Recently, eight thefts occurred in succession in the urban area of Tianlong City. In each theft, the stolen items were extremely valuable, at least tens of millions.

The total value of the lost items in the eight thefts reached 100 million.

Judging from the clues left at the scene, these eight thefts should have been committed by one person.

The thief was quite rampant. After stealing the items, he deliberately left marks at the scene for the police to investigate.

A black bat ring was left at each crime scene.


It was really too rampant.

This is simply a malicious provocation to their police.

The theft itself is not a big case, but if the stolen items are worth hundreds of millions, the situation will be different.

Xie Feng rubbed his forehead and said,"Originally this case was handed over to the branch, but they investigated for a long time and didn't have any clues, so they finally handed it over to us."

"We have investigated the surveillance footage at the scene and checked the connections of the wealthy man whose property was stolen, but there is no information worthy of attention."

"Most importantly, the thief seemed to be deliberately provoking us police. His purpose was not just to steal things, he was maliciously threatening us and betting that we could not catch him."

"This is really too much!"

Everyone nodded in agreement after hearing this.

If he really just wanted to steal things, there was no need to commit crimes continuously within a month. The risk of being exposed was too high.

The most important thing was that he left a bat ring at the scene to prove his identity.


Luo Yong touched his chin and said,"How long is the deadline for solving the case?"

"This case caused a similar sensation to the last cultural relic case. Anyway, the leaders above have said that they should try to solve the case within half a month."

"Half a month?!"

Luo Yong's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe the answer he heard.

No way?!

The branch has been investigating for more than a month without any clues, and now they are asked to come for half a month to figure things out?

Isn't that too difficult?

Jiang Xue couldn't help but said,"Director, isn't half a month a bit hasty?"

"We just solved a cultural relic case not long ago. The leaders above are very optimistic about you and think that your team is very capable and promising. They also specifically named you to investigate and said that they believe in you and will definitely catch the suspect within half a month."

They were completely dumbfounded.

No... they were able to solve the cultural relic theft case within the deadline last time purely by chance.

A large part of the reason was that Jiang Chen helped to find a way to make Wu Qiang confess.

However, this case is much more difficult than the last time.

Before, they at least caught Wu Qiang, one of the suspects, but they didn't know about his accomplices or where the cultural relics were hidden.

They just needed to find a way to make Wu Qiang talk.

But this time they didn't have any clues, and they didn't know who the suspect was. They just saw a bat ring left at the scene.

Can a ring alone solve the case?

What a hammer!

Jiang Xue smiled bitterly and said,"Director, isn't this too difficult for us? We really can't do it in half a month. Can we negotiate with the people above and give us one more month ?"

"No way."

He refused bluntly and said,"Do you really think that the leaders above are my relatives and I can do whatever I say?"

"The decision-making power is not in my hands at all, and I am in a difficult situation too, okay?"

"Hurry up! The theft case has attracted a lot of attention online, and many people are discussing it!"

"Anyway, if we can't solve the case within half a month, the leaders above will probably not let us go."

After the voice fell, the director turned around and walked to the window.

He said solemnly:"What should you do next? Hurry up and collect clues. Don't waste time."

Everyone sighed with sorrow on their faces and walked out of the house.


Just solved a big case, and before I could get praise from the higher-ups, I faced a more determined task.

To be honest, this case is much more difficult than the last time.

Unless... someone can tell them directly who the thief who left this bat ring is.


Guo Mengmeng said with a frown:"What should we do? We only have this bat-shaped ring, where can we find the thief? It is said that they have watched the surveillance video at the scene many times."

"The people in the network branch have also checked. Others have done everything we can think of. There is no clue at all. Even if we try again, it will only be a waste of time."

Captain Wang said nothing. He was able to steal so many things in a short period of time without leaving any clues. It can be seen that... he is definitely a repeat offender. His ability to steal things is extraordinary.

This time they really have to rely on themselves. It is impossible for them to ask Jiang Chen for help again, right?

Last time it was purely a coincidence. They won't be so lucky every time.

"Don't say any more."

Captain Wang lit a cigarette and said,"No matter whether we can do it or not, we must try our best!"

"Please be smart during this period of time. No one can be lazy. Do you understand?"


Everyone answered in unison

"Well, let's first visit the wealthy people whose houses were robbed to see if there are any clues left in their homes."



Prison No. 3.

Sitting on the bed, Lao Qiang lit a cigarette, and white smoke floated in the air.

Recently, the group of prisoners in Prison No. 2 have been acting more and more obedient. They don't look like they are in prison for reform. They are just moral models.

At first, I thought they were pretending. But now it's getting more and more exaggerated. It

's okay to line up neatly every day when they go to eat.

The most outrageous thing is that when they are free, they actually stay in the free activity to read books?

Really, how can I describe this feeling...

Anyway, it's very strange.

When they are together, they often discuss how delicious the food in the prison is, which completely and completely mobilizes Lao Qiang's curiosity.

They are all in prison for reform, so is there a difference in the taste of the food? This also makes Lao Qiang want to go to Prison No.

2 for a meal, and the idea is getting stronger and stronger.

But there has been no chance in the past few days.

Fortunately, after his earnest persuasion, he finally found someone in Prison No.

2 who is willing to change prison uniforms with him tonight.

After finishing the work, he quietly followed the people in Prison No.

2 in the workshop.

(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) Go and see if their food is really that good?

"Brother Qiang."

A fat man sitting next to him couldn't help but ask,"Have you really discussed it with the people in Prison No. 2?"

"Of course."

Lao Qiang said with a smug look on his face:"They talk to me every day about how good the chef's cooking skills are. I'm going to go over today to see for myself whether it's really that exaggerated."

"Brother Qiang."

The fat man gave a thumbs up and said,"You are really amazing! To be honest, we brothers have also thought about exchanging clothes with the people in Prison No. 2 and secretly going to their cafeteria to take a look."

"But no matter what, they just didn't agree. Why are you so awesome? Just say a few words and they agreed."

Lao Qiang patted his chest and said,"Isn't it because I'm awesome enough?"

"Your boss?"

Lao Qiang said:"Yes, we have known each other for several years. Anyway, I will be leaving in half a year."

"I am not afraid to tell you the truth. Although my boss is not in prison, he is well-known in our area."

"What does your boss do?"

Lao Qiang lit another cigarette, white smoke spewed out of his mouth, he said leisurely:"Although my boss's work is not very decent, but he makes a lot of money!"

"He was doing logistics and transportation without anyone's consent?"

The fat man suddenly realized.



Lao Qiang slapped his forehead and said,"Keep your mouth shut, what is a thief?"

"My boss is not a thief at all, he is the king of thieves, he is a big thief!"

"Have you ever heard of the Bat Thief?"

Hearing this, the fat man stood up suddenly, his fat was shaking, his eyes were full of shock and disbelief

"You mean your boss... is the legendary Bat Thief?"

He was not surprised by the fat man's reaction.

The Bat Thief was a very famous figure in the underworld.

Although he also stole things, he was different from other thieves. He always stole from the rich and valuables. He would not even look at anything worth less than 10 million.

He was a thief who roamed the thieves' world.���In the past ten years, the total value of the stolen goods has reached hundreds of millions.

However, with his superb skills, basically no police can catch him.

Not many people know who the Bat Thief is, and Lao Qiang happens to be one of them.

"What's the problem?"

The fat man, who had always respected Lao Qiang, now respected him even more and said quickly,"I see, no wonder so many people in prison respect you, Brother Qiang.""

"I heard that the bat thief always leaves a bat ring at the scene after stealing something. Is it true or false?"

He said leisurely:"Do I need to ask? It must be true?"

"This is where my boss is awesome! Even though he left the ring at the scene for so many years, no police could catch him."

"I'm not bragging, unless I or the brothers around the boss betrayed him to the police, no one can catch him."

The fat man didn't doubt this.

"Brother Qiang, you are so lucky!"

Lao Qiang threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray and said,"I won't talk to you anymore. It's time to change shifts soon. I have an appointment with the brothers in Prison No. 2. Now I will go change my clothes and go to Canteen No. 2 to see if it is really as mysterious as they say."

"Brother Qiang is still the best! With such a powerful boss protecting him outside, he can eat and drink well in prison."

Lao Qiang said to the fat man:"I tell you that you can't tell anyone about what happened just now. The police outside are keeping a close eye on my brother."

"If they knew the relationship between me and my elder brother, they would definitely interrogate me. But I am a very loyal person and would never betray my elder brother, no matter how they threatened or bribed me."

"You should keep all the words I just said to yourself and not let anyone else know, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut."

I'm a big shot:

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