Wu Qiang immediately forgot to struggle.

Almost all creatures, including humans, have an instinct to obtain food.

After all, this is a basic need for survival.

When a person is extremely hungry, anything to eat will attract his attention.

Wu Qiang's eyes were straight, staring at the bag in Captain Wang's hand like a steel knife.

Even though there were still several layers of plastic film, the color inside the food box could tell that it was definitely the ultimate delicacy.


His abdomen churned even more violently.

Not to mention that Wu Qiang had been hungry for a few days, even the members of other groups had just eaten their fill not long ago. Now with those dishes, you can have two bowls of rice.

Wu Qiang almost lost consciousness and had long forgotten everything. Only the things in the bag were in his eyes. He was motionless and stared intently.

His breathing also became rapid.

The food box was like some kind of fuse, instantly stirring up his stomach, twitching back and forth, and his mouth was madly secreting saliva

"Did you see it?"

Captain Wang came up to Wu Qiang and said with a smile,"Do you think the food inside is delicious?"

"Do you have the urge to taste it?"

"I'm telling you...hiss...don't think you can make me confess by using this kind of thing!"

"It's impossible. I'm definitely not the ungrateful person who would betray my brothers."

Seeing that Wu Qiang was still so stubborn, the smile on Captain Wang's face became more and more brilliant. What he liked to see most was the large-scale"really delicious" scene!

After a while, he moved a table over and placed it opposite Wu Qiang, and then placed several food boxes on it, and opened the bags one by one.

From beginning to end, Wu Qiang's eyes never left the food boxes.

This group of unscrupulous policemen was too much!

He had been hungry for two whole days, and then they tempted him with these delicious things?!

Which criminal could withstand such a test?

He wanted to close his eyes, but his body's instinct would not allow him to do so. Instead, his eyes opened wider.

His stomach was like thunder!

His abdomen was churning!

These were not what Wu Qiang thought.

It was a signal sent by his body's instinct. After all, he had not replenished energy for forty or fifty hours, and his brain would definitely be more excited to see food.

After a while, all the plastic films were completely removed, and the food in several packaged boxes was completely presented to Wu Qiang.


Wu Qiang's stomach growled, and the other police officers behind him were still swallowing their saliva.

Captain Wang said with dissatisfaction:"Pay attention to each of you? Didn't you just eat? What, are you greedy again now?"

Everyone smiled awkwardly and embarrassedly.

"Take it away... Gurgle... Take it away quickly."

Wu Qiang said no, but his body was still very mature, his stomach was growling, and his mouth was drooling.

His clothes were almost wet.

Although the food box had not been fully opened, he could already smell a particularly strong, long, and appetite-stimulating aroma.

It floated back and forth in the not-so-large confinement room, lasting for a long time, one after another.

People who are hungry have several times more sense of smell and taste than in normal states.

This is the adjustment made by the brain to the body so that you can find food more keenly.

For Captain Wang and others who had just eaten, this kind of fragrance was cruel, not to mention Wu Qiang who had not eaten for two days.

His abdomen churned more violently, and his saliva completely wet the clothes on his chest. Driven by his body, he was like a hungry wolf, wanting to pounce on the food box on the table.

But his hands were handcuffed firmly to the wall

"How is it, Comrade Xiao Wu? Our police station treats you well, right? Do you want to eat? If you want to eat, tell me where your teammates are? And where did you put the cultural relics?"

"Isn't it just a matter of opening your mouth? It's no big deal!"

"Get out, get out!"

Captain Wang said seriously,"Look, you're in a hurry again?!"

"I will introduce to you one by one the four dishes that our chef has prepared for you."

He opened the box of stir-fried beef. Among these dishes, the most delicious is stir-fried beef. It is fresh, fragrant, spicy and spicy. It smells very appetizing. It is absolutely a human enjoyment when eaten with rice. The already strong fragrance became even stronger at this moment.

The confinement room was filled with the sound of swallowing saliva. The fresh fragrance of the spicy beef was like a knife to Wu Qiang, stabbing straight into his stomach.

It made him extremely uncomfortable!

Captain Wang put the plate of beef directly in front of Wu Qiang's nose, and waves of fragrance came to him. The collision in his nostrils completely and thoroughly mobilized every taste bud of his, and his saliva kept secreting like a flood.

His brain was issuing instructions, mobilizing every organ in his body, and he wanted to eat the spicy beef in the box!

The color was bright, the aroma was fragrant, and every piece of beef was evenly and delicately covered with soup, red, bright, fragrant, numbing, and spicy.

These policemen are really bad guys!!!

Too much, too much!

Killing is not enough, why torture me like this?

""Get lost...hiss!"

He didn't even have the chance to finish his words. Just one word came out and saliva immediately flowed from the corner of his mouth. When others saw it, they all felt sorry for Wu Qiang. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

They were still greedy even after they were full, and they didn't know how uncomfortable he must be now?!

"I tell you, this beef is very tender in your mouth. Take a bite and the juice will flow out immediately. If you eat it with rice, the taste is simply amazing."

"Unfortunately, there are some people he just can’t eat!"

"How about it? Are you sure you don't want to try it!"

Now Wu Qiang is about to cry.

It's not an exaggeration, he is really about to cry!

He is crying because of greed!

He has been hungry for a day or two, and now he can eat a steamed bun with relish. But Captain Wang took such a vicious move and put such delicious beef in front of him.

He really can't bear it?!

"Do you want me to demonstrate it to you?"

Captain Wang put the beef on the table, took out the chopsticks he had prepared in advance, gently picked up a piece of beef and put it into his mouth, chewing it slowly, making a satisfied sound, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"It's so delicious, I've never eaten beef so delicious before?! Unfortunately, some people can only look but not eat!"

Captain Wang had just finished speaking when Jiang Xue, who was standing next to him, ran up and took out the chopsticks she had prepared and picked up a piece of beef.

"It’s not enough for our captain to show you, I have to show you a good one too!"

Woo woo woo... too much, too much!

I’m fine with one of you doing this, but what about a few people doing this together?

The others stopped pretending when they saw this scene, and quickly took out their disposable chopsticks, walked forward with one chopstick each, and ate another half of the stir-fried beef.

Everyone deliberately showed a look of enjoyment and intoxication in front of him.

"It’s so delicious, I’ve never eaten such delicious beef!"

"Who says it isn't?! This thing is a rice killer when paired with rice!"

"But beef is just one of the dishes. I think the rest may be even better than beef."

Captain Wang said with a straight face,"Go ahead, don't come here unless I tell you to."

Although the others were somewhat reluctant, they still stepped aside.

Then Captain Wang said with a smile,"How is it? Does it smell good?"

"Let me tell you, if you think the stir-fried beef is not delicious enough, I also have grilled fish here?"

"Look at this grilled fish, it’s crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the exterior is golden and crispy, and when you take a bite, you can hear a crunching sound. The fish meat inside is particularly flavorful, soft, tender, fresh and smooth."

"Are you sure you don't want to have a bite?!"

"You just need to open your mouth to enjoy these delicacies."

Wu Qiang tried his best to hold his breath, but the nerves in his brain and the protective mechanism of his body prompted him to instinctively want to eat certain foods.

"By the way, let me let you have a small taste first. If you don't taste it, how do you know how delicious it is?"

As he said this, he picked up a small piece of fish, a very small piece, about the size of a block, and slowly put it into Wu Qiang's mouth.

In an instant, Wu Qiang's body was struck by lightning!

Almost every cell and taste bud in his body were completely and fully mobilized!

This feeling is definitely the most uncomfortable.

If he had not been given food from the beginning to the end, it would be fine, but the key is that now he was given only a little bit!

Now he was crazy about tasting the food in the box? He couldn't help it, really couldn't help it?

When a person is extremely hungry, it is possible to lose his mind, and anything he does is expected.

What's more, he is betraying his brothers?

Or brothers who only drink and eat!

"Isn’t it delicious?"

Captain Wang continued with a smile,"As long as you tell us who your accomplices are, you can have all these dishes!"


He could barely utter a complete sentence, and drooled every time he opened his mouth.


I said...I said everything! Please...give me a taste!".

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