After Karami sent Sven away, he did not dare to ask the question in his mind and started cleaning.

Strus was smoking a cigar and suddenly spoke

"Karami, please tell Xiaomi to wait patiently for a few days."

"OK, I'll send him a message right away."

Kalami immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xiaomi.

Xiaomi did not reply immediately, he had already rested.

After he got up the next day, he saw the message, replied with an OK gesture, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curled up.

It's a bit interesting, the drama of the fisherman and the snake?

As long as it is beneficial to me, I just have to wait for the news.

He has enough patience and believes that Struth will not ruin his own reputation.

To his surprise, he received a video from Karami in less than three days.

This time Karami greeted him, and the camera turned to Struth and Sven.

Xiaomi greeted the two, and Struth got straight to the point.

"Xiaomi, Sven has shown enough sincerity. Let me tell you about the current situation."

Xiaomi listened quietly. The annual salary is 1.2 million, the contract period is three years, and at least 18 appearances each season.

Goal award, 500 euros, assist 300 euros, best player of the match, best scorer and other honors, there are also corresponding rewards. The profit from jersey sales will be shared with Dortmund 20%.

If Dortmund wants to use his image rights, they need to pay the corresponding amount, etc.

Although Xiaomi had a blank expression and listened quietly, he smiled in his heart.

Struth also explained that since his image rights belonged entirely to him, the annual salary of 1.2 million was the result of the final negotiation.

After Struth finished speaking, he asked

""Mi, what do you think?""


Xiaomi coughed twice to ease his emotions, then asked with difficulty.

"Does the team have dormitories?"

Having tasted the sweetness of living in a small villa in The Hague, he must of course consider the accommodation problem in Dortmund.

He knew very well that if he agreed too quickly at this time, he would not have the opportunity to put forward conditions.

Sven spoke,"Your accommodation has been selected for you, and I will take you to confirm it after you arrive."

Xiaomi nodded,"Thank you Mr. Milinstadt, then I want to know, how much is the liquidated damages?"

Xiaomi knew that black shops make money by activating liquidated damages.

They have invested so much, the liquidated damages must not be small.

Strus deliberately did not say this, and the liquidated damages were too high.

He had no confidence that Xiaomi would agree.

Sven also knew why Strus did not say it. He glanced at the latter and did not hide it.

"It's a bit high, 15 million. It will be adjusted as your salary increases in the future."

Xiaomi was shocked when he heard the number.

That's more than 100 million, and his entire family assets don't have that much.

He took a deep breath. Anyway, he would not take the initiative to activate the contract. No matter how high the offer is, whether other clubs can accept it or not, it has nothing to do with him.

After figuring this out, he forced out an ugly smile and looked at Struth.

Struth nodded, suggesting that this was the final offer.

Xiaomi said,"Mr. Struth, I'll trouble you with the rest. I trust you very much."

His words were very clear. How could Struth, an old fox, not understand?

He smiled and said,"Okay, I'll take care of it. When are you going to come back so that I can book a ticket for you?"

"It should be earlier. I have some things to deal with. I will tell Karami in advance."


Without saying too much, he hung up the video after waving goodbye to Struth and Sven.

He jumped up on the bed excitedly, he was very happy. He had only expected 500,000 yuan, but it more than doubled.

Converted into Daxia currency, that would be an annual salary of more than 10 million yuan.

This is just the basic salary, not counting other rewards.

His jumping and jumping directly attracted two roommates.

He didn't notice the door being pushed open until he heard Yaoyao's voice, then he fell on the bed.

"Landlord, did you step on the accelerator?"

"Why are you here? It's really dangerous for a boy to not lock the door."

He covered his chest with both hands, looking like a quail.

"P! I ask you what's wrong with you so late at night."

Yaoyao pretended to jump on the bed and beat him up, but he quickly raised his hands in surrender and confessed.

After Xiaomi finished speaking, Yaoyao and Xiaoyu also jumped up excitedly.

They don't understand basketball, but they understand an annual salary of more than 10 million.

This is an astronomical figure for two medical students who are still in the production period. What was originally one person going crazy turned into three people going crazy together, and they immediately decided to go out to celebrate.

The three of them didn't even sleep and went straight to the barbecue stall.

Xiaomi was slaughtered hard, and the two girls went back to their room to rest contentedly.

The annual college entrance examination is finally over, and Long Qi made an appointment with Xiaomi as soon as he finished the exam.

The two brothers met in the Internet cafe and played LOL happily for half a day before they went to find a place to eat.

"I might go to study in the United States. I don’t know when we will meet again.

He was not surprised at all that Long Qi would study abroad.

"It's good. Be careful when you go there. I heard it's not very peaceful."

"It’s not a big problem. What about you? Where are you going in the summer transfer window?"


"Really? Great, I can watch you play."

"Why don't you come to Europe to study and be closer to me? We can meet more often."

Xiaomi just said it unintentionally, but Long Qi took out his phone and dialed

"Old man, I'm not going to the United States, I'm going to Germany."

Xiaomi was stunned, staring at Long Qi after he finished the call, and then asked

"Damn, I just said it casually, why did you call your father?"

"Nonsense, you can only get a diploma wherever you go. I can still play with you in Germany, but it's just to get a diploma and come back to be a puppet. I might as well go and be your fan and become your first fanboy!"

Xiaomi was completely speechless,"Bah, you are older than me!"

The two brothers quarreled, but Xiaomi was very happy in his heart.

With brothers around, his future life will not be too boring.

He couldn't help but feel a little depressed. These second-generations really can do whatever they want. They have invincible money.

When the two separated, Long Qi gave him a small notebook.

This is a small notebook with a maroon plastic cover. It is Xiaomi's high school diploma.

Looking at the notebook in his hand, he felt a little emotional. His twelve-year student career ended just like that.

A few days later, he went to Tianjin Port to pick up Zhang Lei from the hospital.

For this kind of injury, rehabilitation training should be started one week after the operation. The purpose is to promote blood circulation. ring, laying the foundation for functional training in the future.

Zhang Lei's mother stayed to take care of him. Xiaomi spent two days arranging Zhang Lei and then left Yanjing.

When he came back, he had two boxes, and when he left, he had only one box.

He couldn't stay at home anymore. Although he was still training, it was really difficult to control his diet.

Even if he could have a cheat meal, it was too dangerous to go out on the street.

The smell of barbecue, the smell of spicy snacks, and the smell of hot pot, who could stand it.

Only when he was abroad could he effectively control himself and not be tempted by anything.

Boarding the plane to Berlin, Xiaomi's real career began.

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