Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 161 The Mystery of \"Black Porridge\"\r

"No... nauseous feeling?"

Hearing Qin Ran's sudden voice, Morita Dakong was stunned.

The next second, he suddenly reacted to something!

That was just now... at a certain moment, he actually felt the taste of cooking!?


This is impossible!

After taking a bite of Qin Ran's cooking, when he tasted this jadeite pine nut soup again,

It seems that there is really no nausea.

My own visual body, this is... what's wrong?

Could it be that something unexpected really happened?

Looking at Morita Osora's astonishment, Qin Ran found that he "bet right"

The next second, he turned his head to look at the main judge, Takeuchi Reiyu:

"The dish I make is called five-color porridge."

"The judge Morita drank just now was the black porridge in the five-color porridge.

"627" "I don't know if the judges present have any in-depth understanding of the disease of anorexia."

"But I am quite involved in this disease."

“Anorexia can be roughly divided into three types. 99

"The first one is anorexia in children. The main reason for this disease is that the child's digestive function is disturbed, but it can be cured by drug treatment. However, the anorexia that Morita judges suffer from will be The likelihood of childhood anorexia is low!"

"The second type is anorexia in adolescence. In order to control their body shape, many adolescent boys and girls use excessively restricting the amount of food in their originally not very fat bodies to make them lose weight quickly. Picky eaters, or partial eclipses, etc. But it seems that this adolescent anorexia does not conform to the specific performance of the Morita judges."

"So, I suspect that the anorexia that the judge Morita suffers from is likely to be the third type: anorexia nervosa!""

"Before the official start of cooking, I deliberately chatted with the Morita judges for a while.

"Through this chat, I got a lot of useful information."

"First of all, the judge Morita was not born with anorexia, which means that the anorexia nervosa he suffered from was not congenital, but acquired.35

"There are some people in this world whose taste nerves are more sensitive from the moment they are born. 35

"I think, Mr. Morita should belong to this category!"

Hearing this, Takeuchi Reiyu interrupted Qin Ran,

She asked earnestly:

"Sensitive taste nerves? Is there any necessary connection between this and Morita's child suffering from anorexia?

"It is related, and it is very related!

After a slight smile, Qin Ran added:

"Miss Takeuchi, don't worry.

"I'm here and I'll explain everything clearly."

"Through the chat with Morita judges before, I learned one thing."

'The mother of the judge Morita seems to be a food executive of wgo as well. ""

"I want to ask Miss Takeuchi here, you and the mother of the judge Morita should be friends.

"Does the mother of the judge Morita want him to inherit his mother's business? In the future, he will also enter wgo as a food executive?"

Takeuchi Reiyu was stunned, and the next second, she asked curiously:

"Mr. Qin Ran, how do you know about this?"

"Did you guess it?

Qin Ran shook his head:

"It's not guesswork."

"This matter was told to me by the Senne judge himself."

"During the previous chat, he told me that his mother would take him to eat all kinds of food since he was a child.

"Hopefully he will also be a good food executive in the future."

"The root cause of Morita's jury suffering from anorexia is here."

"His taste nerves are naturally extremely sensitive. Taking him to eat all kinds of food for a long time will cause trouble."

"Forget it, let me explain it in simpler terms.

"Roughly, a person like the judge Morita, who is born with an overdeveloped sense of taste, is too frequently involved in excessive food, which will cause his brain to generate a signal that seeing "food" will no longer produce "excitement". Years

"The brain can't send out the "signal" that it will be excited when it sees "food", which leads to the reduction of digestive juice produced by Morita's stomach."

"I no longer feel hungry in the face of food, and I feel disgusted with food from the heart! It has almost become a consistent psychological and physiological reflection.

"I call it a pathological reflex!"

The dish of five-color porridge was also invented by the fairy Abe.

In Chengdu, Sichuan, there was a child from a wealthy family who suddenly became less fond of eating.

The family invited many famous doctors to treat the child, but they failed to cure the child.

Finally, they brought in the "famous" fairy, Abe, to see if she could get the child to regain his appetite...

After carefully inquiring about the specific situation, Fairy Abe felt that the child may have eaten too much delicious food since childhood, so he became anorexia.

She invented this black porridge among the five-color porridge, and let the child take a sip.

Next, something shocking happened.

After drinking this black porridge, the child vomited all afternoon,

But his condition is completely cured!

Not only the appetite has been restored, but the mental outlook has also been greatly improved.

After this incident spread, Abe's reputation almost rose to a new level.

Qin Ran, who has obtained full-level molecular cooking experience, tried to understand this matter from a scientific point of view.

A certain ingredient contained in "black porridge",

It can awaken the "excited" taste of anorexia nervosa patients due to excessive satisfaction!

To use a more simple and easy-to-understand explanation, the "unpleasant taste and certain ingredients" of black porridge will make the taste nerve instinctive "fear" and become active again.

The brain receives this "signal" and transmits this "signal" to the stomach. At that moment, the patient's stomach will instinctively secrete a large amount of digestive juice to digest the food that is about to enter the stomach.

Therefore, the cooking made by Qin Ran does not "cure" the disease of Morita Dakong, but

Instead, it awakened the response of his taste nerves that had been silent for a long time.


It was only natural that he could regain his appetite at this moment.

Qin Ran glanced at Takeuchi Reiyu, and said slowly:

"I made this black porridge, the main ingredient is rice.

"But the water for cooking porridge is boiled with traditional Chinese medicine.

"Codonopsis, tangerine peel, Amomum, cinnamon, hawthorn..."

"These are all Chinese medicines that stimulate appetite."

"The reason why the color of the black porridge is so dark and shiny is because I added a tablespoon of soy sauce after the herbal food was ready!

"Yes, it's soy sauce!

"Soy sauce rich in amino acid elements can not only play an appetizing role, but also increase the stimulation of the taste nerve.

"Although this dish does have some minor flaws in taste.

"But I believe that it is the most suitable dish for Morita judges."

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