Wilson is very interested in food.

As long as there is something delicious, everything is easy to talk to him.

Jiang Chen's cooking skills are so good, calling Wilson over and signing the order will not be a matter of minutes?

I remember that Jiang Xue said not long ago that she had a friend who could help solve the problem. Jiang Tiankuo didn't believe it at all at that time.

He thought his daughter was too insane and her ideas were unreliable.

But in the blink of an eye, he was slapped in the face.

"It's so late, he must be asleep."

The wife said:"Anyway, there is no rush, it's the same if we contact him tomorrow. We can give Xiao Jiang a big red envelope and ask him to come over to cook a meal for his hard work in the evening."

"That's fine."

Jiang Tiankuo was also very confident in Jiang Chen's cooking skills. Unless Wilson didn't come, he would definitely fall in love with him as soon as he came.

As an authentic Longguo person, he had no resistance to the Longguo dishes made by Jiang Chen. A simple bowl of noodles with soybean sauce could be made into a unique taste in his hands. He couldn't help drooling when he recalled it.

After they returned home, they simply cleaned up the house and washed the dishes in the kitchen. After that, they sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Waiting for Jiang Chen to cook.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and Jiang Xue walked in from the door carrying a large bag of ingredients.

This time, Jiang Chen was quite rare without Disliked Jiang Xue's thin arms and legs, who couldn't carry much food, he took the initiative to do all the heavy work himself.

It's not that he was afraid of being seen by Jiang Xue's parents, Jiang Chen just felt...

After spending such a long time with Jiang Xue, he felt that this girl was really good. Except that she was a little bit nervous and couldn't do heavy work, she had almost no shortcomings.

Don't be so harsh on girls!

Tonight, the four of them, Jiang Chen bought a chicken, two fish, potatoes, cabbage, and a duck.

He planned to make a belly-stuffed chicken, two sweet and sour fish, stewed potatoes with pork ribs, stir-fried cabbage with"610", and the roast duck that Jiang Xue liked very much.

"Xiao Jiang."

Jiang Xue's mother stood up and asked,"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"No need, mom."

Jiang Xue answered on behalf of Jiang Chen, saying:"You two just watch TV there, and leave everything else to us."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, just cooking a meal. In the police station, sometimes I have to help him cook for more than a hundred people. Today, it's just our family, it's a piece of cake!"

Looking at the two busy in the kitchen, Jiang Tiankuo lit a cigarette, his face full of relief.

He only has one daughter, and he has been almost always willing to help her with everything she asks since she was a child. She has been a real spoiled child, and has never done anything. Staying at home, let alone helping with cooking, she has never done small things like washing clothes and mopping the floor.

As a result, when Jiang Chen came home, she, who usually kept a distance from the kitchen, actually showed a strong interest and was busy in it.

Looking at the backs of the two, Jiang Tiankuo became more and more satisfied.

I just don't know if Jiang Chen has a girlfriend.

This young man is really handsome.

There are two things that are always hard currency.

The first is appearance and the second is gold. The value of the two of them is equal to each other in a certain sense.

People who look good will be treated preferentially no matter where they go, and this has been the case since ancient times.

There will be no exceptions.

Gold will not depreciate, and handsome appearance will not depreciate.

Jiang Chen's handsome appearance gives people a good first impression.

In addition, Can cook.

No, no, no!

He should be very, very good at cooking.

Any one of these two advantages is lethal to girls, not to mention that Jiang Chen can combine them perfectly.

Jiang Chen personally handles most of the food processing, and only some small things require Jiang Xue's help.

The old couple was watching TV, but after seeing Jiang Chen cooking, they suddenly felt that the TV series were not interesting.

His unparalleled superb knife skills are like the martial arts knights in TV dramas. A kitchen knife flies up and down in his hands, flashing cold light, dazzling and colorful. It's so dazzling and amazing.

Jiang Tiankuo was stunned. He held a glass of water to his mouth with his right hand. He was originally going to drink it, but now he didn't move.

This knife skill is too awesome!

Only the sound of ping-pong was heard, and the sliced potatoes naturally fell from the chopping board into the basin next to it.

The size and thickness of each potato slice are particularly uniform.

A knife in Jiang Chen's hand rotates at high speed like a fan

"Honey, this guy is really amazing!"

"Yes, that makes sense."

He was stunned for a long time, and finally nodded.

The ordinary ingredients were processed by Jiang Chen and turned into one delicious dish after another. The old couple could hear clear sounds in the kitchen.

About half an hour later, the rich aroma of various dishes came to their faces.

The belly-stuffed chicken was fresh and rich, the sweet and sour fish had a faint sweetness, and the stir-fried cabbage was spicy and refreshing. Every dish was tempting the old couple.

They couldn't sit still. They thought that the noodles with soybean sauce made by Jiang Chen just now were already the best in the world. Who would have thought that the other dishes he made tasted even better.

One or two dishes made by ordinary chefs are enough to make him worry-free for a lifetime, but every dish made by Jiang Chen is great.

With his level, he can even compete with international chefs!

They gathered outside the kitchen door, staring blankly, without blinking.

"Xiaoxue...hiss...is there anything I can help you with?"

"No, just wait a moment, it will be ready soon."Jiang Tiankuo stared at the potato ribs for a long time, wishing he would not go forward and put two pieces into his mouth.

The ribs have been stewed for a long time and are very soft, almost reaching the point of separation of meat and bones.

But a layer of fascia inside is still attached to the bones. When eating, just pull it gently, and the soft, tasty, sweet and tempting rib meat will be completely separated from the bones.

The potatoes inside are also covered with bright red soup, and you can tell at a glance that they taste great.

As for the other dishes, they also have their own strengths, with good color, fragrance and taste.

""Hurry, hurry up!"

Jiang Tiankuo, standing at the kitchen door, paced back and forth, looking inside from time to time.

If he hadn't thought about Jiang Chen's first visit to his home and didn't want to scare others, he would have gone in without caring about his image and eaten him to his heart's content.

About five minutes later, all the dishes were out of the pot, and the two of them placed five dishes on the table.

There were roast duck, sweet and sour fish, chicken wrapped in belly, potato ribs, and stir-fried cabbage.

There were both meat and vegetables, and the nutrition was balanced.

Jiang Xue was about to turn around and go to the kitchen to get food when she saw two figures rushing to the table at lightning speed. She looked closely and saw , it was his old father and mother.

After eating a bowl of noodles with soybean paste, Jiang Tiankuo had completely worked up an appetite. He picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of spareribs without hesitation, and slowly put it into his mouth.

The moment the spareribs entered his mouth, he tasted a very, very light sweetness. When Jiang Chen was frying the sugar color for this dish, he added a little more sugar than usual.

Therefore, even if other seasonings are added later, there will still be a little sweetness, but this taste is very light. If it is too strong, it will affect the taste and the spareribs will not taste so good.

He gently pinched it with chopsticks, and the bones were directly separated from the meat. , he took a bite slowly, and the soup filled his mouth, giving his taste buds on the tip of his tongue a great enjoyment.

He closed his eyes and chewed slowly, enjoying the endless aftertaste. After eating one piece, he wanted to eat a second piece.

As for the sweet and sour fish next to it, it tasted even better. The surface of the fish was fried golden and crispy, and the soup on it was bright red. Generally, the sweet and sour fish is made by pouring the soup after the fish is cooked.

Although the taste is okay, there will be a situation that the skin of the fish may be delicious, but the meat inside can be tasted but the essence cannot be tasted.

The sweet and sour fish made by Jiang Chen is different, whether it is the appearance or the texture, it is not the same. The skin and the tender fish meat inside were both very tasty, and tasted sweet and sour, but not greasy at all.

Every dish went well with rice.

Even the simplest and most common dish of stir-fried cabbage, Jiang Chen could make it unique. The ingredients looked similar, and the color was not much different from that of restaurants outside.

But the taste was completely different!

Jiang Tiankuo could eat two or three bowls of white rice with the juice from the stir-fried cabbage alone.

The four of them ate up all the food on the table in a flash, leaving nothing behind. They also finished the big pot of rice in the rice cooker.

"It's so comfortable!"

Jiang Tiankuo leaned back on the sofa contentedly, feeling particularly relaxed. This was the greatest enjoyment in the world, right?

After dinner, Jiang Xue took the initiative to wash the dishes, and then sat side by side on the sofa with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Tiankuo stretched his body, feeling very comfortable. He looked at Jiang Chen carefully again. Why did he like him more and more the more he looked at him?

"Little brother."

Jiang Tiankuo drank a glass of water and said,"Although my daughter doesn't want me to ask you too many questions"

"But there are some things I'm just curious about, I hope you don't mind? Um... I wonder if you have a girlfriend now?"

"Not yet."

Jiang Tiankuo and his wife looked at each other, their eyes showing unconcealed excitement.

No girlfriend!

That's great.

"Um, you don't have a girlfriend, right? I think……"


Jiang Xue interrupted Jiang Tiankuo and said,"Can you talk to my colleague about something serious?"

"Isn't this a serious matter?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Jiang Xue continued,"Why, you don't want the order from your company? It's worth hundreds of millions."

Jiang Tiankuo had been eating so happily that he didn't remember it. He slapped his forehead and said in a tone of sudden enlightenment,"Yes, yes, yes, how could I have forgotten about this?"

"Hey, are you free tomorrow night? If you are free, come to my house and cook for me."

"Don't worry, this meal is not in vain for your help. I will give you a red envelope when the time comes."

"How about 68,000 yuan?"

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment. Do the rich people nowadays need to be so arrogant?

Just cooking a meal, giving so much money?

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't say anything, Jiang Tiankuo thought that he thought the money was too little, and smiled a little embarrassedly and said:"Yes, tens of thousands of yuan is really a bit too much for a little brother. How about this, I'll give you 160,000 yuan?"

"Just come and help me cook a meal tomorrow!"


For Jiang Chen at the moment, 160,000 is not a small amount.....

If you have money but don't make it, aren't you crazy?

"No problem."

He said readily,"Uncle Jiang, see you tomorrow night."

"It's so late, you still want to go back?"

Jiang Tiankuo said:"I think you might as well stay. Anyway, there are several empty rooms in our house. You can find a room to stay for a night."

"How about going to work with Xiaoxue tomorrow?"

"This... is a bit bad, isn't it?"

Jiang Tiankuo came to Jiang Chen and patted his shoulder and said,"What's wrong with that? Since you and Jiang Xue are good friends and colleagues, it's normal for him to give you a ride on his way to work."

"Besides, I'll need your help tomorrow. It's still early tonight, why don't we have a good chat?"

"Dad is right."

Jiang Xue also said:"Old classmate, let's stay here? We have a private cinema at home, how about we go to see a movie?"


Before Jiang Chen could say anything, Jiang Xue stood behind him and pushed his shoulders hard. The two of them walked towards the private cinema in the basement.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Tiankuo and his wife couldn't help but smile.

"It’s great to be young!"

Jiang Tiankuo sat back on the sofa and said,"Unlike us old guys, we have no interest in many things!"


Wilson Group.


Throwing the food bought by the secretary on the table, Wilson looked gloomy.

"What's going on?"

He slapped the table vigorously and said,"Didn't I tell you before that I would ask you to pick out the best food for me?"

"Is this the lunch you prepared for me?"

"The taste is really bad!"

The secretary standing in front of him didn't dare to speak.

Wilson has a very bad temper. He is very picky about food and has a strong preference for it.

Originally, his head office was in the United States, and he had quite a wide range of business all over the world. Later, he was completely attracted by the food of Dragon Country, so he came here to settle down.

He is a veritable leader in his field, so many people in Dragon Country want to cooperate with him and get orders from their companies.

He has a very strange personality. If the business ability is the same, Wilson is willing to give the order to whoever can treat him to delicious food.

However, as a top boss, he earns more than 10 billion yuan a year. What delicious food has he not seen?

Most people who come to discuss order cooperation with him will be disappointed.

He is also very demanding about his three meals a day. Every time the secretary buys him food, he is particularly worried, fearing that it will not be up to his expectations.

"Boss, you want to eat something different every day, how can I buy so much?"

"Shut up!"

Wilson pointed at her and yelled,"I pay you such a high salary every month, but you can't even do the basic things."

"Then what's the point of keeping you here? You don't have to come to work from tomorrow."

"Boss I……"

"Get out!"

After the secretary left the room, Wilson sighed and sat down in the office chair in a rather irritable manner.

Every rich person has some unknown hobbies, more or less.

Some like to collect antiques, some are lustful, and some like fine wine.

Wilson's hobbies are relatively common, and he likes to eat delicious food.

He can't spend all the money he earns every year, so he will find ways to find all kinds of food all over the world.

The food in other countries is similar, but China is different. Their food culture has a long history of thousands of years.

But... after Wilson came here for five or six years, he was surprised to find that in the taste of the Dragon National Football Team,

This made him very distressed.

Looking at the lunch carefully prepared by the secretary, Wilson rubbed his forehead and took the lunch box with some reluctance. Forget it.

I still have to go to work this afternoon, so I will just have one or two bites first.

Just as he was about to eat, his cell phone rang. He looked and found that it was Jiang Tiankuo who called.

Not long ago, Jiang Tiankuo proposed to Wilson that he wanted to cooperate with him. According to the old rules, he asked the other party to treat him to a meal.

As long as the dinner satisfied him, there would be no problem with the contract.

But Jiang Tiankuo didn't know at all. Think about it carefully.

He was invited to dinner at the Empire Hotel.

Rich people like him often go to the Empire Hotel.���, those dishes were naturally not attractive to him.

So he rejected his offer.

Wilson was about to hang up the phone, but after thinking it over, he finally answered the call.

"Mr. Wilson, I was not considerate enough to entertain you last time. Today, I hope you can come to my house. We will serve you the most authentic and delicious food in Dragon Country."

I'm a big shot:

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