Luo Yong leaned back in his chair, patting his bulging belly with a satisfied look on his face, still savoring the delicious food Jiang Chen had prepared before. The simple boiled pork slices became something extraordinary in Jiang Chen's hands.

Whether it was the taste, texture, aroma, or appearance, they were much better than ordinary dishes!

What a treat!

It was a blessing for their police station to be able to meet such a chef.

He opened his eyes slightly, looking at the shocked reporter opposite him, flipping through the case report he had written, with some curiosity in his eyes.


Luo Yong asked,"What are you reading? Isn't the case report clearly written about the whole process? Is there anything you don't understand?""

"Captain Luo."

Tian Bingbing hesitated for a moment, then handed the case report to Luo Yong, pointed to the latter half and said,"I can understand the contents in the front. The comrades in your police station are indeed very hard-working. However, under your wise leadership, it is not easy to solve this case with a bad impact."

"The most important thing is that they directly reported and exposed the intentions of some lawless elements. To be honest, we were all very moved."

"But... there is one thing that puzzles me"

"Can you tell me why you kept writing about how delicious beggar's chicken was in the second half of the story? You even think that the number one contributor to solving the case is the cook in your prison?"

"Isn't this outrageous?"

Tian Bingbing was wondering what kind of mental state Luo Yong was in to write such a report. It is not easy for ordinary people to be on the news. The most important thing is... their newspaper has a large circulation in the local area, and the reports on it are all positive and optimistic.

As a case with a bad impact, it is of course crucial to who is the 22 leaders who solved the case.

If it is reported by their newspaper, it will definitely make his influence further.

Although it cannot bring actual economic benefits, it will greatly increase his reputation.


Luo Yong actually thought that the number one hero was actually a cook, and a cook who cooked for prisoners in prison?

Not to mention that his family members didn't understand, now outsiders don't understand either!

The operation was a bit coquettish, and she almost broke Tian Bingbing's waist.

"So that's what you're talking about."

Luo Yong took the report and read it carefully. Then he said seriously,"The reporter is right. The content I wrote later was indeed not good."

"You shouldn't write about how delicious beggar's chicken is. I'll seriously revise it later and you can publish the report then."

Hearing this, the reporter breathed a sigh of relief and said,"That's good enough. Then I want to ask, how are you going to revise it, Captain?"

"I am going to change the beggar's chicken into boiled pork slices. I ate half a bite of beggar's chicken yesterday. I didn't really taste the flavor, but I just thought it was delicious. I even dreamed about it."

"But today is different. I went to eat boiled pork slices! You don’t know how it tastes. It’s so delicious just thinking about it."

"Whether it is the aroma or the color, it is very good, especially the color, it looks like a work of art. It is obviously served in a big pot, but I always feel……"

Tian Bingbing:"⊙⊙!"

Brother, are you serious?

I'm not kidding you.

I thought you realized you shouldn't say that, but you changed beggar's chicken to boiled pork slices.

What's wrong with this world? Is everyone crazy?

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

"Captain Luo, you……"

Luo Yong smiled and said,"Listen to me, reporter, what I just told you is the truth. The number one hero in our prison is really the chef of our No. 2 prison cafeteria."

"If it weren't for him, how could we solve the case so easily?! His beggar's chicken and boiled pork slices are really delicious"

"Of course, it is said that he made stir-fried beef and spicy crayfish that day, but it was a pity that I was not lucky enough to eat them."

"If I could have eaten it that day, maybe……"

"Captain Luo."

Tian Bingbing couldn't listen any more.

I really didn't know what to say! You solved such a big case, but you didn't want to show off and show off your glorious, upright and selfless image in front of the reporters.

But from the beginning to now, you just kept talking about food.

It was totally out of character.

"Can we talk about the case?"

"Are you talking about the case?"

Luo Yong stood up, looked at the time and said,"I'm sorry, I'm a little hungry now, I have to go eat first."

He had just eaten several bowls of rice not long ago, so he didn't feel very hungry now, he was just greedy.

Anyway, the prison cafeteria was already open, so why not go over and have another meal.

It was so delicious!

"I will call the Criminal Investigation Team 3 to come and entertain you later. Don't worry, no matter what questions you ask, they will answer them truthfully."

"I'll leave first. Please don't mind if I'm not a good host, comrade reporter!"

Watching the burly and fat figure of Captain Luo leaving the room, Tian Bingbing stood there blankly, her whole body was quite messy.

She had been a reporter for five or six years, but this was the first time she encountered such a puzzling and incredible situation.


If a normal person solved such a big case, he would not squeeze his scalp to ask him for an interview.

Once reported in the newspaper, their influence and fame will increase.

This is very good for their future prospects.

As a result, Captain Luo talked about food in front of her, saying how awesome the chef who made prison meals was.

Then he left her here.

Tian Bingbing was particularly puzzled.

"Sister Bingbing."

The photographer said,"What should we do next?"

"Go to the office of the Criminal Division 3 and listen to what they say. It is said that they are the main personnel in charge of this case."

""Okay, no problem."

When Tian Bingbing came to the office of Criminal Division 3 with the case report, they were all preparing to go out, and they were all anxious.

Their eyes were full of excitement.

But when they saw Tian Bingbing coming, they all restrained themselves a little. It was not because they were afraid of her, but there was a photographer behind them, and the next picture they took would probably be shown on TV.

You know, they are representing the image of the police station now, so they must be calm.

But even so, several police officers still had rumbling stomachs.

Tian Bingbing saw this scene and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Why are the policemen she met today so strange?

Can anyone tell her?

Lao Wang was the first to say hello and said,"Hello, reporter, have you eaten? If not, let's go to the prison cafeteria to eat something together?"

Tian Bingbing:"???"


Big brother.

Can't you all be normal?

Don't mess with me!

It's okay that your captain talks nonsense, but why are you all like this?

""You are Captain Wang, right?"

Captain Wang nodded, a little absent-mindedly, looking towards the prison from time to time, rubbing her hands constantly. It was obvious that she was very anxious, as if something important had not been done.

As for the other team members, they were no exception.

Obviously, they all hoped to end the interview quickly.

"Captain Wang.

Tian Bingbing said with a smile:"We have cameras here. Your image and every word you say next represent the reputation of your prison."

"I hope you can cooperate more?"

Captain Wang nodded reluctantly.

"Good, good, cooperate! Comrade reporter, please ask whatever you want to ask."

Tian Bingbing smiled and said,"This theft of cultural relics has caused a great social sensation, and the higher-ups have attached great importance to it. You and your police officers have worked hard day and night, and have continuously investigated and worked hard to finally catch the murderer."

"The most important thing is that these murderers all have very distinguished identities and positions, which is completely beyond our expectations."

"I would like to ask, in the process of solving the case, you have made a lot of efforts, and after a long period of research and exploration, you finally caught the real culprit behind the scenes."

"What do you think is the most important thing in this case?"

Captain Wang thought seriously, touching his chin with his hand.

Tian Bingbing and the cameraman looked at Captain Wang expectantly, their eyes full of curiosity.

"It's spicy grilled fish!"

After a while, Captain Wang subconsciously gave this answer.

Tian Bingbing:"………………"


I'm asking you what's the most important thing to solve a case? 137

You answered spicy grilled fish?

What does grilled fish have to do with solving a case? Can you still answer the question properly?

This is going to be on TV!

Don't you think this answer is too frivolous?

Tian Bingbing took a deep breath.

Calm down, you must be calm!

What kind of weird things has she not seen as a reporter?

Lao Wang must be kidding himself

"Captain Wang, I hope you can cooperate with our work. I was really sincere and serious in asking you questions just now."

Even though Tian Bingbing had countless alpacas running through his heart, he still had a gentle and beautiful smile on his face.

""Comrade reporter, let me answer the question!"

At this moment, Guo Mengmeng, who was standing behind Captain Wang, raised her right hand and walked over. Seeing this scene, Tian Bingbing breathed a sigh of relief.

She pointed the microphone and camera at Guo Mengmeng and asked,"Comrade policewoman, can you tell me what is the most important thing in this case?"

"Don't listen to our captain's nonsense. I feel that our captain doesn't have a clear grasp of the key to the case."

"At that time, we were at the interrogation site and had a clear understanding of the whole story of the case, so we knew very well that the biggest reason for solving the case was not the spicy grilled fish."

Great, great.

I met three people, and finally one of them was not talking about food, but was talking about the case seriously.

If I didn't collect the right data and information, my boss would definitely criticize me when I went back.

Tian Bingbing has been in the workplace for many years, and every interview she did was easy.

"What do you think is the biggest and most critical factor in solving a case? Is it your unity, carefulness, hard work, or diligence?"

"I think it's crayfish!"

Tian Bingbing:"?????????!"


I must be hallucinating?

What does solving a case have to do with food? Damn, it's fine if one person says so, but everyone says so.

Are you guys kidding me?

Are you kidding me?!!!!!!!

Can't we be serious?!!.

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