""You are here. It's been a long time since I last saw you, little Guan. This must be little friend Liu Yun!"

Before Guan Hong could speak, Lan Xuan spoke first and directly called the old man Guan Hong"little Guan". This scene would be very confusing to people who didn't know him.

After all, although Lan Xuan had white hair, he looked like a middle-aged man, while the old man Guan Hong was actually an old man.

Who would have thought that the middle-aged man in front of him was older than the old man?

"Yes, Master Lan Xuan, he is Liu Yun."

Guan Hong said very respectfully. After receiving Lan Xuan's guidance, he actually wanted to become Lan Xuan's disciple, but was rejected by Lan Xuan.

Just like Guan Hong had no intention of accepting Liu Yun as his disciple, Lan Xuan had no intention of accepting a disciple at that time.

It's just that Lan Xuan didn't accept a disciple because he simply didn't want to, and Guan Hong didn't accept a disciple because he simply felt that he was not suitable.

Liu Yun's talent was too strong, and it would not take long for him to surpass him, so he naturally wouldn't be so shameless to accept him as a disciple, but simply���He taught Liu Yun everything he knew.

While talking, Guan Hong winked at Liu Yun. Seeing Guan Hong's look, Liu Yun immediately stepped forward to greet him. Not to mention that this person was a dragon chef, even if he was not a dragon chef, as an elder, it was normal for him to greet him.

"Hello, Master Lan Xuan, I am Liu Yun!"

Liu Yun also followed Guan Hong in calling him Master. After all, his status in the Chinese culinary world is indeed very high. This is what Guan Hong told him on the way.

And on the way, Guan Hong also mentioned that Lan Xuan's ancestor was Lan Feihong.

"You don't have to call me sir. According to seniority, you should call me grandpa."

However, Lan Xuan's next sentence made Liu Yun and Guan Hong a little confused.


Even Liu Yun couldn't help but ask, because this sentence contained a lot of information.

What did Lan Xuan mean by this? According to seniority, he should call him grandpa, which means that Liu Yun is related to him, right?

But the question is, what kind of relationship can Liu Yun have with him?

"It's normal that you don't know. After all, you all left the Chinese culinary world and encountered that kind of thing. In the end, you were the only one left. I only paid attention to you after you made a name for yourself in the international culinary world."

Lan Xuan said. If Liu Yun hadn't made a fuss in the international culinary world, he wouldn't have paid attention to Liu Yun.

"Well, wait a minute, can you tell me what is the relationship between you and me?"

The only thing Liu Yun cares about now is what his situation is. He always feels that his identity after traveling through time is a little bit complicated.

"Strictly speaking, it's not you and I who are related, but your ancestors and my ancestors are related. You have an ancestor named Liu Maoxing, who was the youngest special chef in the Chinese cuisine at that time, the youngest Lin chef, the youngest Dragon chef, and the youngest Supreme Dragon chef."

Lan Xuan told the information about Liu Yun's ancestors.

"What? He is the descendant of Master Liu Maoxing?!"

Guan Hong also exclaimed at this time. You know, whether it is the records of the Chefs' Association or the records of his family, there is some information about Liu Maoxing.

It's just that the information is not particularly much. He only knows that Liu Maoxing was very powerful at that time, but he doesn't know how powerful he was.

Now listening to Lan Xuan's words, he realized how terrifying Liu Maoxing was back then. The four youngest ones have explained everything.

And Liu Maoxing is the great benefactor of his ancestor Guan Qiulan. If it weren't for Liu Maoxing, Guan Qiulan's behavior of hurting her body at that time would probably not have lived for long.

Guan Qiulan couldn't live, so naturally there would be no Guan Hong. So Liu Maoxing is the great benefactor of the Guan family. Now the descendants of the benefactor are in front of him, but he didn't recognize him.

But sometimes this fate is indeed a bit indescribable. Liu Yun obviously doesn't know his life experience. Liu Yun's ancestors were kind to his ancestors at the beginning, but now Liu Yun has become a Lin chef because of him. This is indeed quite wonderful.

""The ancestors of your two families do have some connections, just like our Lan family."

Lan Xuan nodded. It was obvious that he knew something about what happened between Guan Qiulan and Liu Maoxing.

""Master Lan Xuan, can you tell me what happened back then?"

Liu Yun asked. He was just curious. He really didn't expect that he would travel through time and space and become the descendant of Liu Maoxing.

You know, the information we know about the past of the Chinese cuisine is incomplete, as if some of it was deliberately erased.

So he was very curious about what happened back then.

"I knew you would ask that, but didn't I tell you to just call me grandpa? I will tell you everything I know."

Lan Xuan said. Liu Yun was speechless. Suddenly someone asked you to call him grandpa. Although this status is indeed very high, it is not something you can just call him.

Before he could think about it, Lan Xuan talked about what happened in the past. As a descendant of Lan Feihong and a dragon chef, Lan Xuan knew more information than others.

"The story begins when the leader of the dark cuisine world, Ruyunlong Kaiyou, was defeated by Lord Liu Maoxing."

"More than a hundred years ago, Master Liu Maoxing defeated Ruyunlong Kaiyou, the leader of the dark cuisine world, and then the dark cuisine world fell apart and disappeared from this world."

"But after that, another organization appeared. This organization is called Tai Chi Cuisine. I don’t know the details of this organization, but I heard from my elders that this is an organization that is more powerful than the Dark Cuisine."

"After this organization appeared, they set their sights on the legendary kitchen utensils, my ancestor Lan Fei���I also competed with them in the past, and the only information left about the Tai Chi cooking world is that it is extremely powerful."

"Afterwards, this powerful organization disappeared like a flash in the pan, along with Master Liu Maoxing and his former lover, Miss Zhou Meili."

"At that time, the Guangming cuisine industry mobilized all its forces to search for him, and even alarmed the senior, but in the end the senior did not respond positively to the matter."

"Just like that, twenty years passed. One night twenty years later, a baby appeared at the door of the Lan family. It was written on the baby's name that the baby was the descendant of Mr. Liu Maoxing and Miss Zhou Meili, and his name was Liu Yu."

"My ancestors didn’t know what was going on at the time, but they eventually adopted the child."

"Facts have proved that Liu Yu inherited the extraordinary talent of Master Liu Maoxing. Although he did not break the record left by Master Liu Maoxing, he made rapid progress and eventually became a Supreme Dragon Chef."

"After Lord Liu Yu married and had children, the Liu family was officially born. However, after Lord Liu Yu, the Liu family has not had a more talented chef. In fact, the talent of each generation is weaker than the previous one."

"Decades ago, a new dark cuisine world emerged, and their first target was also the Liu family. The Liu family was caught off guard at the time, and the strongest chef at the time was only Lin Chef, so the entire Liu family fell apart."

"By the time we realized what was happening, the Liu family had already become a thing of the past. Your parents took you and left the Chinese culinary world to avoid the dark culinary world."

"At that time, they did not seek help from our Lan family. Facts have proved that the decision they made at that time was indeed a very wise one."

"After the dark cooking world hit your Liu family, it started to stir up trouble in the Chinese cooking world. Our Lan family was also hit back then. If I wasn’t a Dragon Chef, I probably wouldn’t have been able to withstand their attack."

"Faced with the resurgence of the dark culinary world, the bright culinary world, which has been somewhat corrupted due to lack of external enemies for a long time, is simply unable to cope with it."

"If it weren't for the emergence of the anti-dark cuisine world, the bright cuisine world would probably have been in name only!"

At this point, Lan Xuan couldn't help but laugh at himself. The term"internal and external troubles" is indeed no problem when applied to the bright cuisine world.

Ever since the dark cuisine world was disintegrated by Liu Maoxing and the Tai Chi cuisine world disappeared, the entire Chinese cuisine world has been the largest in the bright cuisine world. Without external troubles, endless internal friction has begun.

Over a long period of time, except for a very small number of people like Lan Xuan who are still normal, the entire bright cuisine world has become a mess.

Faced with the blow of the new dark cuisine world, there was no power to resist at all, and it was not until the emergence of the anti-dark cuisine world that it eased a little.

Later, Lan Xuan and others took action to reintegrate the bright cuisine world, and after such a long period of recuperation, the bright cuisine world has redeveloped.

Liu Yun also knew why his adopted parents chose to leave the Chinese cuisine world.���, it felt like if he didn't run away, he would be doomed along with them.

But what he didn't expect was that even though he had already run away, his luck was too bad, and in the end, only Liu Yun was left

"It turns out that there was a Tai Chi cooking world a long time ago, but where did Master Liu Maoxing and his people go back then? Why did they send Master Liu Yu back but didn't show up themselves?"

Guan Hong also learned a lot of things that he didn't know, but he still didn't understand a little bit, which is what Liu Yun wanted to ask.

"If you ask me about this question, I don't know. After Lord Liu Yu was sent to our Lan family, our ancestors kept investigating what happened, but unfortunately, they couldn't find any information."

"Even the things about the Tai Chi cooking world back then seemed to be erased by an invisible hand. These news were all passed down by word of mouth in our Lan family, and there is no written record."

Lan Xuan shook his head. He learned these things from the previous generation and kept them in mind, because his father also warned him not to write down this information in writing, otherwise it would bring disaster.

After listening to Lan Xuan's words, Liu Yun's expression was also a little strange. This method was a little familiar. Liu Yun thought of the plot in the sequel to Little Chef Ji.

In the plot of Ji, there is a very important existence, that is Yu Qilin Code Flow, that is, Liu Maoxing's father. Now, he is still Liu Yun's ancestor.

Any news about Code Flow is controlled by the Tai Chi cooking world. If someone wants to check about Code Flow, they will Targeted by the Taiji Cuisine World.

Liu Maoxing and others were bombed once because of the code stream.

This way of erasing information now is very similar to the method used by the Taiji Cuisine World, but Liu Yun is very curious about what happened back then.

The existence of the Taiji Cuisine World appeared in the sequel Ji. According to the plot of Ji, Liu Maoxing also defeated Song Wan, one of the Eight Immortals, and ended the life of this 300-year-old man.

But now according to Lan Xuan's statement 783, Liu Maoxing actually disappeared with the Taiji Cuisine World back then, and played a drama of entrusting an orphan to someone else, which is completely different from the plot of Ji. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No wonder many of the records of the Kitchen Association and the family are incomplete. They are all because someone deliberately erased them because they didn't want the news to be passed down."

"But isn't this force a bit too big? The news of the entire Chinese culinary world has been almost wiped out, and only the Lan Xuan family has passed on some information by word of mouth."

Guan Hong also felt a little creepy. How big a force must be to be able to do such a thing?

"This force is indeed very powerful. It is very likely the Tai Chi cuisine world of the past. This Tai Chi cuisine world is very powerful and special."

"Before the dark culinary world was defeated, the bright culinary world didn't have much news about the Tai Chi culinary world. This organization suddenly appeared and then disappeared again. It was really too mysterious.���"

Lan Xuan shook his head. He was also full of curiosity about the world of Tai Chi cuisine, but he also knew that these things were beyond his reach.

Otherwise, it might bring disaster to the Lan family.

"So this time, Master Lan Xuan called me over just to talk about this matter?"

Liu Yun asked.

"Part of the reason is true, and the other part is to pass on the Liu family's inheritance to you."

"Because of Lord Liu Yu, the Liu family and the Lan family had a very good relationship. Many of the Liu family's inheritances were in the Lan family. After the Liu family was in trouble, the Lan family was powerless."

"Now that I have found you, it is time to return this inheritance to its original owner!"

Lan Xuan also stated the purpose of this trip. On the one hand, it was to tell Liu Yun about what happened in the past, and on the other hand, it was because the Lan family still had a part of the Liu family's inheritance. The Liu and Lan families had a very good relationship, so Lan Xuan did not choose to take the inheritance for himself, but instead found Liu Yun.

"In that case, thank you very much, Lord Lanxuan!"[]

Liu Yun was also very grateful. After all, if the other party hadn't come to him to talk about this matter, he would definitely know nothing.

"It's really hard to get you to call me grandpa!"

However, Lan Xuan complained about Liu Yun's thanks.

"There is nothing I can do about it. After all, we just met. I can't even call you grandpa!"

Liu Yun was also a little helpless. If he was not a time traveler, he would probably be so moved that he would call you grandpa now, but the problem was that he was a time traveler. He didn't have any feelings for the Liu family. It was like listening to a story from the perspective of a bystander. He was grateful for sure, but it was impossible to say that he was moved to tears..

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