Jiang Chen was a little surprised to hear this.

Although he and Jiang Tiankuo and the others had only known each other for a short time, the couple treated Jiang Chen as their own son.

On weekdays, Jiang Chen would often go to cook for the two elderly people in the Jiang family.

In their words and deeds, they would urge Jiang Chen and Jiang Xue to get married quickly.

It was as if they were worried that their son-in-law would run away.

Isn't it just a birthday party?

Why are you being so cautious?

Can't you just send a text message?

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Chen with a scrutinizing look in her eyes, a little nervous, and was obviously afraid that the other party would refuse her request.

"come here……"

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment and said,"Just to tell me this?!"

"That's right."

Jiang Xue quickly replied:"I wonder if you think there is any problem?"

"Isn't it just a birthday party? It's not a big deal, of course you can do it."

Seeing Jiang Chen agreed so readily, Jiang Xue knew that he must not have realized the importance of this birthday party.

She smiled bitterly and said,"I have to tell you something ugly first, you... must listen to me carefully."

Jiang Chen listened quietly.

Jiang Xue continued,"My dad has a very wide circle of friends. On his birthday, many business partners will come to celebrate his birthday."

"Besides, he turns sixty this year, which is also a big birthday!"

"There are at least 1,000 or 2,000 guests, which means we need to set up 100 or 200 tables."

"Will it be tiring if you do it?"

Jiang Chen, who was drinking water, suddenly spat out the contents of his mouth.

His pupils contracted and he was a little surprised.

One or two hundred tables for a birthday party?!

Isn't it a little exaggerated?!

She looked at Jiang Chen and continued to ask:"Do you still think it's just a small matter now?"


Jiang Chen thought for a moment and said:"Okay, I agree to your request."

"But by then you'll have to find a few hotel chefs to help me!"

"The better the chef’s cooking skills, the better!"

Jiang Xue was a little surprised and said,"Even to help you, do you have to have people from a star hotel?"

"Of course."

Jiang Chen answered firmly.


"There is nothing to worry about."

He interrupted Jiang Xue and said,"Just do everything as I say. Although the chef in the hotel is not very qualified, it is better than having no chef at all."

"Of course, if I can find a chef from a Michelin three-star hotel, I can also reluctantly accept it."

Jiang Xue:"……"


Now, is a Michelin three-star chef so insignificant in your eyes?!

You know, being the chef there is something that many people dream of. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But if you think about it carefully, his request is not too much.

After all, Jiang Chen's cooking skills are there, and ordinary people really can't compare with him.

She smiled bitterly and said,"Okay, I'll find a few chefs to help you tonight."



The night got darker.

Smith finished a day's work. He stood at the kitchen door tiredly and stretched his body.

Smith has loved cooking since he was a child.

His dream when he was a child was to become a top chef.

After growing up, he did not forget his original intention and kept working hard in the current direction.

Now everything Smith has done has finally lived up to his own expectations! He has achieved some success.


Smith feels that he still has room for improvement.

Although the food he makes tastes good, it is not yet to the point where people will remember it.

He hopes to be able to reach such a level one day.


Just then the voice of their general manager came from the door, and Smith asked quickly:"What's the problem, manager?"

"Come out quickly."

The general manager said,"An important guest is looking for you outside and wants your help with something."

"OK, I'll be right there."

When Smith came out of the kitchen into the hall, he saw a very pretty girl. When she saw him coming, she hurried forward.

"Hello, Mr. Smith!"

The girl stretched out her right hand and said gently,"Nice to meet you!"

"We don’t seem to know this lady, do we?"

The girl said,"Indeed, I don’t know her. I came to see Mr. Smith today, hoping you could do me a small favor."

""What help do you need?"

Smith was a little confused when looking at the girl in front of him.

The girl said without hesitation:"I wonder if you are willing to help our chef and prepare a birthday party?"


Smith was very surprised when he heard the news, and his eyes were full of shock. He couldn't believe what he heard.

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