Five-star talent! I'm determined to hire this employee!

Chapter 30 I'll just beg you to show me!

The big man was stunned for a moment, but now he became shrewd: "No, it's worth the money!" Although he is usually stupid, he will not lose his temper at critical moments!

He thought for a moment and added.

"I didn't call you a fool."

"Oh? Then who is your name?"

"Me!" Song Jiang responded, looking into Brother Qian's shocked and disbelieving eyes.

"You two are playing tricks on me??"

"No, no!" Song Jiang insisted, and Brother Qian raised his arms: "I heard it just now, you also called me a fool, right?"

"How can you think of yourself like this!" Song Jiang said sadly: "Brother Qian! I have always been your fan! I don't allow you to say that about yourself!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

"I was laughing so hard! This show is so effective!"

"Damn! This boss is so interesting!"

Amid the laughter, Brother Qian covered his chest and said, "As fans, you don't want to seek justice for me!"

"Fairness! Fairness guaranteed!!" Song Jiang, who thought he was talking to him, quickly stretched out his hand, "Whether this thing is worth it, you will know if you come with me!!"

As he spoke, he took Brother Qian to the innermost device. Different from other devices that were not running, only this one was paused. There was a computer desk next to it. The complex software on it did not exit and maintained the homepage mode.

"Your 660,000 package includes customized services + master session!"

"Customized service? Exclusive session for masters, sounds like it."

"I guarantee you'll be satisfied! Okay, let's take off our clothes."


Brother Qian froze on the spot and looked at the opposite side in shock.

"What are you taking off?"





Hearing the sound, all the audience laughed like crazy, clutching their stomachs and twitching on the bed.

Damn it’s so funny! !

Brother Qian swallowed and looked at the clean-looking man in front of him: "Actually, I don't like men."

"Me too." Song Jiang's mouth twitched, "Okay, take it off quickly, I will customize a special mattress based on your body sample!"

"Oh oh oh! I told you earlier!!"

Brother Qian neatly took off his shirt and took it off halfway, pretending to be shy: "You won't be reported~"



"Ugly men tend to do mischief!"

Brother Qian's mouth twitched and he pulled off his clothes, revealing his belly.

"Old Liu! Come here!" Song Jiang shouted quickly, and soon an old man ran over.

He first observed Brother Qian curiously, he was the one who had been taken advantage of!

He quickly took out the marker from the animal.

"You lie down on the mattress first, and I'll draw a point map for you!"

The man quickly lay down on the mattress, "My family, this mattress is quite warm!" The cold tip of the pen was pointed at his skin as he spoke.

Outlined inch by inch.

At first, some people joked that I was hard.

Later, as the acupoint pattern became more and more detailed.

"Damn it! This old man has some skills!!"

"Awesome! He's professional!!"

“Can someone tell me what this painting is for??”

"What does it have to do with the mattress?"

In confusion, the old man breathed a sigh of relief and capped his pen.

"Okay, I'll call Old Li Tou!"

Soon another old man came over, glanced at his back with squinted eyes, and then walked to the machine clearly.

As the expanded latex mattress slowly rises from the machine, the light yellow acupuncture points are filled into the designated positions one by one, and the human-shaped contour grooves are outlined.

Half an hour later——

"It's done!"

"Lie down and try it!"

"Anchor, lie down! What an amazing mattress!!"

"Damn it, this is the first time I've seen a mattress look like this! It's interesting!"

In his anxiety, Brother Qian aimed at his human silhouette and carefully lay down. The moment of comfort made him make a sound.


The suspended waist caused by the forward tilt of the pelvis is tightly attached, and a thin layer of height is added under the knees. What's more important is that the soothing acupuncture points are firmly facing each other.

The thin feeling is not too obvious.

It's like returning to the amniotic fluid of infancy.

Slowly his eyelids became heavier and heavier.


Heavy snoring sounded, the audience in the live broadcast room was quiet for a moment, and the barrage refreshed like crazy!

"Holy crap! Are you asleep?!"

"Damn! Brother Qian has always said that he has insomnia!"

"You can fall asleep as soon as you lie down. Good news for insomniacs!"

"No way! My heart is beating!!"

"Me too, wuwuwu, but 660,000 is really too expensive!! I can't afford it, I can't afford it at all!!"

“I used to say it wasn’t worth it, but now I think it’s worth it!!”

"So our country in China is not as good as foreign high-end customization! If I have money, I will give it a try!!"

And just when the barrage was refreshing like crazy, Shen Xingyu squatted in the live broadcast room and his heart beat wildly. He simply called Song Jiang.

"Boss! Do you want to link up!!"

Song Jiang was stunned for a moment when he received the call, "Many people have the intention to buy!!! Boss!! Please follow the link!!!"

The bright sound, the audience who heard it at this moment went crazy.

“Up up up up!!!”

Song Jiang seemed to hear it, "Come on!"

"Boss! What's the price?!"


Song Jiang looked at Brother Qian's camera and took a deep breath.

"Don't buy 660,000! This time we'll give you a bonus!! Just 66,000!"

He was unsure, but he was trying to keep it together.

"Come on!" He waved his hand: "100 sets!"


In just three seconds, the link just released by the official account had dimmed.

The goods were sold out! !

The number of people online in real time was 30,000, which was terrifying!

"Fuck!!! Sold out!"

Shen Xingyu stood up in shock. Song Jiang stood in front of the camera, his fingers trembling. 66,000 per set was sold out? ? !

And the live broadcast room was still not satisfied at this moment.

The main character was sleeping, and now it was Song Jiang's world!

"Boss! They said it was not enough!!"

"Not enough?" Song Jiang took a breath, "Then come again - 100 sets!"

Another three seconds!

"Boss! It's gone!"

"If it's gone," Song Jiang paused, "It's really gone!"

The slow viewers immediately got red-eyed: "Stop! 100 sets, 100 sets, who can grab them!!"

"Yeah! I haven't even opened the page, damn, which bastards grabbed them!!"

"Brothers, I'm not talented, but I got two sets!"

"Fuck! Give me one!"

In the frantically refreshing barrage, Song Jiang couldn't see what was happening on the virtual network, and could only rely on Shen Xingyu's tone.

The other party was very anxious.

It shows that the audience's enthusiasm is still there!


"Dear viewers! I know it's a pity that you didn't get it, but I want to make it clear that no matter the welfare price of 66,000, you can get the most meticulous customized service when you come to the factory!"

"It's not that I don't sell it! It's Master Shao!"

"I want to ensure that everyone will smile and carry the mattress out!!"

"Also," he raised his head solemnly, "Everyone may be impulsive in the live broadcast room. Within three days, if there are customers who regret or feel that they don't need it, just refund it!"

"Tengqi is a company that considers customers! We focus on all-round care! I also hope that everyone will think carefully and don't buy impulsively!"

After repeated warnings, the barrage was refreshed.

"Boss, you are too good!!"

"Boss, don't worry! I really need this thing! But I really didn't get it, please release another batch!"

"The abacus above is about to collapse on my face!"

"Send me a private message to resell the mattress!"

"Fuck! The scalper is so fast!"

In such a grand occasion, Brother Qian finally woke up. He opened his eyes in a daze and saw a group of smiling faces surrounding him.

"Did you sleep comfortably?" Song Jiang asked, squatting beside him.

"Comfortable, very comfortable!" Brother Qian stretched, "Now I finally know why it is so expensive! Brother, I misunderstood you before, your stuff is really fair!"

"Then I guarantee you will be satisfied," Song Jiang smiled, "We support door-to-door delivery of this stuff, leave me your contact information and address."

"Okay!" Brother Qian nodded in response, turned his head to check the time, and took a nap for about ten minutes, then quickly got up to serve the audience in the live broadcast room.

"I just slept for a while! Don't worry, this stuff is genuine! I didn't get cheated this time, those guys who kept shouting before haven't come out yet!"

"Pa pa slapped in the face!!"

Amid the arrogant laughter, Brother Qian heard the barrage from the headset.

"Brother Qian! The God of Suckers!"

"Thank you Brother Qian for sacrificing yourself for the benefit of you and me!"

"Brother Qian, although you made a lot of money this time, I'm impressed by the quality!"

"What's the point of making a lot of money? I didn't accept any advertisements this time!" Brother Qian was angry: "All major manufacturers, please take a good look in the live broadcast room! Give me advertisements quickly, otherwise I will..." Brother Qian whimpered aggrievedly, "Please show it to you!"

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