Fog Survival

Chapter 241 Brother Ji's Ghost Dance

After countless attempts, I gained a new understanding of the details of the "Ling Gathering Spirit Pattern" engraving.

After repeated failures, the success rate of engraving has reached 60%.

The time to carve a Spirit Gathering Spirit Pattern has also been reduced from the initial 6-8 hours to about 4 hours.

At this time, there were 14 spirit-gathering patterns stacked neatly on the wooden table beside him. Adding the one in his hand at this time, there were 15 in total.

"That's right, we have made great progress." Qi Yuan looked at the spirit-gathering pattern on his hand with a smile in his eyes.

Although he was not as excited as when he succeeded for the first time, he was still very satisfied every time he saw the improvement of his skills.

At this time, he had some own insights into the engraving technique and became more comfortable with it.

Picking up the "Ling Gathering Pattern" on the table, Qi Yuan used the teleportation scroll and returned to the shelter.

8 days is considered short, so we need to go back to the shelter to check the situation.

And looking at the time, the special training of Han Dong, Zhang Yuan and others was almost over.

The rare spiritual energy collected by "Ling Gathering Spirit Pattern" also needs to be collected.

놊 passed 놇 Before that, Qi Yuan took the lead to go to the yard and took a look at the big hen.

This perfect-grade colorful plain-feathered chicken has been kept in the yard since it was brought back to the shelter.

He monopolizes the entire excellent-level animal pen every day, eats excellent-level crystal rice, and drinks excellent-level spiritual liquid.

It can be said that everything Qi Yuan can give has been arranged for it.

It is also very docile. It wanders around the yard every day and never runs out on its own.

Logically speaking, it can lay a perfect egg every day.

However, maybe because of the acclimatization, I didn't lay any eggs in the past few days.

"After so many days, I should have laid two or three eggs..."

Qi Yuan murmured to himself as he walked into the animal pen and checked the situation of the chicken coop.

But the next second, he was startled: Damn it, where is my chicken brother? !

Qi Yuan looked around in the animal pen, looking through every corner and corner, but could not find any trace of Brother Chicken.

No eggs! Brother Chicken is gone too!

Qi Yuan quickly took out the communication spirit pattern and contacted Chu Wenxi to inquire about the situation.

"Wenxi, where is Brother Chicken?"

Chu Wenxi looked confused: Brother Chicken? What a chicken! "

Upon hearing this, Qi Yuan became even more anxious: "It's the chicken in the yard!"

"Oh oh oh, we call him Chicken Brother, we all call him Uncle Psy! He can dance the ghost dance!"

Qi Yuan has one head and two big ones.

What the hell? What Uncle Bird? What the hell step dance?

He said helplessly: "In the future, it will be renamed, and it will be called Chicken Brother! By the way, where is he?"

Chu Wenxi answered honestly: "There are a few pests in the planting area. I will bring the bird...chicken brother over for a meal and a walk."


"Oh, by the way, it laid two eggs recently, and I put them in the storage box."

Qi Yuan felt helpless and returned to the warehouse to check, and found two eggs the size of a fist.

The whole body is as white as jade, with a bright luster and a gentle halo. It looks like a work of art.

The only beautiful thing is that there is a yellow dried substance stuck somewhere on the eggshell.

Secretly complaining about Chu Wenxi and Zhou Yue, these two people are extremely serious!

I would rather watch a chicken dance the ghost dance than know how to wipe the eggs clean!

After wiping the two eggs clean, Qi Yuan rode on the giant tiger and rushed to the planting area.

Originally, Qi Yuan rarely came to the planting area, because most of them were good-grade plants and were of great use to him, so he was very satisfied with them.

Only in the rare spiritual field next to the shelter, where an acre of crystal rice is planted, would he occasionally go there and check it out. After all, that was his source of food.

This time I came here, 덿놚 was still worried about Brother Ji’s situation.

As soon as he arrived near the planting area, he saw Zhou Yue walking in the field, holding a big hen behind him and taking a leisurely walk.

From time to time, he would lower his head and pick up a worm in the field.

"Boss Qi, are you here? You haven't been down for a long time. We thought something happened to you!"

Zhou Yue saw Qi Yuan coming and greeted him excitedly, but with one word, Qi Yuan's face darkened.

"Yueyue, if you know how to say hello, please stay as far away as possible!"

Qi Yuan glared at her and said helplessly.

That is to say, he knows this child's character, but if it were another boss, he would have asked her to come to the room in the middle of the night and punished her.

"Why do you ask Brother Chicken to catch insects? Are there many pests in the field?"

Zhou Yue said honestly: "It's okay, the soil quality here is so good, it's inevitable that bugs will breed! But with Brother Chicken, it can be easily controlled."

"Okay, please pay attention to Brother Chicken's safety. He's worth quite a lot, enough to buy thousands of you!"

"Uh...ok boss."

Qi Yuan was leaving when he suddenly heard Brother Chicken chirping, and then Zhou Yue said in surprise: "Boss, Brother Chicken is doing the ghost dance!"

Qi Yuan raised his eyebrows, could it really be that abstract? You can also dance the ghost step.

The next moment, Qi Yuan saw a speechless step.

Cai Ling Su Yu Chicken's body leaned backwards, and the chicken's butt exerted force. Because the center of gravity was stable while exerting force, it caused him to take a few steps back.

Because the eggs were larger and it probably had less experience in laying eggs, it took more than 30 seconds to squeeze out an egg.

During this process, its feet were stunned and it stepped back, and it looked a little weird.

"This... is this ghost dance?!"

Qi Yuan closed his eyes in despair. These two girls have been following him for so long, but they haven't learned his wisdom! !

They are really smart!

He picked up the hot eggs on the ground, ignored Zhou Yue's excited expression, and left without looking back.

He felt so ashamed to have such a member!

The horse stopped and rode the beast puppet tiger to the north.

Five minutes later, Qi Yuan stopped next to a stone.

This is the big pit dug last time, where rare spiritual energy is collected. There is no sign of the stone used for sealing being moved.

It can be clearly felt that the spiritual energy has become extremely thin in the area of ​​several square meters nearby.

And the stone covered, and there was a faint rich rare spiritual energy coming out.

As the stone was removed, a strong spiritual energy rushed towards him, almost condensing into spiritual water droplets.

Qi Yuan hurriedly jumped into the pit, and then covered the stone casually, fearing that the spiritual energy inside would be wasted.

He took out the luminous stone and saw the specific situation of the pit.

In the entire space, a large area of ​​milky white rare spiritual energy was condensed, which was bound by the power of the spiritual pattern and could not be easily left.

Standing in such an environment. Qi Yuan could feel that the pure spiritual energy could even penetrate into the body through the capillaries.

His own spiritual energy was naturally improved.

"Good stuff!"

Qi Yuan hurriedly took out the storage box and absorbed most of the rare spiritual energy in the air.

Through this method, a lot of the scattered spiritual energy could not be collected, so it was wasted a lot.

The resulting pits today, the concentration of spiritual energy is still very high!

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