On the Pacific Ocean, the weather is sunny and the aircraft carrier formation is slowly advancing.

The commander suddenly sneered, "Mental power, interesting thing, let them study the military use, after all, the effect is not bad."

Before coming to the independent ward, Lin Shijie saw Li Dongyang and the game team, and Liang Hongzhi was discussing something with them.

"And that box, re-engraved as soon as possible."

"Hopefully, after all, I really hope that the future technology will really continue to develop the future technology, not the kind of company that has transformed into a company whose goal is to make money and can't even listen to criticism."

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"Hey, if that's what I'm saying, can I really achieve the effect in that short film? That would be awesome."

(End of this chapter)

Liang Hongzhi nodded immediately, "It doesn't affect it, it doesn't affect it at all, there is no problem at all and can be discharged at any time."

"Well," the commander nodded slightly while looking at the sea, and asked softly, "What are the possible situations at present?"

Not to mention losing money.

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

"It's better, otherwise I'd still say that if this is a prospect of a future scenario, it's too conservative, and it doesn't meet the taste of future technology at all."

"I don't know what Future Technology's intention is to put the previous promotional video on the homepage, but I took a closer look and found that there is a lot of new content. Is there any action for Future Technology?

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page)

"Before, I thought that the concept video released by Future Technology was too crude, but now that I think about it, this is probably not a concept video of the future, but a scene that future technology will realize in the next step."

Lin Shijie smiled, "Okay, let's go through the discharge procedures and prepare to be discharged."

Immediately afterwards, he looked at President Lin with excitement, and lowered his voice, "President Lin, I'm discharged from the hospital, does that mean it's time to start?"

I have to say that Lin Shijie's move to sue all rumors and defamers is too cruel and has too much influence.

"Okay, I'll pick up Liang Hongzhi," Lin Shijie said with a smile, "I guess he's going to move his office here."

"It must be man-made, and 90% of it is the power of China," the staff said seriously, "The possibility of being related to Lin Shijie is also very high."

Yang Huaiyu on the side couldn't help but pouted, "Mr. Lin, you have such a big face, and there are so many people suing over there, who would dare to speak ill of you."

Lin Shijie didn't care either, "The network environment needs to be cleaned up, otherwise it's just random talk about what it looks like."

"The second, a special device, is likely to be Lin Shijie's secret weapon, which has produced such an effect through a special technique."

"However, it does take too long for this bone to fully heal, and it doesn't seem to affect your daily life?"

The aide nodded, "Our equipment here is not precise enough and has been sent back to the headquarters for further inspection."

? "

Magic City.

Liang Hongzhi immediately laughed, "Great, I can finally be discharged from the hospital."

Of course, this is only for ordinary people, those who are organized, but it is not so simple.

In addition, once the court notice is mailed, it is equivalent to directly exposing the identity and letting the people around them know what they say and do on the Internet, which is very lethal to many people, and even more

The last time this video attracted a lot of bad voices, saying that his Jiang Lang talents are all light, and there are even many voices that directly despise and scold.

Moreover, Lin Shijie is not in a hurry, this case should be taken slowly, and the influence will be maximized, otherwise there will be many people who forget the pain when the scar is healed.

"Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

That amount is dizzying to look at!

Yang Huaiyu drove a commercial car and pulled Lin Shijie towards the hospital.

"Mental power has such a role?" The commander couldn't help but be a little surprised. "It seems that I am going to make a phone call. Which departments should share the information, otherwise it will affect our strategic deployment."

But this time, it's all very fair comments.

Lin Shijie directly asked a lawyer to prosecute them for the most serious crimes. You must know that there are also foreign spies and some conspiracy speeches. If they rely on this, they will be punished very much.

Liang Hongzhi immediately looked sad, but then he heard President Lin continue to say.

"I don't know if you pay attention, but there are many scenes that overlap with the short films released by Mr. Lin before. Do you remember what Mr. Lin said at that time, this is very likely to be the reality that the future technology will create in the next step. screen."

Immediately said with a smile, "You guys, it's okay to harass the patient to rest."

"Just let me out of the hospital, it's really too much of a delay to stay any longer."

Lin Shijie, on the other hand, has edited the promotional video that was released in Europe before and posted it online again, and it is also the most prominent position on the homepage.

Especially the materials that have been directly submitted to the court, which contain all the information such as the publisher's nickname, time, speech, and real information. This is not something that can be eliminated by deleting the account. In addition, these series of processes are directly linked to the Internet, and the next step is to serve the court's hearing notices one by one.

The commander nodded and said lightly, "That is to say, it is very likely that it is man-made?"

Lin Shijie smiled and looked at Liang Hongzhi who only had a piece of gauze on his forehead. He couldn't help but smile, "Your wound is really about to heal, but it's still a long way off."

"Boss Lin!"

"Sir, the three possibilities are relatively high." The staff next to him said softly, "The first one, there is a special chaotic magnetic field here, which has been used by people with intentions to produce such an effect."

In this way, all those who thought that Lin Shijie was just a high-profile show, declaring that he was not to be messed with, and then passing by with thunder and rain, were all dumbfounded.

Liang Hongzhi immediately got out of bed and said seriously, "Mr. Lin, I'm really well, completely well, I don't need to rest at all."

Not only play real, but also real money compensation.

Lin Shijie looked at these comments and nodded slightly, "Is it a lot more rational, even the criticism is full of goodwill, that's great."

Lin Shijie smiled, "That's right!"

And this compensation is based on Lin Shijie's delay in treatment and the economic loss of future technology.

The commander was taken aback, "Subtle? Suspected?"

"Report, it has reached the target sea area, and no abnormalities have been found so far."

This is obviously to play for real!

Therefore, these people are naturally silent, struggling to live a difficult life amid concerns about gains and losses. How can they have the time or the courage to talk nonsense on the Internet.

"The third, mysterious and unknown marine creatures."

"Mr. Lin, don't be fooled, you're at the hospital," Yang Huaiyu reminded.

"Sir," the aide said softly at this time, "there are suspected slight puncture marks on the clothing of the personnel in the command room of the warship, as well as some items in the command room."

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