Chapter 125 This guy is really lazy

Now, after hearing Qin Ran’s reminder, Dojima Gin has completely discovered the strangeness of the dish in front of him.

Indeed, the dishes on the plate seem to be a simple waffle,

But the heaviness was missing.

The taste has been made to the extent that it will not burden the tongue,

This is really weird.

How exactly did Qin Ran do it?

What magic did he add to this dish?

Watching Dojima Gin fall into deep contemplation, Qin Ran smiled, and the can slowly said:

“Actually, it’s really easy to do all this.

“As long as you ask for the principle of delicious cooking, you can do it.”

“The main components of edible oils are fatty acids.”

“The main ingredients of peanut butter are protein and carbohydrates.”

“From a scientific point of view, all substances in the ingredients can be extracted and utilized.”

“And the melting thing I choose is honey!”

Having said this, Qin Ran paused slightly, then he took out a large transparent container from under the table behind him.

“It’s filled with honey!”

“It’s actually more concentrated royal jelly.”

“Before going to bed last night, I took a moment to re-trace and reconcile this royal jelly.”

“The principle is similar to the maker juice.

“Actually, it does not have much effect, that is, while retaining the original taste of the food, it removes the greasy feeling that it would bring to the guests’ tongues.”

Dojima Gin understood Qin Ran’s words.

It turned out that the seemingly simple waffle dish in front of me actually used molecular gastronomy processing methods.

Don’t add too many kinds of ingredients, just use extracts and then outline them?

It’s just that Qin Ran is a bit too weird to be able to do it even to this extent.

As a matter of fact, Qin Ran just briefly introduced half of Chen about the dish he made!

He did not confess the core of the other half.

To do this kind of dish reconstituted from extracts, the most important thing is how to grasp the ratio of raw materials!

To give a very simple example, orange juice is obtained by squeezing grapes from oranges.

But many so-called orange juice drinks on the market are blended with orange juice, and an orange is useless at all.

If you want to use pure water and other raw materials to make the blended juice taste exactly the same as orange juice, you need a very accurate element ratio, one more point and one less point is not enough!

If you want to ensure the pure taste of the food, you need to go through repeated attempts when using the ratio of raw materials to find the most accurate ratio formula.

How did Qin Ran complete this process so quickly?

The biggest secret lies in Qin Ran’s “super taste”.

As we all know, what many people can’t do, machines can do!

And Qin Ran has surpassed any machine in the world in the matter of keen grasp of taste.

In just a few seconds, Qin Ran can taste and find the most suitable extract ratio.

What muffin powder, cream, cooking oil, Qin Ran is useless!

There are only a few ingredients for the whole dish.

It retains the pure taste of “cooking”, and at the same time removes the “heavy” that will bring guests’ tongues!

This also makes the dishes made by Qin Ran into a dish that no matter how much you eat, your tongue will not get bored.

Of course, Qin Ran doesn’t want people to know that he has a “super-taste”, so he must hide this.

I have already made so many improvements to this dish, so that no one can say that my cooking has nothing to do with it!


“My cooking, this should be considered too much.”

“I’m very “seriously thinking about this dish in front of me.” ”

Seeing Qin Ran’s laughing expression, Dojima Gin couldn’t help twitching at the corners of his mouth.

He is looking at Yun late now, and Qin Ran’s “it doesn’t matter” attitude has proved that this guy is indeed perfunctory!

Indeed, the technique Qin Ran used in this dish made it impossible for the two of them to say that his dish was “no new ideas”!

However, even if the food in front of you is praised as a flower, its essence has not changed.

The taste is still the same!

The taste is still the same!

Normally, if you can’t bring a strong sense of anticipation to the tongue, who will eat this thing for those guests with tricky eyes.

After eating a lot of pieces, you can feel the “heart” of the food in front of you. This f*ck is too impractical.

0.… ask for flowers

Silent Chen Lao for a long time, Dojima Gin slowly opened his mouth and said:

“The intention is indeed there.

“However, I still feel that the dish you made is a little difficult to attract customers.”

Hearing Dojima Gin’s words, Qin Ran smiled and said:

“It’s okay, my goal is not high, it’s OK to sell 200 copies.

“My location is so good, so close to the gate, there should be more or less guests.”

“The main reason is that this dish can be prepared without marriage, as long as you prepare enough raw materials in advance, you can know it.

“Look at Dojima-senpai, don’t I already have a few turnovers here?”

Seeing Qin Ran pointing at the plate that Dojima Gin had just eaten, Dojima Gin was instantly speechless.


Boy, this kid has even come to this calculation.

Forget it, he is here to watch Yun today,

This young man named Qin Ran really didn’t take this early morning assessment seriously at all.

Strictly speaking, it’s not that he didn’t take it seriously, right?

That is, within the scope allowed by the rules, to be Yunxiao’s greatest degree of laziness.

Hey, today’s young people really don’t know what to say.

It was like when he was in school back then, when there was an assessment competition, he always broke his head and wanted to compete for the first place.

“Qin Ran, then I wish you today’s assessment to successfully complete the 200 tasks.”

“You kid, I don’t even know why I’m telling you so late.”

“Don’t be more focused, isn’t it easier to achieve this amount of work?”

Just as Dojima Gin’s voice fell,

Suddenly, many people in suits came from outside the door.

The group consisted of men and women, all with a notebook in their hands.

Seeing this group of people, Qin Ran was slightly startled:

“Dojima-senpai, who are these people?”

Dojima Gin glanced at these people, then said to Qin Ran:

“They should have been sent by the school.

“Maybe some statistics are needed.”

“Since they are all here, our assessment team can also start work.

“Come on, call someone else.

“Let all the members of the assessment team come to No. 1 to gather here to ask questions!” Mouth.

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