Fog Survival

Chapter 858 Final Examination

For this situation, just stuff it into the space tree world and use space means to block the remaining breath.

In this way, the traces of the special deed are completely hidden.


The extraordinary space props, plus the golden blood, are extremely powerful.

Using the same method, Qi Yuan hid Yang Zhenghe's special deed · Hurricane and Zhang Zhongyue's special deed · Earth in the same way.

As for the special deed · Life, Yuan Magnetism, Water, Poison, and 꺱, they were all stuffed into the space tree world꿗.

After everything was done, Qi Yuan 꺳 breathed a sigh of relief, and his hanging heart was finally put down.


After tasting the sweetness from Campos, Qi Yuan then 꺗 contacted Achilles.

However, the situation was not very good.

Achilles did not connect to Qi Yuan's communication at all, and had no intention of communicating with Qi Yuan.

This was also completely within Qi Yuan's expectations.

Campos might still believe him, but Achilles would never let Qi Yuan get close to his dying self.

Even if he knew that Qi Yuan had a means of treatment, he didn't believe that Qi Yuan would save him.

Qi Yuan just sneered at this situation and asked the people of the Secret War Bureau and the Ghost Department to monitor the situation of the large gathering place at all times.

With his current strength, Qi Yuan could easily solve the entire super gathering place and take it completely for himself.

But he didn't do it.

On the one hand, he also took into account the people in the large gathering place.

Even if he occupied the large gathering place, it would be impossible to kill everyone, and he would definitely migrate to the new world on a large scale.

However, how could Qi Yuan completely trust these people of Achilles?

So, it would be better to let them continue to lead the large gathering place and let Achilles protect them.

As for who needs it, it would be a piece of cake to kill him directly.

Besides, the large gathering place is there, and it can be monitored at all times, so there will be no unexpected situations.

Especially after Achilles was restricted by the golden blood, the entire large gathering place has become extremely loose.

The ghost department can easily infiltrate it and gradually control it in a more peaceful way.

Attacking the city is inferior, attacking the heart is superior.

Qi Yuan is unwilling to fight again if it can be solved in a more peaceful way.

The same is true for the small world tribe, he also chooses to infiltrate secretly.

Without the seven perfect peak old guys, the tribes in the small world have no threats, and it is completely a back garden.

As long as they completely open the transmission, Qi Yuan can directly try to invade there, and the first time is to occupy there.

However, compared with the chaos and disputes, what the Human Alliance needs now is peaceful development.


During this period, after eliminating all foreign enemies, the lake island has resumed rapid development again.

First is the United College.

The three public colleges, the Sea College, the Galaxy College, the Plant Control College, the St. Petersburg College, the Knight College of Campos, the Insect College, and the completely independent and autonomous Ocean College, all gathered again for the second final exchange.

The only thing missing was Tim's Pharmacy College.

When he left the super gathering place, Qi Yuan did not take the Pharmacy College with him.

Instead, he took away St. Petersburg, which belonged to Campos, and the Plant Control College, which belonged to Achilles, with a tough attitude.

Leaving the Pharmacy College behind was, on the one hand, to provoke Campos and Achilles.

On the other hand, the value of the Pharmacy College was not great. Tim did not put in advanced knowledge of pharmacy, and the quality of the students was relatively low.

Unexpectedly, Campos and Achilles were more proud than he expected, and they also did not even look at the Pharmacy College.

This led to the complete disappearance of the Pharmacy College, which was originally part of the United College, in the war and became a thing of the past.

Today, the United College actually only has three public colleges and seven independent colleges.

This time, all of them participated in the final exam.

As for the location, it was finally selected near the Star Island Chain.

A small archipelago provided by the Ocean College.

After a long period of exploration and development, the Ocean College has become the strongest force in the Star Island Chain, and its research on the ocean has become deeper and deeper.

In addition, a small archipelago named "Red Shrimp Islands" was found in the sea 130 kilometers away from the Star Island Chain.

The Ocean College volunteered to provide this place to the United College as the location for this final exam.

Such behavior is actually a gesture of goodwill to the Human Alliance, and is willing to restore the status of the branch of the United College.

Qi Yuan naturally did not refuse. He attaches more importance to any college and is relatively more tolerant.

The rules of this final exam are slightly different from the first one.

Before, if there was a fight between a super gathering place and a large gathering place, the final result was relatively tragic, and there was not much gain. It was considered a failed cooperation.

However, this time, it was a competition within the United College.

Moreover, there was no obvious hostility, just pure competition between them.

After two years of development, many elites have emerged in various colleges, which will be more exciting.

After the United College, the deans of various colleges talked and finally determined the rules of this final joint examination.

First, for the sake of fairness, the three public colleges are integrated into one and counted as one college.

The main reason is that the combat power of the College of Arts and the College of Creation is seriously insufficient, and it is not enough to fight against other colleges alone.

The strength of the War College is actually very weak, and it is mainly based on combat divisions.

If a person has high potential and sufficient resources, how can he become the most ordinary combat division?

Therefore, most of the people in the War College are ordinary people with low talents and poor lives, who can only improve their strength by honing their bodies and combat skills.

In the past, the War College was definitely the largest college in the United College.

It gathers all the elite students and is a gaming place for the eight major districts, and its status is also extraordinary.

However, as the eight major districts disappeared, the super gathering place was abandoned, and its status also plummeted.

Today's three public colleges are simply unloved by their grandma and uncle, and their comprehensive strength has dropped to the freezing point.

Even if the three colleges join together, they are still very weak.

In addition, this final joint examination will be divided into three parts.

The first is the test within each college.

It is the most routine test and examination, which is the final summary and evaluation for a semester of study.

In this process, the strongest group of people in each college will also be selected.

The second is the competition between the major colleges.

There are 13 small islands in the Red Shrimp Islands, which are more than enough for ten colleges.

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