The diced chicken is very chewy, with a golden and crispy appearance, but the meat inside is still soft and tender, and the spicy flavor has been completely integrated into the meat.

Every bite will have fresh juice, gently splashing, allowing the taste buds and nerves in the mouth to be released to the extreme.

Then taste the rice, wrapped in golden and delicate soup, every bite is particularly satisfying.

Team leader Wang has forgotten everything. Now his world is only the bowl of spicy chicken rice in front of him. He hasn't eaten enough for several days, and his appetite is open. It didn't take long for him to finish the bowl of rice.

As a foodie, Jiang Xue has been hungry for more than an hour and can't wait, but she can't use a big bowl to eat. After all, she is a girl, and it's really inappropriate to use a big bowl.

So, she used a bowl for soup.

When Team Leader Wang finished the rice in the bowl, he looked at Jiang Xue next to him and was dumbfounded.

A large bowl full of rice, piled with delicious spicy chicken, looks very appetizing.

He slapped his forehead with his hand. Why didn't he think of it?

Why should he eat it with a bowl?

For delicious food like this, you have to eat it in big mouthfuls to enjoy it.

He also changed a bowl for soup, filled it with rice, and put in a lot of spicy chicken cubes.

It was full, and he was particularly happy and satisfied. He ate one bite after another and forgot everything else, and he kept exclaiming while eating.

Each flavor did not conflict with each other, and it blended with the rice inside. It was really hard to refuse!

Where did such an awesome chef come from?

It was much better than those in five-star hotels.

He ate two bowls of rice in one breath, and finally he was satisfied. He was reluctant to leave, put the chopsticks on the table next to him, and sat down on the chair next to him tremblingly because he was so full that he could hardly walk. It was so delicious!

So happy!

If he could eat such a meal every day, he would not mind working overtime.

After he finished eating, Jiang Xue also put down her chopsticks, looked at Team Leader Wang with anticipation and said,"Team Leader, do you still think the idea I just came up with is crazy?"

Team Leader Wang took a sip of water, raised a thumb in front of Jiang Chen and said,"Little brother, your cooking skills are amazing!"

"Could you tell me where you learned it?"

""It's barely considered self-taught."

Team leader Wang's pupils suddenly trembled.

Self-taught people are so awesome?!

As expected, the gap between people is not ordinary.

Some people paid so much tuition and asked top chefs to teach them cooking skills, but the food they cooked was still inedible.

As a result, Jiang Chen could reach this level by self-study!

I admire him, it's really admirable

"Jiang Xue told me before that your cooking skills are great, but I didn't believe it. Now I have learned something new. By the way, it's a waste of talent to cook for prisoners with your cooking skills. How about you come to our police station cafeteria?"

Before Jiang Chen could answer, Jiang Xue on the side quickly shook her head and said,"No, team leader, you don't know that after Jiang Chen came to the cafeteria, the prisoners in the prison became very obedient."

"They are all moral role models. They do whatever they are told to do without any hesitation. They are afraid that we will transfer Jiang Chen away. If we really let him leave, the management cost will increase."

"There is such a thing?"

Team Leader Wang was even more shocked.

How to manage the prisoners in the prison so that they would not conflict with each other has always been the top priority of their police station.

Although the methods they had thought of before were effective, they were ultimately unsatisfactory. As a result, now they all obey

Jiang Chen by letting him cook for them? This can be considered as an accidental success!

But think about it.

If he were in prison and met a chef who cooked such delicious food, he would definitely be obedient and perform well. He would not dare to contradict the people in their police station.

If Jiang Chen left, the loss would be great.

""Little brother."

Team leader Wang patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder and said,"I just tasted your cooking skills. Using that method, maybe we can really force out the location of Wu Qiang's gang.""

"I'll go back and let him starve for a day or two. Then please behave yourself!"

"No problem."

Jiang Chen replied:"I will go and cook my own specialty dishes."

Jiang Xue:"(=Д=)"

Team Leader Wang:"⊙▽⊙"

They were both dumbfounded. From what Jiang Chen said just now...

Aren't those dishes he cooked before his specialty?!

No way!!!

Ordinary home-cooked dishes seemed to be infused with soul in Jiang Chen's hands, and they were incredibly delicious. It was exciting to think that he would really cook his own specialty.

Team leader Wang was young and promising. He had excellent grades in the police academy. He had a strong will and could resist all kinds of temptations.

He had eaten on time every day for the past two days, but he didn't eat much. Facing Jiang Chen's ordinary delicious food, he had surrendered and his will collapsed.

He dared to guarantee that Wu Qiang's toughness could not be compared with his own. Jiang Chen took out his best dish and put it in front of him.

Old Wang and Jiang Xue kept eating delicious food in front of a person who had been hungry for two days. It would definitely make the glutton in his stomach stir him up and make him feel worse than death.

Such scenes and pictures are exciting to think about!

"All right, little brother."

Team leader Wang held Jiang Chen's hand and said,"I'll leave it to you from now on!"

"I'll go back and lock him up directly without questioning him."


Team leader Wang hummed a little tune, looking very happy, and left the kitchen happily.

When he just walked to the door of the office, he heard someone greet him from afar.

""Old Wang."

Team leader Wang stopped and turned around. A tall and burly man, about thirty years old, was walking over.

Team leader Zhou!

He took out a cigarette, lent it to Team leader Wang and said,"How is it, has there been any progress in the case recently?"

"Not yet."

PS: Please give me flowers and votes. If there is more data, I will update more. I will update at least five times! Thank you all readers for your support! Happy reading on May Day! Recharge 100 and get

500 VIP points!

���Recharge (Activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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