"If he is not in the office, where did he go?"

After getting Shinomiya Kojiro's schedule, Liu Yun left here. He had already made an appointment with his companions in Polaris Dormitory to meet up in Marui Zenji's room.

As for the other side, Nakiri Erina also returned to her dormitory somewhat helplessly. She had just finished her assessment and started looking for Liu Yun and others.

But at that time, Liu Yun and others had already gone to the kitchen under the leadership of Dojima Gin.

And Dojima Gin did not need to report to others where he went, so Nakiri Erina could not find him.

In the end, Nakiri Erina had no choice but to go back after searching in vain.

"What? You replaced Senior Shigong? Became our mentor?!"

In Marui Zenji's room, when Liu Yun came over, the others had already arrived. After learning that Liu Yun would be their mentor next, everyone was stunned.

"That's right, I just had a competition with Senior Dojima, and Su Ran lost. However, Senior Dojima felt that I already had graduate-level cooking skills, and it was not appropriate for me to continue to stay among the students. In addition, Senior Shigong had some problems, so he let me take his place."

Liu Yun briefly explained.

"Wait, wait a minute, don't make it sound so simple. What do you mean you had a competition with Dojima-senpai? You mean you had a food battle with Dojima-senpai?"

"And you actually already have the cooking skills of a graduate. You should know that they are all senior chefs, which means that you also have the cooking skills of a senior chef?"

Liu Yun was not surprised by the continuous questions. After all, if he were in the perspective of everyone, he would have the same questions. Liu Yun also remembered what Dojima Gin and others said to him when he left.

Because his cooking skills have reached the level of a senior chef, and are not weak, Dojima Gin suggested that he pass the assessment of a senior chef as soon as possible.

If Liu Yun really passed, then Liu Yun would become the youngest senior chef certified by WGO, which would only have more benefits and no disadvantages for Liu Yun.

In fact, Liu Yun himself also planned to take the assessment of a senior chef, but he became a senior chef for too short a time, and after reaching this level, he began residential training.

And Moreover, he did not have an accurate positioning of himself before, and was not sure what level he had reached. He only knew that he was much better now than in the past.

This competition with Dojima Gin also made Liu Yun clearly know what kind of cooking skills he had. As for the senior chef assessment, he naturally had to wait until the end of this residential training.

After all, the WGO assessment also has time regulations, and you can't take the exam whenever you want. Liu Yun can apply now, but he has to wait until half a month before the assessment begins.

Faced with everyone's questions, Liu Yun naturally answered them one by one carefully. After asking, everyone realized that the person in front of them had begun to behave unhumanly.

"It hurts so much, I'm not dreaming, I always feel that what I know now is not real!"

Yoshino Yuuki even pinched herself, using the pain to confirm that she was not dreaming

"If this kind of thing had not happened in front of me, I would never believe it. It's really outrageous!"

Nakiri Alice couldn't help but complain. After all, Liu Yun was too strong. Now he has reached the level of those graduates, and he has graduated for about ten years.

Nakiri Alice has been praised since she was a child. She knows very well that she is indeed a genius in cooking, but now these geniuses are really not comparable to Liu Yun.

After that, this topic continued until everyone took a break. During this time, Liu Yun wanted to end this topic, but this topic was always too explosive, so it was naturally impossible for everyone to skip this topic and talk about other things.

The next morning, Liu Yun directly took over Shinomiya Kojiro's course. As for his subject arrangement, it was also very simple. He just needed to change Shinomiya Kojiro's operation.

Liu Yun chose to do the same as Shinomiya Kojiro. The problematic ingredients were mixed into the pile of ingredients, but the difference between him and Shinomiya Kojiro was that the intact ingredients he prepared were enough for everyone.

And he also allowed students to use their own methods to process the ingredients, as long as they met the standards in the end. He would not be like Shinomiya Kojiro, who would expel people directly if someone changed the recipe.

Liu Yun's topic assesses students' basic skills, the ability to identify ingredients, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, so after he proposed this topic, Dojima Gin and others also approved of it.

The next morning, the first wave of students Liu Yun met was the group that Tadokoro and Soma Yukihira were in.

As for Liu Yun's group yesterday, yesterday's assessment was invalidated, and there was no make-up exam or the like, because there were so many graduates behind them, and those who failed were destined to be eliminated, so there was no need to miss this assessment.

"Although I knew it yesterday, it still feels a little unreal today!"

After seeing Liu Yun on the podium, Soma Yukihira couldn't help but complain. Tansho Kei didn't complain, but looked at Liu Yun with great admiration. After all, she was Liu Yun's little fan girl.

As for the other classmates, they were collectively dumbfounded. Liu Yun is now very famous in Totsuki. As a member of Totsuki, they naturally know Liu Yun.

But now Liu Yun is standing on the podium, which is a bit confusing.

I don't know if Dojima Gin and others deliberately created such an atmosphere. The students were not informed that Liu Yun became a mentor. It must be said that the effect is indeed very good. Except for the two people who already knew about this, everyone else was collectively dumbfounded.

"Hello, everyone. I am Liu Yun. As for the others, I don’t think I need to introduce them anymore. Originally, this class should be taught by Senior Sigong."

"But Shinomiya-senpai had a little problem, so Dojima-senpai asked me to take over. Now I will explain the specific requirements of this class.…………"

As he spoke, Liu Yun told everyone what the students needed to do in their course.

Only then did the students come back to their senses.

"This must be fake, it turns out that Lord Liu Yun is the tutor!"

"How could it be fake? Master Liu Yun is already standing on the podium, and it's time for class. No other teachers have come in. This is enough to explain everything, okay?"


After a brief silence, the students started to get excited and the classroom became noisy.

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