The first thing Jiang Chen brought out was, of course, today's signature dish, fried potatoes. The rich and fragrant aroma instantly spread throughout the cafeteria, and everyone couldn't help but drool.

Their index fingers were hooked and they swallowed their saliva frantically. The gurgling sounds came one after another, echoing in the not-so-large cafeteria.

The people standing at the back, who were slightly shorter, tiptoed impatiently, wanting to see what today's dish was.

Wang Xiaolong suddenly felt that his taste buds seemed to jump instantly, becoming much more active than before.

He couldn't help but drool wildly, and his stomach, which was not very hungry, also made a gurgling sound.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, greedily catching the aroma in the air.

Even though he hadn't seen the fried potatoes yet, just by smelling the aroma, he could be sure that the taste was absolutely amazing!

Now he finally understood why his brothers worked so hard, desperately, and some even almost broke the sewing machine.

It's not that there's something wrong with their sacks!

It's that the food is really delicious!

What's wrong with the people in prison? Could it be that they have a change of heart recently and replaced them with such a good chef?

The previous chefs only had to cook food that was barely edible, and they were lucky to fill their stomachs.

If they were unlucky and encountered dark cuisine like Lao Wang, three meals a day would be torture.

It was too hard!

As a result, they suddenly got such an awesome chef, which made Wang Xiaolong so moved that he wanted to cry.

A moment later, he saw Zhang Xiaohu, who had a full plate of rice and vegetables, slowly passing by him. The golden potatoes were sprinkled with a little light green chopped green onions. The fresh aroma came to his nose, piled on the plate like a small mountain, exquisite like a work of art, fried just right, and the fragrance was irresistible.


Wang Xiaolong couldn't help it, and hurriedly said to Zhang Xiaohu:"Brother, come on... give it to me... try it!"

He drooled as he spoke. Zhang Xiaohu seemed to be greatly frightened when he heard this. He greased his feet and ran to the corner quickly. He was afraid that Wang Xiaolong would snatch it from him!

Seeing him eating with such relish, others also cast envious eyes. It was really regretful!

If I had known earlier, I should have worked more seriously. If I had been faster than Zhang Xiaohu, I would have been the first to eat it!

Wang Xiaolong rubbed his palms, glanced at the corner of his eyes, and was surprised to find that the police officers who were guarding them.

They also held a plate of rice, eating with relish, with a happy face, and exclaimed while eating.

Really, Lao Li and Lao Zhang felt for the first time that doing this boring job was so happy.

Wang Xiaolong's eyes were green with anxiety, especially when he saw other companions eating with relish and a comfortable face, he wanted to turn around in place.

What a regret! If he had known, he would not have been lazy at noon?

As a result, he was the last one to get his turn.

Maybe there would not be much food left by then.

Jiang Chen was obviously quite fast in serving the food, but for some reason, it seemed to him that every second was like a year. After about six or seven minutes, it was finally his turn.

He wanted to rush forward and put his head into the bowl. Looking at the few remaining rice and dishes, Wang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately!

Finally, there is something!

Jiang Chen put a few dishes on his plate, and Wang Xiaolong also hurriedly found a place to sit down. Looking at such exquisite and delicious, attractive colors, and fresh and fragrant dishes, he did not eat them immediately.

Wang Xiaolong closed his eyes and slowly moved forward. A stream of fragrance rushed into his nostrils, completely resurrecting his taste buds that had been dormant for a long time.

They seemed to be calling for the delicious food in front of them!

I really didn't expect that I could eat such delicious food in prison?!

If I could have such a life with meals every day, it wouldn't be a big deal even if I had to stay in jail for a few years.

About ten seconds later, Wang Xiaolong opened his eyes.

Huh? ? ?!!!

He stood up suddenly, his eyes wide open, staring at his plate fiercely.

What happened?


Why is half of his potato missing?

"Which bastard did it?"

Wang Xiaolong said angrily,"How can he be so unethical that he actually stole my potatoes?"

Ma Dazhuang, who was standing next to him, raised his hand and said,"Boss, it wasn't me, absolutely not me.……"

Seeing the chopped green onion on the corner of his mouth, Wang Xiaolong was even more furious.

I treat you as my little brother, and you actually snatched my potatoes?!

But he knew that now was not the time to care about it.

Otherwise, if he hesitated for a while, there would probably be no potatoes left on the plate.

It seems that you must not hesitate when grabbing food in the future, and you must not pretend to be cool.

Eat it directly after getting it!

Why so much nonsense?!

Otherwise, it will happen sooner or later!

He picked up a piece of potato and put it in his mouth. When his teeth gently bit down, he could clearly feel that the golden and crispy potato skin made a crackling sound in his mouth.

Fresh, fragrant, numb, spicy, and crispy, several tastes appeared in the mouth at the same time. After biting the potato, the feeling became different from before.

A soft, sticky, fresh, and a faint aftertaste of all the starch in the potato, mixed in it.

Very, very shallow, the kind that disappeared in a flash, but it was this fleeting and shallow aftertaste that made Jiang Chen's fried potatoes several levels higher than other people's potatoes.

It's the finishing touch!

The taste is so good!!!

After eating such a meal, he can stay in the police station for another three years!

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