Fool The World To Work For Me

Chapter 941 Track Test

Gao Feng looked at the electromagnetic orbital accelerator nervously, his eyes were so wide that he didn't even dare to blink!

Because the moment when the sound barrier is broken is the most dangerous time for the track, when the speed does not reach the speed of sound, the force on the carrier is balanced, and the two relatively symmetrical carriers can cancel the force between each other.

However, when it reaches the speed of sound, the force of the vehicle will start to be disordered, which is likely to cause the force of the entire orbit to be unbalanced. If it is a huge orbit around a ring-shaped mountain, a large part of the force will be endured by the mountain. Coupled with the mutual canceling force, it will be much safer than the reduced version at the moment.

Therefore, Gao Feng is naturally very worried. If there is any problem due to this, it is difficult to say whether it is a problem with the track or the carrier.

However, seeing that the track was still stable and there were no problems, and the carrier also successfully broke the sound barrier and continued to accelerate slowly and firmly, Gao Feng was slightly relieved.

After all, after breaking the sound barrier, the force will gradually be balanced, so there is no need to worry about the problem of the track.

However, Gao Feng still looked at the entire orbital accelerator nervously. After all, this was just the first threshold. The next test was the overall stability of the orbit, the efficiency of electromagnetic acceleration, and all the problems of the entire orbital system.

After all, this was the first actual test for him. Although it was only a scaled-down version, it was much more realistic and credible to him than the AR simulation.

As long as this time is successful, it means that his idea is correct, at least there is no problem in the direction.

Otherwise, if this little thing can't work properly, it means that there may be a fundamental problem with his idea, and Lin Shijie's so much fanfare to start construction is not a joke.

Therefore, Gao Feng was still very nervous. Although he hit it off with President Lin and started this project together, and he was only responsible for technical guidance, if something really went wrong, he would have an uneasy conscience.

And Lin Shijie looked at Gao Feng's state and couldn't help but smile, but didn't say much. After all, letting him see for himself was the most powerful persuasion.

But he is not worried at all, after all, the system world has already completed the overloaded test, and even the carrier has soared into the sky, heading straight for the starry sky. However, seeing the starlight in the sky, Lin Shijie was depressed for a while. When will it become a real sun, or the lush plants on the mainland look at ease.

After returning to his senses, Lin Shijie smiled at Gu Yanran.

Gu Yanran naturally understands that Lin Shijie may have already completed the test, so let's go.

Lin Shijie turned to look at the technical vice president of Shougang at this time, "Mr. Zhao, I have always been curious about the information about our steel, especially special steel, the news from various sources in the past is always not so sure. "

"Now that you are an authority in the industry, I have to ask for advice."

Although Mr. Zhao is a little strange, why is Mr. Lin not paying attention to the acceleration track, but is curious about the issue of special steel, but when he thinks about it, the peak is responsible for the entire technology, and Mr. Lin should pay more attention to the entire market. This can be explained.

So Mr. Zhao said with a smile, "President Lin deserves to have such a large-scale industry. He has already taken three or five steps forward while taking one step. Such an extraordinary vision is really admirable."

"You're welcome," Lin Shijie smiled.

"As a matter of fact, when it comes to steel, especially special steel, the whole world is almost monopolized by Germany and Neon. Because of our late development, we were technically inferior, and we can only produce ordinary steel, which is naturally not comparable. It can only be imported in large quantities." "Wait until our technology catches up, and because the quality of our iron ore is inferior, we still have to import a large amount of special steel. Until recent years, our technology has continued to break through, and various ratios and And formulas have also broken through one after another, and finally we can produce all kinds of steel that we urgently need."

"But as long as they cut the price a little bit, we can see that what they produce is more expensive than imported, so what's the point, continue to import."

Lin Shijie nodded, "I remember that a few years ago, it seemed to have broken through the monopoly of oil pen steel balls and could produce it by myself, but it soon became silent. Is that the reason?"

"Yeah, the world only needs a few tons of demand, and the production of neon is enough to meet it, and it's cheap, so we don't need it." Mr. Zhao said with a smile.

"In fact, we already have production capacity for many steel products, but because of insufficient industrialization, the technology is not as advanced as them, so naturally there is not much advantage in price."

"But now special steel has finally come in and out, and has broken their monopoly, and if we really need it, we can basically meet our important needs, at least we won't be stuck."

Lin Shijie nodded, "Understood, so industrial upgrading involves all walks of life."

President Zhao also laughed, "Yes, but that's a big problem."

"Well," Lin Shijie echoed, it's a big problem, but one that must be resolved.

Along the way, I have seen that the staff in the factory are obviously older. I am afraid that they are young people at the age of forty. This structure is really surprising.

I don't know if there are any big country craftsmen here. If there are, Lin Shijie smiled slightly, then he would be rude, and the demonstration role should be played.

"Mr. Lin, you can prepare to release!"

At this moment, Gao Feng suddenly shouted excitedly.

Lin Shijie also quickly looked at the acceleration track downstairs, "Okay, get ready to start releasing."

Gao Feng took a deep breath and stared at the two completely indistinguishable phantoms on the track. This was different from a huge track. There was enough time to set the exit and let the carrier fly upwards.

This is a small track with a diameter of only five meters. There is no time to adjust the exit at all. The front track is directly dropped, and the rear track is slightly opened, so that the fast-running vehicle can rush out directly against the front track. The main observation It is the flight situation of the next carrier.

Although Gao Feng only pressed the button to start the system, the system would quickly turn on by detecting the position of the carrier, but Gao Feng was still a little nervous, until he made up his mind, he pressed it down heavily.

bang bang

At the moment when it was pressed, two huge bangs sounded in succession, but instead of looking at the flying carrier, everyone carefully observed the situation of the track. When they saw that the track was intact, they couldn't help cheering.

"Mr. Zhao, I think we can sign the contract." Lin Shijie said with a smile.

"it is good!"

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