Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 16 Boss, can you limit the purchase? Otherwise I won’t be able to eat at all!

Jia Lan saw so many people gathered in front of the steamed bun stall, so she quickly moved over and followed the crowd around Lin Zhou's stall.

Until Lin Zhou drove the tricycle to a familiar place, everyone started to fight for a spot.

They lined up in front of the stall one by one.

Jia Lan wanted to move forward to say hello to Lin Zhou and thank him.

But the people in front were very alert and didn't give her a seat at all.

They looked like they were afraid that she would cut in line.

"Queue up at the back, don't squeeze, we are all civilized people, follow the order."

Jia Lan was led by the crowd to the back and couldn't get to the front at all.

She couldn't explain if she was suspected of cutting in line.

She couldn't say that she didn't come here to buy steamed buns.

But she did want to eat steamed buns.

Although coming here to thank him was the main thing, wanting to taste the delicious steamed buns again was also one of the purposes.

So it was hard to explain.

So she just let it go and lined up behind the crowd.


Lin Zhou parked the car and started unloading and steaming steamed buns.

After finishing the work, he looked up and saw a long queue in front of him.

Fortunately, he found a good position, on the side of the road at the entrance of the park, and the people in line could stand in a row on the side of the sidewalk without blocking the road.

"Boss, what flavor of buns are you having today?"

Seeing the buns being steamed, Lin Zhou became idle, and the diners in front of him began to ask.

Lin Zhou responded gently: "It's red bean paste buns and barbecued pork buns."

"Ah, just like yesterday, I was thinking that I didn't buy enough yesterday and didn't eat enough, so I want to eat enough today!"

Yesterday, many people had a fixed impression of sweet buns and felt that they were not to their taste.

As a result, they realized that they bought too little after eating.

Some people went home, and after tasting the taste, they rushed to Huaguoshan to buy more, but Lin Zhou had closed the stall.

"I used to love eating big meat buns, tofu buns, snow vegetable buns and other salty and fresh buns. I didn't expect sweet buns to be so delicious."

"Yes, they are beautiful. When I bought the red bean paste buns, my wife thought I bought steamed buns. When she took a bite, she realized it was a red bean paste bun. She was surprised."

"I didn't even leave it until I got home. They were all eaten on the way."

In the crowd, some people who knew each other started chatting while queuing, which seemed very lively.

It attracted many passers-by.

Chinese people are always very curious about queuing.

Especially when it comes to queuing for food, many people think that if there are so many people queuing, it must be delicious, right?

I can't bear to miss it if I pass by!

If I have nothing to do, I will come to join in the fun and queue up behind.

There are also curious passers-by who don't know what everyone is queuing for, so they also come to queue up, take a seat first, and ask the people in front of them with curiosity, what are they queuing for.

I was surprised to learn that everyone was queuing for buns.

I have never seen so many people queuing up to buy buns at the entrance of the park at night.

I must try the buns!


At this time, at the Royal Villa, the hiker also came to Huaguoshan Park with the driver.

It is not easy to park in the park, so the hiker got off the car first and asked the driver to park the car and come to find him.

As soon as he got off the car, he saw Lin Zhou, who was selling buns at a stall.

So he put his hands behind his back and swayed to the back of the line to line up.

Not to mention, he smelled the fragrance of the buns as soon as he got off the car, a small fragrance, tickling.

As the buns were steamed, the line moved forward quickly.

Lin Zhou started to pack them up with his hands moving non-stop.

Today's diners are more aggressive than before, and several of them asked for more than ten, twenty, or thirty buns in a row.

It scared Lin Zhou.

"Brother, why are you buying so many?"

Lin Zhou glanced at the steamer. It had only been a short while since it started, and there were only a few of the hundred buns left.

It's too much to buy one by one.

"I want to buy some and freeze them in the refrigerator so that I can eat them for several days."

Lin Zhou was silent for a moment, but still packed twenty buns for him, ten of each flavor.

Seeing him do this.

The diners behind him also learned to do the same.

Then the line only moved forward a dozen steps, and the first batch of 100 buns were gone.

The number of people who bought them was less than one-third of the line.

"Sorry, the last batch of buns are sold out, they have to be steamed now, wait ten minutes."

The fillings of the barbecued pork buns and the red bean paste buns are processed, and they can be steamed at high temperature for ten minutes and then simmered for three minutes.

There were regular customers in the line, and when they saw that the first batch of buns were gone before 8:30, they immediately had a bad feeling.

"I counted, there are less than ten people who bought buns in front, and the 100 buns are gone?"

"Boss, look at the people behind, can you limit the quantity?"

"Yes, don't let me sell out again!"

"Boss, can you limit the purchase? Otherwise I can't eat at all!"

The diners realized that something was wrong, and the neat line suddenly became chaotic. Everyone nervously surrounded Lin Zhou's stall and made a suggestion.

Lin Zhou pondered for a moment, and seeing that the people behind seemed to have the same idea, he asked: "Don't you think it's unfair to limit the purchase now? The people in front bought so much."

The diners in the front of the crowd shook their heads frantically.

"Limiting the purchase is fair, we are happy to limit the purchase!"

"That's right, if there is no limit on the purchase, what if the next person buys it all!"

"Boss, limit the purchase now, we don't mind."

"That's right, as long as we can buy it, it doesn't matter if we buy less!"

"Boss, please agree to our request!"

"Please have mercy on us. If we can't eat the buns you make, we will die of greed!"

"Boss, I am a 90-year-old lady. Before I leave, I just want to eat the buns you make. You know what I mean!"


Lin Zhou was annoyed by the noise of a group of people.

After asking everyone's opinions, they all said that they should limit the purchase, so he agreed.

If the diners don't mind, then it's okay for him to limit the purchase so that more people can taste the buns.

It's just a little troublesome at most.

But if so many diners can't buy the buns, wouldn't they be held back from leaving?

From this point of view, it's better to limit the purchase.

Otherwise, the scene of being held back from leaving by a tricycle may really happen.

"Then limit each person to 4, line up and avoid crowding, come one by one."

After the second batch of buns were steamed, Lin Zhou shouted to the diners while packing them.

"Boss, two red bean paste, two barbecued pork."

"Boss, I'm the same as him."

"Boss, me too."

"Boss, same as above."


Knowing that each person was limited to 4, it can be said that almost all diners chose the maximum limit of 4 buns when ordering.

The distribution was also very even, two for each flavor.

When it was Jia Lan's turn, she didn't open her mouth to order.

When she saw Lin Zhou, she was stunned.

I didn't expect the boss of the bun stall to be younger than she thought.

She thought she could answer Xiaolin's words.

The boss who saved her was very handsome!

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