Chapter 127 He is the man who can bring miracles to cooking

A ray of sunlight poured into the No. 1 restaurant warmly through the transparent window,

In front of Qin Ran, every flower seemed to be covered with a thin layer of golden light, but it made it even more “dazzling”.

It may be because the central air conditioner is constantly blowing the heating, and the wind is a bit strong,

Some of these petals are still “slightly swaying”!

Seeing the “blooming” beauty in front of me, and then referring to what Qin Ran just said,

Dojima Gin never thought that these “flower seas” in front of him would be a dish!


So shocking!

How did Qin Ran do it?

Half an hour ago, what he had on the table was just “ordinary” waffle dishes!

As a result, he Dojima Gin Xiangyun went to the meeting for half an hour, and when he came back, everything in front of him had changed amazingly.


In this short half hour, what happened in this work area?

How could Qin Ran suddenly choose to change the dishes in such a short period of time?

Just when Dojima Gin was overwhelmed by everything in front of him, some of the campers couldn’t say enough,

Wearing a white kimono, 04, who is cute and loving, has quietly come to this “blooming flower”!

In the beautiful eyes, there is a hint of a police-like blur,

Day gently lowered his head and smelled a rose in front of him”!

“smell good!”

“It really smells like roses!”

“Before, I thought someone was cooking with roses!”

“Junior, are these, these flowers, really the dishes you made?”

“What happened?

“Why did you suddenly decide to change the menu?”

“Also, how did the dishes in front of you come to be cute!?”

“Could it be that these dishes are.”

In those days, the voices of some mysterious words have not completely fallen,

Qin Ran said with a smile:

“Senpai, these dishes are the dishes I decided to replace!”

“Didn’t senpai always want to see the molecular cuisine I make?”

“These are all made by me using the cooking methods of molecular cuisine.”

“Welcome to the sea of ​​flowers in the morning sun!”

“It’s the name I just thought of for this dish.”

“Yesterday, doesn’t it sound good?”

The day did not speak, because she was still immersed in this incredible and dazzling “beauty” in front of her!

It really seems like there is a feeling that I am in a sea of ​​flowers.

Every flower is swaying and exuding its “unique fragrance”!

Welcome to the sea of ​​flowers in the morning sun?

Is this the name of the dishes in front of you?

Sounds good.

The molecular cooking made by my apprentice is too incredible.

At this moment, Qin Ran’s voice suddenly came:

“Teachers, you probably haven’t had breakfast yet.”

“Yesterday, do you want to be the first to take care of my business?

“My cooking will never disappoint you.

Such a beautiful dish, you must try it!

Dojima Gin has also been looking forward to Qin Ran’s cooking for a long time.

Chapelle has said before,

“When you see with your own eyes the molecular cooking that Qin Ran’s kid makes!”

“You will suddenly discover that the beauty of a dish can be so thrillingly interpreted!”

“This kind of transcendence that spans an entire dimension!”

It will make “you feel the thrilling beauty that is real.”

Although he is a traditional cook, he is an insider after all. Dojima Gin has some understanding of the concept of molecular gastronomy.

Break the inherent cognition of diners and make you no longer believe in your own eyes!

Because molecular cooking will make you feel the most amazing changes in cooking!

This change is not only reflected in the taste and appearance of a dish!

It also has the kind of shock that breaks your imagination!

I saw that Qin Ran picked up three bouquets of roses” and covered it up for the day:

“Senpai, you can eat both petals and green leaves!”

“But branches are real plants.

“How I expressed the theme of rhyme “egg” in this dish, let you feel it with your tongue.

“Here, I won’t give spoilers, so as not to reduce your sense of expectation.”

Whether a dish can be subdued to the guests or not depends on the taste in the end!

Well, now let yourself have a good taste of the dishes made by the apprentice, which is highly praised by Mr. Chapelle!

“Thank you buddy!”

The day said a crab, and took these three bouquets of roses from Qin Ran”!

The next second, Ri Bai Zhe’s pretty face flushed slightly:

“Sister, do you know?”

“This is the first time that I have received roses from boys.”

“Although this is a meal, I’m still very happy, senpai!”

“Hee hee, I can’t believe that such a beautiful flower was actually cooked by my younger brother Yun Lai!”

“As soon as the cans came in, we were all fooled.

“I thought it was a staff member who brought in the flowers outside.”

Days happily talking, Qin Ran smiled and said:

“Sister, let the police take care of this first!”

Hurry up “Try it!”

“In the end, it depends on whether the taste of the dishes I make can conquer you.”


210 Hee hee, the younger brother’s ambition is really big!

The days gently open the Red Sea and take a bite of “the petals of the rose”!

The next second, she closed a pair of beautiful eyes and began to taste it carefully.

The petals are soft.

The petals made from ingredients are also soft.

This taste, eh?

Is it eggplant?

smell good!

After the entrance, the fragrance of the strong camp rushed directly from the tip of the tongue and rushed into the mind.

At this moment, the whole day sank.

The food in front of you, the intensity of the taste is not very strong,

There is no such turbulent mountain and tsunami.

However, this is the taste like a trickle, but it makes the day even more irresistible,

It seems that every cell in the body is moisturized at night!

That feeling of sudden revival,

It’s really the day that makes me unwilling to wake up from this beautiful feeling!

Soft taste, no greasy feeling at all,

This dish, how did the apprentice come to ask?

The taste of egg flower was made so fluffy,

Also, why does this dish have the shape and color of rhyme petals?

Is this the magic of molecular cuisine?

Now I have deeply understood one sentence,

That is the little boy in front of him, he really is a man who can create miracles for cooking!

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