"Why would you want to escape from prison for no reason?"

A skinny man in prison clothes, holding his head, squatted at the door of the police station, shivering.

The uniformed policeman, holding an electric baton, looked serious and scolded:"You can be released in a few months. You will probably be sentenced to extra time for doing this."

The man slowly raised his head, his face full of grievance.

He said pitifully:"Officer, the food in prison is too bad, I can't stand it."

"What tool did you use to pry open the prison door lock?"

The man smiled a little embarrassedly and said,"The leftover steamed buns from last night!"

Uh... everyone's faces were full of black lines.

Officer Wang was a little dissatisfied and continued,"I'm not kidding you, I'm serious."

"If you don't believe me, just take a look for yourself!"

The man trembled and took out a black lump from his back. It looked like a piece of iron, very solid and hard.

This thing... is it really a steamed bun?

"Lock him up and don't let him do it again."

After the man was taken away, Officer Wang turned around and said to the female police officer next to him:"Xiaoxue, who is the chef in charge of the No. 2 prison area? Tell him to cook more slowly in the future."

The female police officer named Xiaoxue spread her palms and said:"No need, he just called and said he wants to resign."

"You are doing a good job, why do you resign?"

Xiaoxue replied:"The prisoners in the prison complained that the food he cooked was too bad and said that he was abusing lynching. This morning, a fat man couldn't help it and broke his hand with the fried dough sticks he had in the morning."

Officer Wang's mouth twitched slightly.


How bad must his food be to arouse such public outrage?

"What should we do next? There can't be no one to take care of the food in Prison No. 2, right?"

Xiaoxue smiled sweetly and said,"I have a friend who used to be a chef, but now he is unemployed at home. I will discuss it with him this afternoon."

"OK, thank you, Xiaoxue."

"You should!"


Jiang Chen sat in front of the computer and patted his face.

Hiss -

Damn, it really hurts!

It seems that this is not an illusion.

He really traveled through time!

He had just graduated from college and was exploited after joining the company. He worked as an intern for two and a half years!

Not only did he never get a permanent job, but the most important thing was that the boss always assigned him the most work but paid him the least.

One day after work, he was walking on the street and a large truck was coming towards him. He was careless and did not dodge, and was successfully attacked by a sneak attack.

Then he died and traveled to the current world.

The original owner was the same as him, named Jiang Chen!

He was an orphan and his parents had left him long ago.

He dropped out of high school and later went to learn a craft from others. With his own efforts, he opened a small restaurant.

As expected, the business was bad!

In the first half month of opening, a total of ten customers came, and in the end, eight bad reviews were received!

The original owner did not believe that the food he cooked was really so bad, so he made a bowl of noodles to try... and he got sick.

Because he had no relatives or friends and rarely came, he died after lying in bed for a few days.

But his death was probably not caused by that bowl of noodles.

After accepting the fact, Jiang Chen stretched his body and went to the refrigerator to comfort his stomach.

After opening it, he found that there was still the braised pork made by the original owner.

He opened the lid and smelled it...

Hmm... It seems that his restaurant was not wrongly closed.

Jiang Chen was going to go downstairs to buy a bowl of instant noodles to have a simple meal first.

As soon as he opened the door, he felt his eyes brighten. A tall, beautiful girl with fair skin was standing at the door.

She was wearing a sky blue dress, her face was as beautiful as a flower, her eyes were deep and bright, and her long black hair rolled down like a waterfall, covering her shoulders.

""Jiang Chen, you want to go out?"

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, looking at the girl in front of him, and the memories of the original owner emerged in his mind, and he immediately understood what was going on.

This was Jiang Chen's elementary school classmate named Jiang Xue, but the two of them had a normal relationship and only met a few times a year.

Why did she suddenly come to see him today?

"Is there something going on?"

Jiang Xue looked inside the room and said,"Come on, we haven't seen each other for such a long time? Don't you want me to come in and sit down?"

Thinking about the mess in the room, Jiang Chen spread his hands and said,"Forget it."

"How stingy! I came to see you today to introduce you to a job."

"There is a section in our prison where the chef resigned. I thought since you are unemployed at home, why not go over and give it a try?"

Seeing the other party's sincere face, Jiang Chen couldn't help but wonder if this beautiful girl was not very smart.

"You don’t know my cooking skills?"

The policewoman smiled and said,"Of course I know, the food you cook won’t kill anyone!"

"I believe you!"

She patted Jiang Chen's shoulder seriously, and then said in an encouraging tone:"If you agree to come to work tomorrow."

Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about whether to agree, a cold mechanical prompt sound suddenly came in his mind.

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