Zhang Xiaoyu is different from Jiang Xue, a foodie. She has a small appetite. In the cafeteria, a spoonful of rice can keep her occupied for the whole afternoon. But when she saw Jiang Chen's braised pork, she couldn't control herself. She couldn't control herself at all.

After showing off a bowl of rice, she quickly added another bowl. She ate it with a lingering fragrance and oil flowing out of her mouth, and she didn't care about her so-called lady image.

Now I finally understand why Jiang Xue came here every noon and gave money to the prisoners to add meals. I thought she was kind-hearted, but it turned out that it was all for herself.

If you want to control a woman's heart, you must first control her stomach!

This is really true!

It smells so good!

Whether it is the braised pork or the potatoes inside, they are evenly and delicately coated with a layer of soup. The rich flavor is completely immersed in it. Take a light bite and the perfect fragrance splashes. It quickly spreads in the mouth, lingers between the lips and teeth, and finally slides into the abdomen through the mouth. After eating, the stomach feels warm.

It makes people clap their hands and exclaim in admiration!

It's so delicious!

Zhang Xiaoyu's fighting ability was not as good as Jiang Xue's. She couldn't eat more after three bowls of white rice. She put down her plate contentedly and couldn't help but sit down on the chair next to her. It was so comfortable and cozy!

Jiang Xue's skills were more profound. After five bowls of white rice, she reluctantly put down her bowl and chopsticks.

She wiped her mouth clean and smiled embarrassedly in front of Jiang Chen.

"You have to eat less recently to lose weight!"


Why do I feel like you don't look like you want to lose weight at all?!

Five bowls of white rice, and you say you want to lose weight?!

Who are you kidding?


Zhang Xiaoyu said contentedly,"I'm so full now, my stomach is bulging, you're really disloyal, you didn't even tell me when you had such delicious food"

"What do you know?"

Jiang Xue came to Zhang Xiaoyu, put her right hand on her shoulder and said,"Imagine that my old classmate cooks such delicious food. If the comrades in the police station knew about it,"

"Who would still want to eat in the cafeteria?! Wouldn't my old classmate be very tired? It's not worth it to cook for so many people for one salary, right?"

Zhang Xiaoyu thought about it carefully, and what Jiang Xue said just now made sense.

"Aren't you rich? Why not give him a raise every month? Then let him cook for our police station."

"If I could eat such delicious food every day, I would be sorry for him if I didn't work hard!"

Jiang Xue's eyes lit up, and she was about to speak, but Jiang Chen seemed to have noticed her intention.

He interrupted her and said,"Sorry, I don't have such an idea."

She spread her palms and said helplessly,"You can see it yourself, others don't want to at all!"

Holding the chair next to her, Zhang Xiaoyu stood up with some difficulty, and approached Jiang Chen cautiously. She smiled and said,"Chef Jiang, um...can you leave an extra meal for lunch in the future? Xiaoxue and I will come over to eat"

"Can I give you money separately?"

"I can think about it." He left food for Jiang Xue because she introduced him to work here, which earned him a lot of praise points. He left food for the two policemen so that they could help him wash the dishes and mop the floor.

He had no obligation to leave food for Zhang Xiaoyu!

"How about 20 yuan for a meal?"

Seeing Jiang Chen didn't say anything, Zhang Xiaoyu quickly put forward the conditions.

Before Jiang Chen responded, Jiang Xue took the lead and said,"Xiaoyu, what do you think? Such a delicious meal for only 20 yuan?"

"How about this, one hundred yuan for a meal, and you can save some for my bestie? I'll transfer ten thousand yuan to you first!"

Without giving Jiang Chen a chance to refuse, the WeChat notification sound rang on his phone, and the ten thousand yuan had been credited.

Is a rich woman a rich woman after all?

For the sake of ten thousand yuan, Jiang Chen reluctantly agreed.

Zhang Xiaoyu was so moved that she almost cried. She stretched out her hands, put her arms around Jiang Xue's neck, and said in a coquettish tone:"Xiaoxue, my best friend, I know you are the best. You are simply my idol and my dream lover!"

"Come and stick one on me quickly!"

Jiang Xue was a little disgusted and held her face with her hand,"I told you I'm not interested in girls. Don't think that you can turn me into a lesbian just because you're pretty?"

"Are you two full? If you are, get out now and don't disturb me while I work. The prisoners will have their meals soon."


Jiang Xue smiled, showing her big white teeth, and a smile bloomed on her beautiful face. She said,"Old classmate, we'll leave first! Remember to save us dinner tonight."



Prison Workshop

"Xiao Zhao, what happened today? The sewing machines in your workshop have broken down several times."

The maintenance master was a little reluctant, looking at the prison guard Xiao Zhao beside him and said:"It used to be several months without changing it, what happened in the past few days?"

Xiao Zhao spread out his palms, smiled bitterly and said:"What else can it be, of course they work too hard"

"Work hard?!"

The maintenance master obviously didn't believe that a group of prisoners in prison would work hard if they didn't lie down and slack off.

This is simply weird!

But when Lao Zhou went in, he saw this scene and was completely confused. Have fun reading on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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