This time, Wang Xiaolong worked actively and quickly. He was in the middle of the line and didn't have to eat leftovers like last time.

Several inmates who had already gotten their meals didn't have time to sit at the table. They ate as they walked. Their faces were full of intoxication and they exclaimed with happiness.

This made Wang Xiaolong anxious. Jiang Chen was obviously very fast in getting his meals, but he kept urging him. He stared at the pot of braised pork and was reluctant to move away.

There were five people left in front... four, three... It was finally his turn.

He filled a plate of rice for himself and put the braised pork in it. Wang Xiaolong looked at the delicious food and was about to cry with happiness.

How could this be a prison?

It was simply a charity!

It would be fine if they invited such a great chef to cook for them?

The key is that it was so delicious!

And there was braised pork!

Which prison can afford braised pork?

He found a place to sit down and picked up a piece of braised pork. The meat was tender and soft, and the golden soup wrapped it. It looked quite chewy, and the meat seemed to be still on the chopsticks, shaking slightly. The fat and lean meat were interspersed, and the aroma was fragrant. He quickly picked up a piece and put it in his mouth and took a bite gently.

His teeth instantly cut the braised pork in the middle. The aroma that had been fully flavored spread in his mouth. The strong and fragrant soup flowed between his lips and teeth, making every taste bud of his taste buds jump.

This is not eating at all!

This is the greatest enjoyment in the world!

I was really moved!

In the past, I spent six or seven thousand yuan on a meal in a five-star hotel outside, and the taste was not even half as good as this.

He didn't want to go out!

Isn't it just working if you go out?

But people like them who are ambitious, who have their own industry and love and dreams, it is impossible for them to work, and they will never work in this life. It's better to stay in prison. They are all talented people and speak well.

The most important thing is that there are such delicious meals every meal.

Even if they don't eat braised pork, tomorrow they can have ordinary stir-fried cabbage, green pepper and potato shreds, which will also be a great delicacy.

Really, if he doesn't work hard in the future and make a contribution to the police station, he will feel sorry for today's meal.

Everyone was very satisfied with the meal, although they still felt a little unsatisfied, but seeing that all the dishes in the bowls were swept away, they had no choice but to put the plates aside.

"Chef Xiao Jiang, why do we have braised pork today?"

"You’re right, this braised pork is so delicious, right?"

"Really, I feel that our prison is definitely the most conscientious prison. If my friends get into trouble in the future, I will definitely recommend them to come here!"

"See if you're talking like a human being? We're supposed to help reduce crime!"

"Yes, yes, it's so delicious that I'm confused."

Jiang Chen took a sip of tea and said,"Stop talking nonsense. There will be braised pork this afternoon. You can have extra meals every day in the future. You should be more active!"

Suddenly, the prisoners in the cafeteria were stunned.

Extra meals every day?!

No way?!

Is there such a good thing?

How much virtue did they accumulate in their previous life to be locked up here in this life?

Really, it's so happy to be in prison!

""Cook Jiang, are you kidding?"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes at them and said,"Why would I lie to you? But you all have to behave well. If you dare to commit crimes in the future, you won't be treated so well."

Everyone rushed to answer.

"No, no problem"

"Chef Xiao Jiang, don’t worry, we will strive to be the number three good prisoner!"

"Yes, yes, yes. We will work hard and strive to transform as soon as possible and make contributions to the society."

Their attitude satisfied Jiang Chen very much. When Lao Zhang and Lao Li saw this scene, their mouths twitched slightly.

They couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

Before, they had used emotion, reason, and even coercion and inducement to this group of troublesome prisoners, but their attitude was always unruly.

It seemed that they felt that it was quite glorious to be in prison.

As a result, after eating two meals with Jiang Chen, they all obeyed him one by one. Whatever he said was what he said.

It seems that the power of food is really extraordinary!

But this is also a good thing. In the future, the people in the No. 2 prison will probably be controlled by Jiang Chen. If anyone dares to go against him, he will not be allowed to eat!

It is estimated that he will be in pain and can't sleep for several nights.

In order to be able to eat Jiang Chen's meals, they have helped to cover the shifts for several days in a row.

Even if they have to work fifteen or sixteen hours a day, they have no complaints.

Anyway, there is nothing to do at home. Here they just help to watch the prisoners. It is not tiring at all.

Helping Jiang Chen to wash dishes, wash dishes, and mop the floor are also small jobs!

"Don't just stand there."

Old Li finally said,"Go back to your dormitories, take a rest, and continue working in the afternoon."

"Officer Li?"

At this moment Wang Xiaolong turned around and said,"Do you look down on us? You actually wanted us to go back and rest?"


Wang Xiaolong's attitude made Officer Li a little unhappy. He frowned and asked,"Are you itching for a rest recently?"

He chuckled and said,"Officer Li, I tell you, it's impossible to rest. We have to get to work now."

What a joke. There will be extra meals in the afternoon, and he doesn't have much work tasks left.

After finishing, he will be the first in the queue. Maybe he can get more braised pork. Isn't it delicious?


Before Lao Li and Lao Zhang could react, they rushed out of the cafeteria again and ran towards the workroom.

"No. 39!"

Zhang Xiaohu had just run a few steps when he heard Lao Li calling him, and he quickly stopped.

"What's up, Officer Li?"

Old Li said,"Someone's watching you outside!"

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