Fog Survival

Chapter 120 50,000 Tree Bee Colonies

No matter how much you say, you won't see it with your own eyes.

Although Qin Zhenjun had been to Qi Yuan's shelter before, he stayed in the living room most of the time and rarely went to the yard.

Now, when he walked into the house and saw the giant green vine thorns more than ten meters high outside the wall, he felt a little dizzy.

Then he saw countless small guard thorns covered with hideous thorns, guarding the entire shelter.

Qin Zhenjun was a little confused for a while, and couldn't help but want to complain about Qi Yuan.

"You are afraid of excellent beasts every day, but I thought you were in danger! I didn't expect you to be the big boss?!"

"How many excellent beasts can be defeated by this big green stick?! Even the golden giant eel can't be its opponent, right?!"

Looking at Qin Zhenjun's speechless expression, Qi Yuan smiled and said, "As for the shelter, it can't be too safe."

Qin Zhenjun shook his head helplessly and said, "If you go out in the future, I will bring Xiaotong to you. It's too dangerous near the shelter. Maybe a beast will come to the door one day."

"No problem."

Qi Yuan nodded and responded, "Just let her come. With the guardian thorns and the black tiger bee colony, ordinary excellent beasts can't get in."

Qin Zhenjun turned around and saw the spacious and safe living space in the fog area. He couldn't help but envy.

"This shelter is the most correct direction of development!" Qin Zhenjun sighed silently in his heart.

After sighing for a while, the two began to do business.

Qi Yuan was curious, after the cold wave ended, whether there were any powerful beasts near his shelter.

As the "Beast Search Scroll" swept the surrounding environment, the situation of the beasts became clear.

Rare beasts, no.

Excellent beasts...

When only excellent beasts were displayed, 8 yellow dots appeared within the range displayed by the scroll!

"How can it be?" Qi Yuan was surprised.

8 yellow dots!

In other words, in addition to the green vine thorns, the black tiger queen bee, Brother Qin, and himself, there were actually 4 excellent beasts near his shelter? !

Qi Yuan couldn't help but feel a chill on his back!

Qin Zhenjun's brows twisted: Xiaotong seemed to be quite safe at home.

The four excellent beasts are far away from the shelter.

They are all within a range of 15-20 kilometers, but Qi Yuan is still very worried.

At the same time, he is a little confused.

These four excellent beasts are all in the same direction of the shelter.

This means that the distance between them is not actually that big.

It is very likely that the straight-line distance is only a few kilometers.

This is a very incredible thing for excellent beasts.

The more powerful the beast, the stronger the concept. Just like the golden giant eel before, near the pool it occupied, there were almost no other excellent beasts within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

The tacit understanding between these powerful beasts is that they will not invade the territory of other beasts at will.

And these four beasts...

Qi Yuan is a little puzzled.

All he can say is that he must be careful in the future.

Qin Zhenjun said in a low voice: "Qi Yuan, it's too dangerous here. Have you considered moving the shelter?"

Qi Yuan's mouth twitched, and said: "The shelter can be moved, but the foggy area cannot be moved!"

This completely occupied foggy area is one of Qi Yuan's most valuable assets.

The planting industry and breeding industry are both in it, and they are responsible for the future development of Qi Yuan. How can we give it up at will?

Qi Yuan sighed and said helplessly: "In the future, I just need to pay more attention to prevention. In any case, my strength is not weak."

"Well, you just need to be mentally prepared."

The situation of excellent beasts suddenly cast a layer of haze on Qi Yuan's good mood.

However, there are no rare beasts, which is a blessing in disguise.

Finally, Qin Zhenjun switched the search range of the scroll to good beasts.

This time, there was no surprise.

Around the shelter, the number of good-level beasts is not too many, just normal.

"Brother Qin, can you see if there are any beehives near the shelter?"

"Let's take a look."

After checking, Qin Zhenjun said, "There should be one, good-level, and there are not many... It's 2 kilometers to the south."

"Do you want to go and take a look?"


The two of them left as soon as they said they would, and headed directly to the south.

The south is not dangerous, just like the location of the shelter, it belongs to the periphery of the forest.

The main reason is that the overall trend of this forest is east-west.

Following the river, the further east you go, the closer you get to the heart of the forest, and the greater the danger.

The two rushed to the south, there was no danger on the road, and the situation was relatively flat.

So they arrived quickly.

But after seeing the appearance of the bees, Qi Yuan was disappointed.

This is a group of tree bees!

"What a pity, there are no black tiger bees!"

Qin Zhenjun comforted: "It's normal, the bee species in different places are different."

Qi Yuan nodded. Anyway, it's better than nothing.

This tree bee colony is very strong, with 25 good-grade bees.

The number of the entire colony has reached more than 30,000, far exceeding any previous colony.

After the bees approached, Qi Yuan found that there were two beehives here, but they were on two nearby trees.

It seems that one beehive cannot accommodate them, so they are divided into two beehives.

However, it is still considered as a whole bee colony.

Considering that the tree bees are not strong, they can be directly decapitated.

Send the black tiger queen bee and 38 good-level black tiger bees to form a spearhead force to suppress the tree bee colony with absolute strength.

Although the number of tree bees is extremely large, their strength is very weak and they can't resist the attack of the black tiger queen bee at all.

Before the ordinary tree bee colonies around them reacted, the black tiger queen bee had already rushed to the hive.

38 good-level black tiger bees surrounded the tree bee nest to prevent the good-level tree bees from escaping.

Only five minutes later, more than 20 tree bees were directly wiped out.

By the way, 7 bronze resource boxes were dropped. The burst rate is not very high, but it is not bad.

This time, Qi Yuan brought the tree bee queen over and let it take over these bee colonies directly.

The bee colony that lost its original queen had fallen into a state of disarray, so it was easy to gather up.

After the liquidation, the total number of tree bees reached more than 35,000, which was more than expected.

If we add the more than 16,000 tree bees in the shelter, the total number of tree bees will exceed 50,000.

Qi Yuan sipped his lips.

Although he said he disliked it, he had to say that the strength of the 50,000 tree bees seemed to be quite strong!

Just say, it smells really good!

Moreover, Qi Yuan judged based on experience.

The larger the base of the bee colony, the greater the probability of finding a good-level tree bee.

In the next period of time, a batch of good-level tree bees may be born.

Looking at the tens of thousands of bee colonies behind Qi Yuan, Qin Zhenjun couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that after the bee colonies have grown to a certain size, their strength is really not weak. I'm so envious."

"Brother Qin, do you want to raise a batch? You have an incubator, so it should be able to grow quickly."

Qi Yuan persuaded.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Zhenjun did not refuse this time and said: "Okay, leave a batch of black tiger bees in the shelter to prevent danger and protect Xiaotong."

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