Fog Survival

Chapter 44 Home Service Scroll!

Chapter 44 껗Door Service Scroll!

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan suddenly figured it out, and his original dissatisfaction disappeared.

Such a powerful spiritual pond will have a very large operating space in the future, providing unlimited flexibility in all directions!

Qi Yuan was very satisfied with the first rare-level reward.

After returning to the house, Qi Yuan took the second scroll, a random resource scroll!

녦As you can imagine, this is most likely a resource-based reward similar to a "spring eye".

The biggest feature of resource rewards is that they can be obtained sustainably in the long term and maintain long-term development.

Following the confirmation, the random resource scroll slowly changed into the shape of a bamboo.

bamboo forest!

This is a rare bamboo forest resource.

[Name: Yunxi Bamboo Forest Resource Scroll (Rare Level)

Work: A rare bamboo forest covering an area of ​​two acres, producing Yunxi bamboo and Yunxi bamboo shoots.

If a large amount is collected at one time, it will affect future production. 】

It's just a scroll, and Qi Yuan doesn't know the details and can't judge its true value.

However, it not only produces Yunxi bamboo, a rare material, but also produces Yunxi bamboo shoots, a rare food. It is also very valuable to think about.

Considering that it is too cold now, if the 뇾 scroll is used now, it will affect the growth of the bamboo forest.

So Qi Yuan accepted it for the time being, planning to use this resource scroll again after the cold snap passed and the weather got warmer.

While Qi Yuan was checking the rewards, the entire chat channel was completely boiling.

The names of all the survivors appear in different colors.

Its very few bright red colors are particularly eye-catching among countless people's names.

Everyone knows that this red color represents the rating of all survivors this time, which has reached the top 10,000.

Among the more than 5 billion survivors, the top 10,000!

What does this mean?

눑 means that these people, 꺳 are the real bosses!

As soon as the ratings were completed, all the red-named survivors were wildly sought after.

"Holy crap! What level of boss is this?! There are 10,000 people in the world!"

"There is actually a famous guy among my friends!!! I haven't noticed yet! No more chatting, I'm going to hug my thigh!"

"Brother, make a friend and let's lick together!"

"I want to lick it too!"

“It’s amazing, I actually know the top 10,000 bosses!”

"I beat my friend to death and he didn't even admit that he was the boss!"

"My friends are all gray. I cry to death!"

"Are there really any red names? Why don't I see any?"

At this time, a red name appeared: "Come on, good brother, is it this color?"




"Boss, boss, boss, look over here!"

"Suck, suck, suck!"

"Lou 껗 what are you doing?!"

"While you are still hesitating, I have already licked you!"

"Damn, brother is so fierce!"

"Hey, there's a purple name here, don't run away, let me lick it a few times!"


"Brothers with famous names, please give me a piece of meat! Thank you!"

"Internet beggar? Thinking of freeloading?"

"Go away and mind your own business! Brother, I have a teleportation talisman from the 녦뀪껗 family!"

"Ahem, let's chat privately!" (red name)

In addition to a large number of dog lickers, there are also many cynical people.

"Everyone, listen to me, this is a global disaster. All of us are victims of the disaster and poor survivors! I propose that the survivors with red and purple names bring the food they have stored. , give it to more people in need!”

"Yes, that's good! Share it!"

"Split it!"

"Split it!"


"Fine you ma*#%+*%"

Such a brainless person. After all, it was still a small number, and they were quickly drowned out by the huge sound of curses.

Qi Yuan was thinking about opening the silver resource box, but was interrupted by a burst of urgent messages.

Didi didi! Didi didi! Didi didi!

Opening the private chat, I found messages from six people.

Except for Gao Hanzhi and Qin Zhenjun, he could no longer remember the other names.

Open the chat channel between Gao Hanzhi and Qin Zhenjun.

I found that Gao Hanzhi's name is green, and the rating should be D, which should be 꿗 and other levels.

But Qin Zhenjun didn't expect it, it was bright red.

Gao Hanzhi: "Hong Ming! Hong Ming! Hong Ming! Qi Yuan, you are a real boss!"

Just by reading the message sent, Qi Yuan could see her surprise.

Gao Hanzhi really found it incredible. Although he knew that Qi Yuan was developing well and was very wealthy, he did not know Qi Yuan's specific strength.

뀪It's only A level at most, 땣getting a purple name is pretty good.

But much to her surprise, as soon as she opened her friends list, she saw an extremely bright red: Qi Yuan!

At this time, she understood that her boss Qi... seemed to be really the big boss!

Qi Yuan replied: "Well, don't get excited, your green name is also very nice."

Gao Hanzhi: "..."

Gao Hanzhi: "What is your reward? Is it good?"

Qi Yuan replied: "It's not bad, two scrolls and two resource boxes."

Gao Hanzhi was stunned: "It sounds quite ordinary. I also have two scrolls and two boxes."

Qi Yuan: "Uh... do you mind talking about it in detail?"

Gao Hanzhi: "Good-level teleportation scroll, good-level wooden basin manufacturing scroll, a wooden resource box, and a bronze resource box. How about it, not bad, right?"

Qi Yuan looked at the melons and dates, secretly thinking that the system was really stingy, but still comforted: "Not bad, the teleportation scroll is still very good."

"What about you?"

Qi Yuan thought about it and answered: "The things are almost the same, just a little higher quality, rare level."

Rare level... Gao Hanzhi was confused and couldn't remember the price for a while.

After five seconds, the brain reacted.

Ordinary level, good level, excellent level, rare level...

Gao Hanzhi slapped his head, embarrassed again! There is a difference of two levels!

Gao Hanzhi: "Is this called almost the same?"

Qi Yuan comforted: "Not only the level, but also the actual value, such as your teleportation scroll, I have never obtained it!"

"Don't fool me, no matter how real it is, it is still good level..." Gao Hanzhi is not stupid, always think Qi Yuan fooled herself.

Qi Yuan didn't care and said with a smile: "Do you want to use the teleportation scroll and come to my house as a guest?"

Gao Hanzhi pursed her lips and didn't answer, but asked: "Do you know that the teleportation scroll has another name... It's called the door-to-door delivery scroll."

Door-to-door delivery service? !

Qi Yuan thought about it carefully and it seemed to be true.

There is a kind of business that has been extremely prosperous and everlasting no matter what time, place, or environment it is in!

That is the flesh trade!

As survivors in the foggy world, everyone has a lot of pressure every day, and it is inevitable to vent their desires.

So the special function of the teleportation scroll has also been developed to the fullest.

However, the teleportation scroll has a big drawback.

Unlike the ally scroll, it restricts two people from hurting each other, but the teleportation scroll has no such restriction.

There have been many examples where women have been teleported and lost both money and sex, but some people have even lost their lives.

Although Gao Hanzhi obtained the teleportation scroll, he certainly didn't dare to use it easily.

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