Fool The World To Work For Me

Chapter 918 Lu Shuang's Newborn

Lu Shuang was lying on the operating table at the moment, quietly watching this Shen Ailing taking cell samples from all over her body.

She has experienced this situation too many times. From the initial hope, to disappointment, and even despair, coupled with her unconscious body, her emotions have long since faded away.

But at this moment, she had a rare hope, not only Shen Ailing's superb technique, but even Lin Shijie on the side seemed extremely professional, and even the discussion with Shen Ailing dominated.

Seeing Lu Shuang's somewhat curious look, Lin Shijie smiled, "Although I don't have a medical license, I still have the ability. After all, I can recover slowly by myself, and my understanding of the human body is no better than anyone else's. Bad people."

Shen Ailing nodded naturally, "No, when I interviewed me for the first time, I almost made me think that Lin was always a big guy in biology."

"It's just a long-term illness," Lin Shijie smiled. "Okay, after the extraction is completed, it's enough to do a detailed examination of the whole body. Don't worry."

Shen Ailing pushed Lu Shuang's bed and said seriously, "Your body has been around for so long, and there must be a lot of necrotic areas, so I need to examine them all carefully, and then implant your spine, nerves, and Necrotic muscle organs, etc."

"It can be completed in a year at most. At that time, Mr. Lin will naturally have a way to make you fully recover and stand up again on your own legs."

Lu Shuang nodded, she was confident about it. After all, although Lin Shijie was still wearing armor, it was just a cover. He had fully recovered.

"But don't say anything about this place. After all, this place is very important to President Lin. In the future, this place may influence most of the powerful people in the world." Shen Ailing urged.

"Ah? Why?" Lu Shuang couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Hey, think about it, all organs and even the body can be cultivated here. Even if you don't mention the difficulty of transferring the brain, just replacing all the parts on the body is completely non-repulsive, and it is enough to let everyone live to a theoretical level. limit."

"At that time, two hundred years old will definitely not be a dream."

Lu Shuang couldn't help being surprised. If that's the case, it's really amazing. Who the hell is Lin Shijie? I was so shocked by the magical scene in Las Vegas that I couldn't help myself, otherwise I wouldn't go back to China directly.

And now I have seen so much amazing news, I seem to have joined an amazing organization!

Coming to Lin Shijie again, Lu Shuang's mood has calmed down.

In any case, if I can make my heart come alive again, I have already identified Lin Shijie. As for what he does, or what other secret plans are there other than his explicit identity, so what?

Haven't you already seen the dark side of the world, what else is there to care about.

"Mr. Lin, I will trouble you next." Lu Shuang said seriously.

Lin Shijie smiled, "Well, let's go."

The spiritual force penetrated the human body again. At this moment, Lin Shijie did not feel any obstacle or difficulty. The spiritual force could accurately pass through the pores on the skin, penetrate deep into the dermis, and then easily drill into it to accurately find the pain in the spine. damage. At this moment, Lin Shijie's mental power is many times stronger than before, and the level of sophistication and control techniques have not improved. Even now, Lin Shijie does not need to synchronize the body structure diagram at all.

Because at this moment Lin Shijie's mental power has completely wrapped Lu Shuang, and all the neural networks in her body have been synchronized to the deepening mental power.

If it weren't for Lu Shuang's severe injuries, several segments of the spine had been completely shattered, not only cutting off all nerve conduction, but also destroying all surrounding tissues, Lin Shijie even had the confidence to let her directly feel the whole body, and she would be able to rest for a while. stand up.

But it's not going to work now. After all, the necrotic area is a bit big, and it's still a key nerve transmission center, so Lin Shijie can only help build a few small passages, so that Lu Shuang's limbs can feel slightly, and weak movement.

After all, Lu Shuang has no mental power, so he can't control Aaron with his mind at all. He must have the cooperation of his body.

When Lin Shijie finally connected the neural nodes, he said with a smile, "Just feel it, after all, it should be a long-lost feeling for you."

Lu Shuang couldn't hear what Lin Shijie was saying at the moment, because he suddenly felt a slight feeling in his hands and feet. . Seeing Lu Shuang's expression, Lin Shijie smiled and couldn't help thinking of the first time he treated Zhuang Yanru for a back injury, and Zhuang Yanru was a little excited at that time.

And who is Zhuang Yanru? She is a violent and violent person, a top secret agent who claims to be my old lady. Even she is a little excited, not to mention Lu Shuang, who has been paralyzed for several years.

Gently walked out the door and let Shen Ailing go in to comfort him, while he himself, with a flick of his finger, built a huge warehouse outside the submarine base and connected it to the base.

Pushing the door open, Lin Shijie showed the track design in his mind, and at the same time projected the most critical parts of each section directly.

Lin Shijie suddenly laughed, because he thought of a good way. There is no need to do the production of the accelerated track by himself, especially those parts that cost a lot but do not have much technological content can be handed over to other companies. OEM.

And you only need to control the most critical parts, such as the super-strong magnetic generator in front of you, the cooling device and the control device.

These core components are produced by ourselves, and the rest are completely manufactured by OEM, which not only keeps secrets, but also saves more time and manpower and material resources.

I have to say that the fruit company's model still has its merits, and in this way, I don't have to bother to build any large factories.

With Lin Shijie's projection again, the related equipment also appeared in the warehouse one by one, Lin Shijie smiled, this is not enough!

With a slight snap of his fingers, Lin Shijie turned and left the warehouse after projecting the armor that fit Lu Shuang completely, and the armor followed Lin Shijie step by step.

When I came to Lu Shuang's door, although there were still faint sobbing sounds inside, Lin Shijie was also relieved, crying out that Lu Shuang's depressed mood was finally released. Sometimes it helps to cry. Emotional catharsis.


Knocking on the door lightly, Lin Shijie walked in with a smile, "Lu Shuang, you only have feelings now, but you can't act on your own, but with the help of it, you can move normally, and it can still Give you a massage to stimulate your body and keep you in the best shape."

"So, get ready for a new beginning."

Lu Shuang nodded heavily, "Well, thank you, Mr. Lin!"

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