There was an anxious look on her beautiful face, and her eyes were slightly red.

Jiang Chen asked with concern,"What's going on? Don't be anxious, just talk slowly.""

"My dad failed to reach an agreement on a contract with someone today. He also stayed up late and didn't eat for several days. He was anemic and rolled down the stairs at the company."

"He's in the hospital now. I have to go and see him."

"Okay, you hurry over."

Jiang Chen nodded and agreed, saying,"I'll come over after work tonight.""


Although Jiang Xue is not Jiang Chen's girlfriend, the rich woman has nothing to say about him. Not only is she willing to spend money, but she also always stands firmly by his side when things go wrong. Even if they are not lovers, their relationship is good enough. Her father is in the hospital, so it is necessary to go and see him.


Half an hour later.

Jiang Xue got out of the car and ran all the way to the second floor of the hospital. She rushed into the ward anxiously and hurried to her father and asked,"Dad, are you okay?"

Jiang Tiankuo had a bandage on his head, his face was haggard, his lips were bloodless, and he looked very pale.

He sighed and said,"Don't worry, I'm fine now."

"You don't need to be so anxious, you just fell down the stairs, no major injuries. I told your mom not to call you, but she refused to listen and insisted on calling you."

"What’s going on?"

Jiang Xue breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. She was a little confused and asked,"You’re such a grown-up, why don’t you walk more carefully?"

"Don't mention it."

Jiang Tiankuo couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"For this order, I was busy for a month or two, working overtime and staying up late to collect information and samples."

"As a result, just because a meal was not to his liking, the company boss refused to sign a contract with me."

Jiang Xue recalled the conversation between her parents in the room that night.

It is said that the partner this time is from the United States, and chose to open a branch in Dragon Country because he liked their food.

Therefore, when he cooperates with others, half of it depends on their company's business capabilities, and the other half depends on whether the meal he invites is sincere.

Jiang Tiankuo rubbed his forehead.

"I booked a table at the Imperial Hotel, but when he arrived, none of the dishes caught his eye. He simply took a bite with his chopsticks and refused to touch anything else."

"When I took out the contract, he took a look at it and threw it aside, rejecting my request."

Jiang Xue was not surprised by this.

Every big boss has his own hobbies, some are lustful, some are wine lovers.

If you want to sign a contract successfully, you must learn to prescribe the right medicine for the right disease.

If you like wine, you should give good wine, and if you like lust, you should prepare beautiful women.

Wilson, the boss of the Stars and Stripes, likes food, so it's not wrong for my father to cater to his taste.


Jiang Xue couldn't help but said,"You don't know how to think about it. A big boss who is so rich must have often eaten at the Empire Hotel."

"He spends money at the Imperial Hotel, which is equivalent to us eating ordinary steamed buns."

"If you sincerely want to cooperate with him, you must prepare some unique and delicious dishes that he has never eaten before."

"It's normal for him to be unwilling to sign the contract just to go to the Empire Hotel.

Jiang Tiankuo sighed.

"Forget it."

He couldn't help but say,"It doesn't matter if I can't get this order. I'll talk to others about cooperation after I'm discharged from the hospital in two days." He said it carefree on the surface, but there was still some regret in his eyes.

In order to collect enough information, Jiang Tiankuo stayed up for several nights in a row and didn't eat much. He relied entirely on his stubbornness to support himself for several days.

In the end, he still failed.

He was already old and in poor health. He didn't eat well and had symptoms of anemia, so he fainted in the hotel.


Jiang Xue suddenly had an idea, and the image of Jiang Chen appeared in her mind. It goes without saying how amazing his cooking skills are. In his hands, any home-cooked dish can become the ultimate delicacy.

If he can come to help cook a meal, it will definitely make Wilson satisfied. Then, wouldn't it be easy to sign the contract? It may even add tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

"Then tell me honestly, do you still want to cooperate with the boss of the Stars and Stripes?"

Jiang Tiankuo smiled bitterly and said,"Daughter, this is not a question of whether I want to or not."

"It's a huge order worth hundreds of millions, and there are three or four companies competing for it. Tell me, do I want it or not?"

"But it's useless even if I want to. I thought that using the Empire Hotel's signature dishes to entertain Mr. Wilson would definitely impress him... Who would have thought that others were not interested at all."

Jiang Xue smiled proudly and said,"Dad, you always said that I couldn't help you with business before, but this time I will make you look at me with new eyes."

"Call Wilson now and ask him to come to our house for lunch tomorrow. I promise that after he has eaten, he will sign the order with you."

"Let alone 100 million or 200 million, even if he adds tens of millions, it will probably be no problem."

Seeing Jiang Xue's confidence, Jiang Tiankuo, who was lying on the bed, was a little confused. What was his daughter talking about!

Asking him to come to the house for dinner?

Are you kidding me? It goes without saying that the chefs in the Empire Hotel are very skilled, but Wilson is not very interested in the dishes they cook.

Inviting him to the house?

Isn't that just a nuisance?


Jiang Tiankuo said,"I know you mean well, but Daddy doesn't have time to play with you now, so you should just focus on your own things. You don't need to worry about the company's affairs."


Jiang Xue said quickly:"I'm telling you that there is a very good chef in our police station. He specializes in cooking for prisoners. As long as Wilson tastes his cooking, he might kneel down and beg you to sign a contract with him."

"Don't you know we……"

"Stop talking, stop talking."

Jiang Tiankuo interrupted his daughter."

Why are you getting more and more outrageous!

I thought you invited Wilson to your home to cook for him yourself.

Good fellow, are you going to let him eat prison food?

You can't play like this, right?

Wilson only tasted two chopsticks of his specialty made by the top chef of the Empire Hotel.

As a big boss, what kind of delicacies has he not eaten?!

What's the matter, are you going to surprise him and do the opposite!

Since inviting him to eat delicious food doesn't work, why don't you invite him to eat unpalatable food?

If you really do this, let alone cooperating with Wilson, it would be good if others don't target you in the entire industry.

"You should go back to work. I'm fine and will be discharged tomorrow. It's just that your mother insisted on calling you.

Jiang Xue's mother was also a little dissatisfied.

"Am I not worried about you?"

She held Jiang Tiankuo's hand and said,"Besides, you fell down and asked your daughter to come to the hospital to see you. Am I wrong?"

"Don't get me wrong, my wife. That's not what I meant."

Jiang Tiankuo smiled and said,"I'm worried that our daughter will delay her work, right?"

Jiang Xue still decided to find Jiang Chen to see if he was willing to help.

Of course.

If he was willing, he would definitely not let him suffer. He would definitely give him some money.

After Jiang Tiankuo tasted Jiang Chen's cooking skills, he would definitely ask him to help cook a meal to entertain Wilson without him saying anything.

"OK, Dad, I’m leaving first."

After Jiang Xue left the room, Jiang Tiankuo smiled bitterly and said,"I don’t know when our daughter will really grow up!"

"Is she always so unreliable in what she says and does?"

"You, don't worry about her."

The wife said:"Have a good rest, you haven't eaten much these days, I will order you some chicken soup later to replenish your body."

"Sorry for bothering you, wife."

"We are an old married couple, why are you being so polite?"


It was late at night.

Jiang Chen felt very happy after putting the red envelope of more than 1,000 yuan into his pocket.

Today was another fruitful day!

Meng Haiyang was really generous. He gave him 1,800 yuan for two meals, and all the ingredients were provided by them.

Jiang Chen only spent one or two hours in total, which was still a very cost-effective deal.

In the evening, Leader Huang and his team had a very happy meal and praised it highly.

Originally, Director Ma and others were also planning to stay here, but something happened in their bureau that needed to be dealt with. No matter how reluctant they were, they had to go back.

Jiang Chen still clearly remembers the expression of Director Ma when he got in the car. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He (ccch) only smelled the fragrance of Jiang Chen's dishes when he came here today, but he didn't taste a single bite!

It is estimated that Director Ma may not be able to sleep well in the next half month.

But... it's not his own fault!

Who told Lao Ma to take the initiative and invite Leader Huang out for dinner? If he had come to the bureau at the beginning, wouldn't he have been able to get a share of the pie?

"Old classmate."

Just then Jiang Xue's voice came.

She stuck her head out of the car and said loudly:"I'm here to take you home!"

"How is your dad?"

Jiang Chen opened the car door and got in.

Jiang Xue started the car. The evening breeze blew, and her long black hair fluttered in the wind like a waterfall.

After a while, she replied,"It's not a big problem. I just got a little skin broken on my head.""

"But compared to his physical injury, I think his mental injury is more serious, and he may not recover in two to three days."


Jiang Chen asked in confusion,"What do you mean?"

She turned around and looked at Jiang Chen, smiling shyly.

"That old classmate, can you do me a favor? Cook two meals for my dad. He hasn't eaten much since noon. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer in vain. I'll give you money."

He has been working in the police station for about half a month, and the total amount of money Jiang Xue has transferred to him has added up to at least 60,000 or 70,000.

Rich women are really stupid and have a lot of money!

"Forget it."

Jiang Chen rested his hands on the seat.

Jiang Xue picked her up from work every day, helped her cook in prison, and occasionally cleaned up her house - although it was not very clean.

Even if they were just ordinary friends, he should go to see his parents when they were sick and hospitalized.

Moreover, he and Jiang Xue had a close relationship.

Cooking a meal was just a small matter for him.


Jiang Chen said:"What does your dad want to eat?"

"Just make a home-cooked dish, the main thing is to let him see your cooking skills."

Jiang Chen touched his chin and thought for a moment and said:"Well, it's getting late now, just make him a bowl of noodles with soybean paste, and I'll go to the hospital with you later."

""Okay, no problem."

The two returned home, Jiang Chen rested for a while, and then went to the kitchen to work.

Jiang Chen's favorite food is fried noodles with soybean sauce, so there are enough ingredients at home.

He opened the refrigerator and took out the ingredients.

The pork belly he bought at the vegetable market this morning has not been used up yet. He put it on the chopping board and chopped the meat into minced meat.

To make fried noodles with soybean sauce, you must use pork belly with fat and lean meat. The fried noodles will have a good taste and taste more delicious. If you only use lean meat, the noodles will not be so fragrant.

After cutting the meat, put it on a plate for later use.

"Give me the soaked dried mushrooms."

"Here they come."

Jiang Xue moved quickly and handed the dried mushrooms to Jiang Chen.

She placed the mushrooms on the chopping board, the kitchen knife flying in her hand, flashing cold light, dancing up and down, first cut the mushrooms into slices, then cut into dices, and mince with a knife.

Mince the ginger, and chop the garlic.

These ingredients are very important and indispensable. After the preparation is completed, you can heat the oil in a wok.

When the oil is hot, add the pork belly and stir-fry. The rich aroma of mixed sauce has filled the kitchen. Jiang Xue had a full meal not long ago, and now she is a little hungry again.

There is no way.

Jiang Chen's cooking skills have such an effect.

She came forward and said,"Old classmate, when you cook noodles later, please add an extra pound. I'm hungry too."

"Why, when you are in a bad mood, you only eat one��?"

"Stop making fun of me."

Jiang Chen was not surprised by Jiang Xue's appetite. She must not be very hungry now.

If she was really hungry, one pound would not be enough!

But what he couldn't understand was why Jiang Xue could eat so much but couldn't gain weight?

After the lean meat changes color, add one spoonful of sweet bean paste and two spoonfuls of bean paste.

As the two spoonfuls of sauce are mixed with hot oil, the mixed sauce gradually takes shape, and the meat sauce gradually turns dark brown, with a long-lasting and rich aroma.

After stir-frying evenly, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine and some light soy sauce, and finally add a little dark soy sauce to adjust the color.

Continue to stir-fry, and finally add minced garlic and minced ginger , simmer over low heat for thirty minutes.

This step is also very important!

The control of the heat must be accurate enough. Do not turn the fire too high, otherwise it will easily get burnt, and do not turn it too low, otherwise the flavor inside cannot be fully excavated.

After thirty minutes, add the dried mushrooms, stir-fry evenly, then add water and simmer for twenty minutes.

The aroma of the mushrooms themselves and the aroma of the meat sauce have been perfectly integrated. Jiang Xue stared at him blankly, unable to move her eyes away. Every time Jiang Chen was cooking, she would stand beside him motionlessly.

Excited and full of expectations

"I was wrong, old classmate."

Jiang Xue said:"Give me one and a half kilograms of noodles!"

"I don't think one pound is enough!"

Jiang Chen smiled and shook his head without saying anything. It was also thanks to Jiang Xue's family that they were rich. Ordinary families really couldn't afford it!

After serving the mixed sauce, Jiang Xue couldn't wait to take a bite with chopsticks. The strong aroma of meat and mushrooms was integrated into the soup of the mixed sauce, perfectly blending into one.

The fragrance was very strong. After being simmered over low heat, it was completely cooked. It lasted for a long time after taking a bite. The sweet noodle sauce and bean paste that Jiang Chen put in were just right.

After the aroma of mushrooms and meat came out, the light sweetness of the sweet noodle sauce was also just right. The whole taste is not only rich, but also particularly layered.

Let his father eat such a bowl of noodles with soybean paste, he will definitely be happy.

Let Jiang Tiankuo see Jiang Chen's craftsmanship today!


"No thanks."

Jiang Tiankuo had lost his appetite. Looking at the chicken soup his wife handed over, he waved his hand and said,"You don't have to worry about me. I'm not hungry now."

"How can you not eat all the time?"

The wife said,"Isn't it just an order that hasn't been taken? I believe in your ability. It won't be long before you can find a better partner."

"not me……"

Before Jiang Tiankuo could finish his words, he suddenly smelled a special fragrance coming from the ward. What is it?

Why does it smell so good?

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