Just now, while Kurokiba Ryo and Chiba were cooking, a black car was speeding on the road to the port.

In the car, besides the driver, there was only a middle-aged man in a suit sitting in the back seat.

The man looked at his watch every few seconds, his face full of anxiety.

“Drive faster! Drive faster! Otherwise it will be too late!!”

The man kept urging the driver in front.

The driver gritted his teeth, stepped on the accelerator, and the car’s watch needle turned to the bottom.

In the restaurant kitchen.

Kurokiba Ryo put the finished dishes on the table and turned to look at Qianyu.

Qianyu’s grouper was about to be steamed!

Qianyu closed his eyes slightly, concentrated his attention, and caught all the sounds in the steamer with his ears.


The steam in the steamer was boiling


Qianyu quickly grabbed the lid with his right hand and lifted it up!

The large amount of high-temperature steam that had been gathered in the steamer for a long time burst out at this moment!

Suddenly, the cooking table was surrounded by a large amount of white steam.

When the steam drifted to the diner standing in the front, the diner took a light breath through his nose.

Suddenly, his whole face showed an indescribable excitement.

“This scent……So fresh!!!”


As the steam in the pot continued to slowly spread out, a series of humming sounds came from the kitchen.

Not only the diners watching, but also the chef in the kitchen felt his body limp uncontrollably.

“The delicious taste of grouper hits your head directly!”

“Fresh! So fresh!!”

“I feel like I’m swimming in the sea, surrounded by all kinds of sea fish!”

Qianyu put down the lid, took the fish out of the pot, and poured out the excess water in the plate.

Then spread the prepared chopped green onions evenly on the fish, and then poured a small spoonful of boiling hot oil on it!

Sizzle, sizzle , sizzle~~~

Steamed grouper!


At this moment, the restaurant door was violently pushed open by a middle-aged man in a suit.


The man was wild and impatient, not caring at all whether such a strong force would break the door.

The man entered the door with a clear purpose and went straight to the kitchen.

At this time, the kitchen was already surrounded by onlookers.

The man shouted without caring about his image, while pushing away the people in front of him and squeezed into the kitchen.

“Make way! I’m the store manager! Make way!”

The man finally pushed his way through and squeezed into the kitchen.

He was sweating and panting as he looked at Qian Yu.

“so far so good….Finally I caught up!”

The man said as he panted.

The restaurant manager saw the man and immediately stepped forward.


The man pushed the restaurant manager aside, straightened his clothes, and came to Qianyu, extending his hand with a smile on his face.

“Hello, you must be Qianyu-kun! I am the manager of this restaurant, my name is Chang Xiaojie.”

Qianyu shook hands.

Looking at the restaurant owner in front of him who came in a hurry, those who didn’t know would think that something big had happened.

However, it was indeed a big deal for them that Qianyu, one of the Ten Great Masters of Totsuki, cooked in their restaurant.

“I received a call saying that you were using the kitchen in our restaurant to cook, so I rushed back immediately.”

“For no other reason than to have the honor of tasting the food made by the top ten! Qianyu Jun, your name is well-known!”

Chang Xiaojie held Qianyu’s hand tightly, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

He had heard about Qianyu yesterday, and with the overwhelming reports in various newspapers today, he is now full of active interest in Qianyu.

Anyone would want to see with their own eyes what kind of high school first-year culinary genius is.

“Oh? Is that so? It just so happens that we are in need of someone to taste the food.”

Qianyu put the steamed grouper dish on the table and put it together with Kurokiba Ryo’s French stewed eel.

The freshness of the grouper and the onion fragrance of the scallions stimulated by the hot oil, the two flavors intertwined together, constantly stimulating the nasal cavity of everyone in the kitchen.

Tanado Hui stood beside Qianyu, looking at the grouper dish that Qianyu brought up, and couldn’t stop swallowing her saliva.

“Is this the seafood dish made by Qianyujun?…..”

“Although the small restaurants in my hometown often cook seafood dishes, I have never seen such a strong flavor.”

Tanoko recalled the countless seafood dishes she had tasted when she lived in the small port of her hometown, but none of them could bring such a strong sensory impact to her like the dish made by Chiyu!……………………………

PS: Asuna: When the black and white swords crossed, at that moment I promised to protect the readers forever!

We guard each other.

For the readers, I can give my all, including my life.

I can’t live in a world without the readers.

This is a love that cannot but be admired.

Although it is a virtual world, the feelings are not fake.

The idea of wanting to be with the readers has not changed for a moment.

When I return to the real world, the first person I want to see is the readers I love deeply.

I want to like you again, have a real relationship with you, and get married!

So, please send me some flower evaluation votes!

Happy Qingming outing and reading! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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