A trace of sadness crept onto her beautiful face. Jiang Xue held her chin with her hand, and sadness appeared in her eyes.

It is simply impossible to catch the Bat Thief in half a month!

It is too difficult.

As early as six or seven years ago, the Bat Thief had been active in Tianlong City. He once stole a jade statue worth 20 to 30 million yuan from a wealthy man overnight.

At that time, they dispatched a large number of police forces to search the whole city for more than three months, but they did not find any clues.

The Bat Thief at that time was more rampant and even left his hair at the scene.

But even with DNA comparison, they could not find it.

Now he has reappeared and committed seven or eight crimes in just a few dozen days. The people above only gave them half a month.

How easy is it to catch him?!

The difficulty of this case is much more difficult than the last cultural relic theft case.

The reason they were able to catch Professor Miao last time was largely due to luck, which was purely a coincidence.

This time...

I guess we won’t be so lucky.

"Don't think about it. It's late today. Go to bed early."

Jiang Chen was unusually gentle. Seeing Jiang Xue worried about the case, he really didn't want to talk to her anymore.

After all, their work was very hard.

Jiang Xue smiled bitterly and said,"I don't want to think about it either, but when I have some free time, this case will pop up in my mind."

"If we can catch the Bat Thief, our Criminal Investigation Team 3 will become really famous!"

"You don't know how much shock this case caused on the Internet."

"However, unlike other cases, a large number of netizens do not want the Bat Thief to be caught."

"Don’t want him to be caught?!"

Jiang Chen asked in surprise:"Why?"

"You can see for yourself."

Jiang Xue took out her phone and opened the online forum. Jiang Chen clicked on the page and found that it was exactly the same as what Jiang Xue said.

There were many people in the comment area, and they even actively expressed their support for the Bat Thief, thinking that he was doing the right thing.

Thieves are indeed annoying.

But if the thief didn't steal from you, then you can just ignore it!

What's more, the Bat Thief stole all the cultural relics of some wealthy people, and many people even thought that he was a chivalrous thief who robbed the rich to help the poor.

"I hope the Bat Thief will never be caught."

"I never thought there would be other buddies like me. To be honest, I also particularly like the Bat Thief. Anyway, he only steals from rich people, not poor people!"

"You're right, stealing from poor people is annoying, but if it's from rich people, I'd be happy to watch the show."

Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Sure enough, it didn't hurt if the stone didn't hit him.

If the Bat Thief gets interested one day and wants to steal from two poor people, they probably won't be so happy about it.

Maybe they will unite and criticize the Bat Thief.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

He patted Jiang Xue's shoulder and said,"Go to bed early, okay?"

"Can I stay at your place?"

Jiang Xue looked at the time and said,"It's already half past eleven. I have to go out on a police mission early tomorrow morning to investigate a case with the captain."

"Now if I go home, I have to spend more than half an hour on the way home. By the time I get home and wash up, it will be half past twelve."

"No problem."

This time Jiang Chen agreed readily. He continued to say to Jiang Xue,"Would you like to have some midnight snack?"

Jiang Xue was ready to refuse, but her body was quite honest and made a gurgling sound, which made her look a little embarrassed. She smiled sheepishly.

"Or could you please cook me a bowl of noodles?"

""Wait a moment."

More than ten minutes later, a bowl of fragrant noodles with soybean sauce was placed in front of Jiang Xue.

Each noodle was quite even, delicately coated with the sauce of the noodles with soybean sauce, smelling fresh and fragrant, and especially appetizing.

Jiang Xue, who was originally in a bad mood, felt a lot more relaxed the moment she saw the bowl of delicious food.

She ate the noodles in the bowl in a whirlwind, then stood up with satisfaction and said,"I (ccca) will go wash the dishes first!"

"No problem."

After washing the dishes, Jiang Xue came out and asked,"By the way, which room should I sleep in tonight?"

"We only have one room in our house right now."

Jiang Chen spread out his palms and said,"How about you sleep in my room and I sleep on the sofa?"

"Isn't there an empty room?"

Jiang Xue pointed to another room and said,"Can't we sleep there?"

"There is no bed in that room!"

Jiang Chen, who has lived alone for a long time, renovated another room and put a computer, a desktop game console and fitness equipment in it.

The other room is his bedroom.

"How about we sleep in the same room?"

Jiang Xue narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly, saying,"It's mainly because I'm afraid of sleeping alone in the living room. If I let you sleep on the sofa, I can't bear it."

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you. How about I lie on the bed and you sleep on the floor?"


Jiang Chen hesitated for a while and nodded in agreement.

Ten minutes later.

Jiang Xue, who was lying on the bed, couldn't sleep. She turned around and asked,"Old classmate, have you ever considered moving to a bigger house? I can help you."

"Help me?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but ask,"How can you help me?""

"Give you money!"

Jiang Xue came forward and said,"I can advance you the money for making me a midnight snack. Anyway, it's not expensive to buy a house. The down payment is only three or four hundred thousand."

"It's still a good deal! Your current house is indeed a little small"

"Let's talk about it later."

Jiang Chen turned around and said,"Don't you have to investigate the case tomorrow? Go to bed early, conserve your energy, and try to catch that bat thief as soon as possible."


Seeing that Jiang Chen was not very interested in this, and Jiang Xue was indeed a little sleepy, she didn't say anything and lay on the bed and fell asleep.


The next day, Prison No. 3

"Brother Qiang."

The fat man happily put the instant noodles and ham sausage on the table, and said with a look of enjoyment:"Come and have a taste of the instant noodles I prepared for you."

"I also added a braised egg in it, which tastes like pickled cabbage!"

"I promise you will like it very much!"

Lao Qiang, who was lying on the bed, felt more and more unhappy.

It is estimated that the people in the No. 2 prison are tasting the food made by Jiang Chen again?

The tender boiled pork slices, the sour and sweet tomato and egg, and the crispy outside and soft and mellow inside fried potato chips.

He was so greedy that he couldn't sleep last night. After eating steel buns and steel stick fried dough sticks for several years, he finally tasted such delicious food, but he only ate one meal, and that meal was not enough.

As a result, he has to stay in his own prison and eat instant noodles and ham sausages?


Who can accept such a huge gap?

"Can you still eat instant noodles?"

Lao Qiang slapped the table and said,"I told you I'm not interested in instant noodles, take it away quickly and don't love my eyes in front of me."

The fat man:"???"

Did I hear it wrong?

Yes, yes, I must have heard it wrong.

Lao Qiang’s favorite instant noodles used to be the pickled cabbage beef noodles. He also added a marinated egg and some ham sausages.

This is a very luxurious configuration.

It is the most ultimate enjoyment in the world to have such a bowl in prison!

What else do you want to eat?

Delicacies from land and sea, fish and meat?

But what surprised him was that Lao Qiang, who would probably be unable to walk when he saw this bowl of noodles before, was not interested in it at all today.

Who on earth provoked him?!

What happened? (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Brother Qiang."

The fat man patted his chest, the fat on his body swaying back and forth as he said,"Tell me, my brother, who made you unhappy?"

"If you have any troubles, I can help you out. I want to know, who dares to mess with the Bat Thief's little brother?"

"I want to increase the sentence!"

Puff—— the water in the fat man's mouth sprayed out, and he suddenly opened his eyes, which were originally only the size of soybeans, and stared at Jiang Chen blankly.

He was so confused that he couldn't be more confused!

He wanted to increase the sentence?!

"I want to go to Prison No. 2, I don't want to stay here."

Lao Qiang once again recalled the long-lasting, spicy and fragrant boiled pork slices, which were especially delicious and delicious, and you couldn't forget them after taking a bite.

"Brother Qiang, what on earth has stimulated you recently?"

He hurried to Lao Qiang, grabbed his right hand and said,"Please don't scare your brother, okay?"

"Weren't you fine before?"

"How come it's like... like a big birth?���Same?"

"You only have half a year left before you can go out, so you must not be pessimistic, okay?"

"Do you know?"

Lao Qiang pushed the fat man aside and said,"Fat brother, think carefully about how to make the police officer cooperate with me and put me in prison No. 2?"

"As long as you can let me go to Prison No. 2, I will definitely find a way to let you go with me to enjoy the good life."


Big Brother, can't you just leave me?!

I'm staying here well now. Now that I'm behaving well, I guess it won't take long for me to be released from prison. It's fine if you want to increase your sentence, but you also want me to go with you?

Don't be so ridiculous, okay?

"I'm asking you a question, do you hear me?"

Seeing that the fat man didn't answer, Lao Qiang couldn't help but said,"Why don't you answer me? What should I do?"

"Qiang, Brother Qiang."

The fat man was stunned for a moment and said,"It's not that there is no way. You can just find someone to beat up, or do something bad, right?"

"Get out of here!"

What he wanted was to eat in Prison No. 2. If he really made a big mistake and the people above knew about it, it would be impossible for him to be locked up there. Wouldn't he be sentenced in vain?

"I just hope that the people above me will put me in prison number two. Do you understand that this is the purpose of my increasing the sentence?"

The fat man said,"That's difficult. Isn't this asking them to give you a backdoor and give you special treatment?!"

"You can say that.

He said calmly:"I have this idea."

"That's unless you have done something great."

The fat man said,"Only if you have done something great can you negotiate with the people above you and ask them to give you a backdoor or special treatment."

"Is there no other way besides this?"

""A great achievement?"

Hearing this, Lao Qiang's eyes lit up, and his face showed excitement. Thinking carefully, what the fat man said just now seemed to make sense. Why didn't he think of it before?!

But... what method should be used to achieve merit?


A person emerged in his mind.

Bat Thief.

That is, his boss!

Not many people know the identity of the Bat Thief, and Lao Qiang happens to be one of them.

Although it is very face-saving to say that he is the younger brother of the Bat Thief, in fact, he does not get much benefit from him.

The things that the Bat Thief secretly stole on weekdays were not shared with them.

Isn't the boss used to be sold?

Since it is said that friendship is worth a thousand gold, now is the time to exchange it?

If he tells the police that his boss is the Bat Thief, and tells him the identity and location of the Bat Thief.

Doesn't that mean... that he can negotiate with the police?

At that time, he can let them lock him up in Prison No. 2!

Just thinking about it makes me feel good!

He is really a great genius!

"Fatty, I know what to do." Jiang Chen used a meal to exchange for a thief king, that's a very cost-effective deal.

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