
After lunch at noon until three o'clock in the afternoon, these few hours are the most comfortable time for Jiang Chen. He can arrange a few hours freely and do whatever he wants.

He brewed a cup of tea brought from home, pulled the chair over, opened the novel he just bought not long ago, and plunged into it, reading with relish.

Now his praise value in the system has accumulated to several thousand. If a person eats repeatedly, the praise value given can be superimposed, but the number is less each time. The first praise value given may be one hundred, and the second and third times will slowly decrease.

But the people in the prison are there, and the number is quite considerable overall.

Just when he saw the exciting part, there was a knock on the window outside. Looking up, Jiang Xue's beautiful face was pressed against the window, looking at him with big watery eyes.

Following behind him was his best friend Zhang Xiaoyu.

Jiang Chen looked at his watch. Isn't it only two o'clock in the afternoon?!

Why are they here again?

Are they hungry again?

Zhang Xiaoyu's appetite was relatively small. He only ate one or two bowls of rice before. It was normal for him to be hungry, but Jiang Xue... ate five or six bowls of rice in one breath. Are you here to beg for food again?!

Can you be more restrained?

He ignored the two of them and continued to read. There was a constant knocking on the window outside. After a long time, seeing that Jiang Chen was still unmoved, Jiang Xue walked in angrily.

"Old classmates? Two beauties standing outside the window saying hello to you, didn't you see them?"

Jiang Chen said seriously,"I saw the girls, but I didn't see the beauties."


Jiang Xue was a little unconvinced. Jiang Chen was the first person to say that she was not pretty. You should know that she had been treated as a school beauty since she was a child.

Later, she joined the police station and was recognized as the most beautiful woman. Her image and temperament were excellent. She was truly a white, rich and beautiful woman.

"Old classmate, I find that you are really a straight man? People like you are destined to never find a girlfriend in the future, and even if you find one, she will be driven away by you."

Jiang Chen put down the book and said,"You came to me today just to talk about this?"

"That's not the case."

Jiang Xue pouted her pink lips slightly, looking a little silly and cute. She sat next to Jiang Chen with a wronged look on her face, sighed and said,"Don't mention it. The two of us were scolded by the leader."

""I was scolded by my boss, what does it have to do with me?"

Zhang Xiaoyu also poked her head out of the door. She had a neat short haircut and looked heroic.

She had no background, but she worked very hard in the police station. Even though she had only been employed for a short time, she had already been highly recognized by her superiors.

"When we were interrogating the prisoners, we thought about the braised pork for lunch... We couldn't help it for a moment, and we were so busy discussing the food that we almost forgot about the case."

Zhang Xiaoyu seemed a little guilty. Obviously, she knew that it was her dereliction of duty that led to her being scolded by the team leader, who drove them out and counted the prisoners in the prison.

"Can you blame me for this? You don't have a serious attitude towards work, so you deserve to be scolded by your superiors."

Jiang Xue said angrily:"Please, can't you comfort me now? How about if you say something nice, I will give you money?"

"A nice word is one thousand!"

Jiang Chen replied firmly:"I won't say nice things, you still have to pay me when the time comes, otherwise I won't give you food!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xue felt helpless and said with emotion:"You are too boring, right? There is a phrase called pity women, do you understand?"

"I don't understand."

Jiang Xue felt a little bored, so she put her hands on the table, holding up her beautiful face, and said helplessly,"We have been interrogating our new prisoner for several days, but there is still no result."

"If he doesn't give out his accomplices in a few days, I guess we can only close the case reluctantly."

"The appointed time is coming."

Zhang Xiaoyu on the side also stepped forward and said:"Yes, this prisoner is very stubborn. No matter how we coerce and bribe him, he just refuses to confess his accomplices, saying that tens of millions of cultural relics were all stolen by him alone."

"Does he think we policemen are fools? The total value of the things they stole last time must be at least 30 or 40 million, right?"

"He definitely couldn't do it alone. This case has a very bad impact. The most important thing is that if his accomplices are not caught, I am worried that there will be other cultural relic theft cases."

A few months ago, a cultural relic theft case with a huge impact occurred in the local area. Ancient cultural relics worth tens of millions disappeared overnight.

They immediately set up a special task force to conduct a 24-hour tracking investigation on this matter.

After unremitting efforts, they finally caught the suspect.

However, according to the traces at the scene, it is speculated that there were at least five or six accomplices at the time.

The remaining few people are missing, and the only one caught is particularly stubborn. No matter how you appeal to his emotions or reason with him, he insists that he did it alone.

Even if he is sentenced to ten or twenty years in prison, he doesn't care at all

"How many days are left until the deadline?"

Jiang Chen, who had been silent until now, finally spoke.

Jiang Xue replied:"There are only three days left. What can we find out in three days?"

"If you only think about food at work all day, you won't be able to find out the answer even if you are given another 30 days."

Jiang Xue smiled embarrassedly and said,"Oh, don't expose me, isn't it because the food you cook is too delicious?"

"Don’t interrogate him for the next two days."

The two looked at each other, confusion in their eyes, not understanding what Jiang Chen wanted to do?

There were only a few days left, and he was not interrogated in the remaining two days?!

Wouldn’t that be a waste of time?

"Why? Time is very tight now."

Jiang Chen handed the book to him, revealed a mysterious smile and said:"Starve him for two days first, I have a way to get the answer from him!""

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