The Ferris wheel just reached the highest point, and dusk shone through the glass on the faces of the two.

The orange-yellow light brought a warm but lonely atmosphere.

Subaru Okiya raised his slender fingers and held a ray of light in his palm.


The gas he exhaled when he spoke brought up dust in the air, and the dust danced beautifully in his palm with the seven-color light.

"Maybe, but what if I don't escape?"

The great cause has not been accomplished, and he can only move forward with a heavy burden.

Those owed, when he finishes everything, he will definitely pay them back one by one.

Akino Huixing sat upright, and dusk fell into her black eyes, along with the person opposite.

With her thin lips slightly parted, she slowly spoke: "Escape can't solve any problems, Mr. Subaru."

"What happened in the past is over, at least we can still control what's happening now."

"That's enough."

The Ferris wheel slowly descended, and the dusk light gradually withdrew from the Ferris wheel. The faces of the two became a little blurry, as if covered with a veil.

After a moment of silence, Okiya Subaru clapped his hands gently: "Ms. Huixing said it very well, and I benefited a lot from it."

Akino Huixing smiled slightly: "Mr. Subaru is too kind, Huixing is just speaking from the heart."

The two looked at each other, and neither could see the emotions in the other's eyes.

At this time, a sound of exhaust sounded-the door of the Ferris wheel opened.

Okiya Subaru slightly bent down and made a gesture of invitation to Akino Huixing.

Without saying much, Akino Huixing left the Ferris wheel.

Looking at her back, Okiya Subaru's slightly raised mouth corners gradually lowered, and his squinting eyes also opened.

A pair of dark green eyes stared at the person who was gradually walking away, with a deep gaze.



Akino Cometsu vomited again, she panted and waved her hands at Suzuki Sonoko who was still eager to try: "No... Can't play anymore..."

First the pirate ship, then the roller coaster, and then the bungee jumping machine... Who is a good person to play like this in the amusement park!

Akino Cometsu felt that her intestines were tied up, and she had no strength at all.

"Drink some water first." Okiya Subaru handed over a bottle of opened water from the side.

Akino Cometsu reached out and took it: "Thank you, Mr. Subaru."

She really needs to drink some water now, she feels like she is going to vomit and collapse.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at her in confusion: "Ketsuki, your physical condition is not good."

She patted her chest and Mao Lilan beside her, "Look, we are both fine!"

"Sonoko." Mao Lilan pulled Suzuki Sonoko, "Look at Miss Ketsuki's discomfort, let's send her to the hospital first."

She was indeed careless. Her physical condition has always been good, and Suzuki Sonoko grew up playing with these things. She accidentally ignored Akino Ketsuki's physical condition.

"It's okay." Akino Ketsuki pointed at Okiya Subaru, "Mr. Subaru and I will go back and rest for a while, you continue to play."

Okiya Subaru lifted her up from the chair and frowned and asked: "Really don't need to go to the hospital?"

"No, it's nothing serious, just sleep."

Of course Akino Ketsuki couldn't go to the hospital.

Going to the hospital in the playground? Don't be too embarrassed, okay?

Of course, the main reason was that she felt that it was nothing, just a little stomach discomfort, and now she just wanted to lie down and rest.

"Really don't need to go to the hospital?" Mao Lilan was still a little worried.

"Really not." Akino Huixing tried to smile.

"Well, be careful on the road."

"Well, goodbye."

"Goodbye Sister Huixing, goodbye Mr. Subaru."

"Huixing, let's play together next time!"

Hearing Suzuki Sonoko's invitation, Akino Huixing's body trembled subconsciously, and her steps quickened a little.

What next time, there is no next time.

Looking at her reaction, Okiya Subaru couldn't help but smile, and his steps also quickened a little with her.


Back at the Kudo family, Akino Huixing felt like he had survived a disaster.

After helping her sit on the sofa in the living room, Okiya Subaru turned and went into the kitchen.

After a while, he came out of the kitchen with a cup of water.

"Drink this cup of honey lemon water before going to bed."


She took it obediently and drank the cup of honey lemon water.

She returned the empty cup to Okiya Subaru, and Akino Huixing looked at him with her big eyes blinking: "Can I go upstairs now?"

Okiya Subaru smiled: "Of course, good night, Miss Huixing."

"Good night, Mr. Subaru."

In a blink of an eye, Okiya Subaru was the only one left in the living room.

He sat down on the sofa, pinching his brows with his right hand, and holding the empty glass in his left hand.

After sitting like this for nearly half an hour, the person on the sofa finally moved.

He put the cup in his left hand on the coffee table in front of him and took out the mobile phone in his pocket.

He quickly edited a text message, but stopped just when he was about to press the send button.

He turned his head to look upstairs and moved his finger to the delete key.

He deleted all the previously edited content and edited another text message.

This time, the finger that pressed the send button did not hesitate at all.

After sending the text message, Okiya Subaru threw the phone aside casually, lay on his back on the sofa, and let out a long breath.

After a while, the phone screen lit up and a message popped up: Received!


After washing up, Akino Huixing did not go to bed immediately, but chose to sit down at the desk.

She took out the comic book and pen from her luggage, drew a few boxes and started to write the relationships between the characters.

With Conan as the center, she first drew a tree diagram and wrote down the important relationships between the characters.

When she wrote the words Hattori Heiji, the tip of the pen paused for a moment.

After thinking for a moment, she drew a circle on the name Hattori Heiji.

Circle the key characters.

First finish writing the relationships between Conan, and then change to another page to write the relationships between the characters with Gin as the center.

Between Gin and Akai Shuichi, Akino Huixing's pen stopped for a long time, and finally wrote the word "hatred".

The woman he loved and his brother all died at the hands of Gin, so this word of hatred is probably a little light.

Shaking his head helplessly, Akino Huixing speeded up his writing and completed the character relationship diagram.

Looking at the two character relationship diagrams, she scratched her head.

emmmmm, so complicated.

She wanted to save Gin, but she didn't want to hurt Shuichi Akai.

The reason why she said that on the Ferris wheel today was that she hoped Shuichi Akai would give up the plan of using her to catch Gin.

She took advantage of Shuichi Akai's debt to the dead Miyano Akemi.

She was betting on Shuichi Akai's love.

If she could win the bet, then it would be an ordinary meeting in three days.

If she lost the bet, then even if she gave her life in three days, she would definitely cover Gin's retreat.

She bet on her own life in this bet.

"Shuiichi Akai..." Akino Huixing stroked the name of Subaru Okiya on the paper and murmured: "Don't let me down..."

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