Jiang Xue's eyes lit up when she heard this.

She had originally thought about asking Jiang Chen to work overtime in the evening and make some delicious food to reward the police officers in the team.

But she was too embarrassed to ask.

After all, Jiang Chen had worked hard for an hour or two during the day.

Who would have thought that he would actually bring it up on his own initiative.

That's great!

As for the money, Jiang Xue didn't care at all. She lacked everything except money. As long as the problem could be solved with money, it was not a problem in the eyes of a rich and beautiful woman like her.

Everyone was very excited, their eyes lit up, and they felt more motivated!

They couldn't wait to set off right now and catch those culprits!

"Don't forget about me...hiss...even if you don't let me eat the delicious food, at least give me something to try.……"

"You can't be so cruel!"

"I just want to have a meal, you guys can't do this!! Have a taste, even just one taste is fine!"

Wu Qiang really wanted to cry this time!

Damn, he really regretted it now!

Why did he want to be greedy at that time ?���He followed those guys to steal cultural relics?

To put it another way, even if he really stole cultural relics, he should have confessed and been treated leniently, and resisted and been treated severely. He should not have entangled with the people in the police station. If they asked him to confess, he should have confessed honestly. He insisted on fighting with them to the end!

Is it okay now?!

Looking at such tempting food, he could only look at it but not eat it. It was more painful than killing him!

Captain Wang smiled and quickly came to Jiang Chen and held his right hand, feeling quite moved.

"Chef Xiao Jiang, thank you for your hard work again tonight!"

"If our case is solved, you will definitely be credited with a great achievement. It's not that the food you cooked is so delicious that it can trick Wu Qiang into confessing!"

The others also nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

That's right, it's very right!

If you use ordinary food to tempt Wu Qiang, others will not be fooled at all.

When there is no energy replenishment for dozens of hours, the human body is in a state of extreme hunger, and the brain will use all its energy to find food.

So a strong sense of hunger is generated!

In this case, the human sense of taste and smell will become extremely sensitive.

The brain will also give an instinctive estimate of the edible value of food.

The stronger the fragrance, the better the color, the better the taste, and the stronger the stimulation it brings to people.

Although ordinary food is also tempting, it is definitely not as good as the food cooked by Jiang Chen.

"Small problem."

Jiang Chen said:"Then you should report to your superiors immediately and apply for police dispatch, and try to complete the mission as soon as possible!"

"Dele, little brother, let's go first."

""Chef Jiang, what are we having for dinner?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said,"You'll know when you come back."

The other police officers had left, but Jiang Xue was still beside Jiang Chen. The two of them stayed in the confinement room together.

"Why don't you go?"

Jiang Xue smiled embarrassedly and said,"Aren't you going to cook something delicious tonight? You must need someone to help you. Besides, if I'm not by your side, who will buy food for you?"

"Come on, what are you going to do tonight?! They are going to catch some bad guys and solve a big case, how about we cook a big meal?"

Jiang Chen touched his chin with his hand, thought about it seriously, and said:"Of course I have no problem, but I want to see if you can do it?"

"Girls can't say no."

Jiang Xue patted her well-endowed chest and said confidently,"Isn't it just that you want me to pay? For me, problems that can be solved with money are not problems!"

"That's what you said, I won't be polite tonight."

Jiang Xue said quickly:"No problem, I just want you to be polite."

At this moment, Wu Qiang's voice floated over from behind.

"Is there anyone who can take care of me? At least give me something to eat!"

Jiang Chen turned around and said,"Don't worry, you'll have something to eat when they come back.""

"I want to eat now, you guys can't play tricks on me, you guys are lying to me? Damn, I thought I was the only one who would lie to others with a beastly heart and a lot of nonsense!"

"I didn't expect that you policemen would also lie?!"

Jiang Xue pulled Jiang Chen's sleeve and said,"Don't worry about it. Let him stay in here for a while. He is just asking for it. You don't know how excessive his actions were during that period of time!"

"When we were interrogating him, not only did he not tell us any intelligence, he also slammed the table, hit the bench and cursed!"

"Since he has so much energy, we have to starve him for a few days."

The two came out of the confinement room, and then Jiang Xue remembered something and said,"By the way, if he is assigned to the prison under your jurisdiction, don't give him delicious food, otherwise I feel sick just thinking about it."

"If he had helped us solve the case, would there still be so many problems?"

""Okay, okay, I'll just listen to you, okay?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Jiang Xue nodded with satisfaction.

"Come on, it’s time for those prisoners to eat. Let’s go get them food first, and then go to the market to buy some vegetables. We’ll have a celebration banquet in the evening!"

"no problem"



Lao Zhou stood in front of Captain Luo Yong and said cautiously:"What would you do if Lao Wang really didn't solve the case and couldn't find other accomplices?!"

Luo Yong sighed and said:"If he really can't find other accomplices, how to deal with him is not something I can decide."

"We have to look at the arrangements above, but the situation is most likely to be bad."

""What, what?"

His body trembled slightly, and he became even more worried about Lao Wang.

He always felt that the other party's mental state seemed to be a little wrong during this period. He was obviously in a very urgent situation, and he wasted two days of precious time in vain. The most important thing was that at a very critical moment, he went to buy delicious food for Wu Qiang.

Sometimes he even doubted whether he and Wu Qiang were accomplices.

Otherwise... why take care of him so much?!

Lao Wang said in a pleading tone:"Captain, can't you be flexible?"

""How can you ask me to be flexible?"

Luo Yong put down his teacup and said,"And this is not the last minute yet? How do you know that he will not be able to solve the case?"

"There are few dangers!"

Captain Zhou said with a wry smile,"You may not have dealt with Wu Qiang, so you don't know what kind of person he is. This guy is very stubborn. We have interrogated him before, and no matter how we threatened or lured him, he just wouldn't give in."

"He also put on a broken jar attitude, taking all the blame on himself"

"He is a very difficult person!"

"There are only the last 133 hours left. If Lao Wang could find out, he would have found it long ago."

Luo Yong did not speak.

He was also very concerned about this case and knew that what Lao Wang had just said were all true facts.

He also couldn't stand Wu Qiang's rebellious look.

If they hadn't abided by the rules and couldn't be tortured into confessing, Luo Yong would have wanted to slap him twice.

Just thinking about that guy's face made him furious.

If they couldn't give the public a satisfactory explanation, public opinion would definitely put more pressure on them.

But... what can they do?

They are already doing their best.

"I understand. You go down first."

Luo Yong waved his hand and said,"Call Lao Wang in again and tell him I have something to say to him."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door outside was pushed open, and Captain Wang rushed in with an anxious and excited look on his face.

""Captain, Captain!"

He said with a flushed face,"What great news!"

Luo Yong took another sip of tea, and seeing Captain Wang so excited, he said lightly,"What good news? Don't tell me that the accomplices of those guys have been betrayed by Wu Qiang."

He just said it casually, with a bit of ridicule in his words. After all, how could the truth be revealed at the last moment after more than a month of interrogation without any results?

But what Wang Qiang said next made him spit out all the water in his mouth.

"Yes, Wu Qiang really confessed!"

"We have already caught all their accomplices."

I'm a big shot:

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