminated. Moreover, Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao were both injured. Wen Xinliang was ranked fifth. The wheel annoyed a late-stage foundation-building monk, so he dealt a heavy hand to him, causing Wen Xinliang's internal organs to be injured. Fortunately, these were painful for the monk at the time, and the treatment was quick. Lin Daqiao was injured. The poison turned a thin person into a "fat" person. It took four days after taking the antidote to return to normal. During these four days, he spent every day humming in a low voice and could not sleep all night.

In the past few days, Li Yan, in addition to paying attention to the competitions of Senior Brother and Senior Sister Xiao Zhufeng, has been more focused on memorizing each person's attack characteristics, techniques for using immortal arts, etc. In the past four days, he has benefited a lot, including battle methods, poison paths, and types of monsters. With a new understanding of talents and skills, this kind of foundation-building competition, Lin Daqiao said, has not been seen in subordinate immortal sects for decades. The foundation-building immortal cultivators in subordinate immortal sects are all elders of the sect. He will not take action easily. If he takes action, he may be separated from others by life and death. This is why the large sects have a deep foundation. Low-level disciples have the opportunity to watch the masters compete to gain experience and gain knowledge, while the masters hone their skills through competitions and make them more practical.



br\u003e Li Yan closed his eyes and thought carefully about what he had seen and heard these days, refining the methods and techniques he could use now.

He must seize the time. He has basically no actual combat experience, and there are so many things he needs to know, and there are so many things at once. At this time, the white light on his waist flashed, and Li Yan frowned. He didn't want anything to happen at this time. The competition was coming in five days. Time was running out, but his consciousness still sank into the token. The next moment, his expression changed. stagnation.

It turned out to be a message from Li Wuyi. He said that he had arranged this five-day assault training for Li Yan, that is, the senior brothers and sisters would take turns giving him tricks. Li Yan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Such treatment made him Knowing how precious it is, most immortal cultivators will only have someone to teach them when their master is happy, or when they are the closest direct descendant, and it is only an occasional matter. It is extremely rare for seven people like him to take turns to teach them. If his disciples knew about it, they would be extremely red-eyed.

Five days passed by in the blink of an eye, but Li Yan knew what it means to spend the day like a year. Everyone who fought with him would use his attacks at will in the early stage, and then give comments, and then suppress Xiu and Li. Yan Xiang and others began to attack each other. This was the beginning of Li Yan's life in hell. No matter how much he suppressed his cultivation, he was still a foundation-building monk. No matter in terms of vision or understanding of immortal arts, he could not compare with him.

He never imagined that the humble and polite senior brother would be so vicious, which made Li Yan feel that Li Wuyi was a hypocrite now that he saw him. Fourth Senior Sister changed her slender image and let Li Yan know that even a foundation-building monk who is not good at fighting is still a foundation-building monk after all, and he was tortured to the point of being burnt on the inside and tender on the outside. The third senior brother's ghostly attack made Li Yan feel so traumatized that he felt like he was going crazy. The second senior brother's violent attack made Li Yan unable to distinguish between north and south, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. The Seventh Senior Sister's formation made Li Yan full of illusions and lost his mind. When he saw Gong Chenying again, it felt like his own thoughts had been seen through. Even Lin Daqiao let Li Yan know the difference between the initial foundation building stage and the Qi condensation stage. The mixed attack of immortal magic and poisonous magic made Li Yan careless about his head and buttocks.

Li Yan was confused for five days, but he kept insisting. A senior brother went down, and a senior sister came up. He was standing there, but his movements were stiff. A senior sister went down, and another senior brother came up. He was still standing. No, it's just a bruise on the nose and a swollen face...

However, Li Yan's performance surprised several people. When they confirmed each other in private, they found that Li Yan not only showed some strange behaviors when he was feeding moves, but no matter what kind of poison was in Li Yan's body, Li Yan would not wait for them to release the antidote. The symptoms will begin to relieve themselves, and he will slowly return to normal after a period of time. Although this process is very slow, he is recovering on his own, and if the poison he let go is used on him next time, the effect will be at least worse. Going one step further means that his antibodies are increasing.

In order to deal with them, Li Yan had to do his best every time, so that they all discovered that Li Yan was actually at the late seventh level of the realm-increasing Qi Condensation stage. This kind of hidden strength is very common in the world of immortality, but this is just They were surprised that they couldn't see it, but no one asked how Li Yan hid it. Maybe it had something to do with the poisonous body. But what surprised them was Li Yan's profound magic power, which was at least as powerful as the initial level of the ninth level of the Qi Condensation Stage. Of course they could see that this was either the result of hidden growth, or a pure condensation of magic power.

They really felt that they couldn't see through this little junior brother.

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