Chapter 106 is done

Adele didn’t know why she called Ronaldo.

She came from Francie to Millikand, and in Hollywood, she was more stressed than ever.

In Francie, she is a little princess who is very much watched by the whole country, but in Hollywood… She’s just a newcomer.

Adele, who has had a smooth ride since childhood, felt for the first time what is called pressure and what is called being neglected newcomer.

Under great pressure, the eighteen-year-old girl felt flustered.

She almost couldn’t take it anymore.

At this time, she thought of Ronaldo.

Not knowing what was wrong, she called Ronaldo.


Adele’s call, to be honest, surprised Ronado.

Of course.

He had no reason to refuse the call.

He picked up.

The main thing is not knowing what to say.

So… There was simply silence.

When Adele waited for the phone to connect, she felt a little apprehensive.

She could hang up the phone almost at any moment, but just when she was about to hang up for the third time in her mind, the phone was connected.


There was no sound at all.

She didn’t hear Ronaldo’s voice, even if it was an indifferent “Hey, why are you?” “Neither.

Why is this person like this? What do you mean when you answer the phone and don’t speak?

Let the girls wait, do you still have gentlemanly manners?

After Adele complained in her heart, she reacted that “gentlemanly manners” did not seem to appear in the person she knew…

I don’t know why, in the face of Ronaldo, Adele will occasionally play a little surname, and this time is the same.

Well, since you don’t make a sound, then I don’t say anything either!

She pouted, thinking hatefully.

It was at this moment that she heard the voice she wanted to hear most at this moment.

Although the voice was full of impatience.

“I said, call and don’t say anything, you play a ghost to scare people?”

Ronaldo’s tone was a little beaten.

But this time, Adele hung up the phone directly without being irritable.

Instead, he laughed.

I don’t know why, during this time, in the agent, director, media, and even his own fans get along, he has to try to control and can’t let his low emotions be exposed.

She is a star, she is an idol, and she needs to pay attention to her image at all times. 、

But today, in the face of the impatient Rui Oh Nado, he felt relaxed.

It’s like chatting with an old friend you’ve known for many years and have a very good relationship.

She can do whatever she wants without worrying about the consequences.

It’s also strange.

Speaking of relationships….. She and Ronado are definitely not old friends.

Without time to think about what was going on, she shot back with a smile on her face: “You pick up but don’t say anything, who is playing the ghost scary?” You are a man, you should take the initiative! ”

“Isn’t it ladies first?”

“Less stealing concepts!” Adele raised her voice and fought each other without backing down.

“You took the initiative to call, how do I know what happened to you… In addition, this number is still yours? ”

“Don’t be sentimental, I just forgot to delete it.”

Adele didn’t know what Ronaldo’s expression was when he was talking to him on the phone, maybe he was really frowning and very painful, right? But she kept fighting with Ronado on her own mouth, but there was always a smile on her face, and even the smile was getting stronger and stronger.

Arguing with this person, it seems that the depressed emotions are swept away.

“I’m not being sentimental, so you don’t have to explain it right away…”

“How are you doing?” Adele interrupted him.

After hearing Adele’s greeting, Ronado was suddenly stunned.

How did this topic and atmosphere come about?

That aura of confrontation suddenly dissipated.

“Uh, I… Hey? Ronaldo, who was sharp-tongued during the bickering, suddenly stuttered, not knowing what to say.

What’s with this sudden friend-like greeting?

Adele is a little proud – do you also have times when you panic and incoherent? Hahaha!

“Remember the first time you told me?” Adele continued.

“Huh?” Ronado hadn’t come to his senses yet.

“Ah, oh… Oh, this one! I’ll have to think… Well, I can’t remember. ”

Adele frowned and shouted, “How so?!” How can you do this?! ”

“Hey! What’s wrong with me? ”

“How can you forget?”

“How do I know! If you drink too much and talk casually, you will naturally forget it after waking up! ”

Ronaldo mentioned drinking more, and then the two of them thought about the events of that day at the same time, and at the same time fell silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

In the end, it was Ronaldo who took the lead in breaking the silence: “Uh, why did you suddenly mention this?” ”

Instead of answering his question, Adele asked, “Hey, have you encountered any setbacks?” ”

Ronaldo thought about his termination by the domestic club, and he nodded: “Yes.” ”

“It’s the kind of frustration that almost makes you want to give up.”

“Yes.” After being terminated by the club, he really thought of giving up for a while, and suddenly felt that what was the point of continuing to exist? Nothing but kicking, and now suddenly there is no chance to play.

“So did you give up?”

“Nope!” Ronaldo’s words were particularly loud and proud.

No matter how devastating past setbacks were, he didn’t give up in the end.

Of course, there is his father’s credit in this, and he has not forgotten…

“How… In order not to give up? ”

“This ahhhh Don’t panic, just you—”

“…” Adele just made a sound, and found that it was foul language, it turned out to be foul language!

“Hey!” She protested.

“What for? Is that all right? This is what we need to do in the face of difficulties and setbacks. ”

“Foul language?”

“No, don’t throw in the towel, don’t throw in the towel to them, don’t bow to them. For me, foul language is a good form of expression…”

“Except for foul language? Oh, I mean, except don’t throw in the towel? ”

“No matter how much it is, rush over first, as for what are the sequelae after the past… I’ll talk about it then! ”

“It’s so simple and rude!” Adele pouted.

“Hey, but it works. I tell you, simple and direct is the most effective…”

Ronado began to pass on his experience to Adele.

“I don’t think about what to do if I don’t get by, and I don’t want to do if I fail. I just buried my head and rushed forward, setbacks or something… If you go against me, then I’ll fight it to the end! ”

Ronaldo’s truth, Adele listened fresh – is it really okay to be so reckless?

“I mean if… What if it really fails? She asked cautiously.

“Then find an opportunity to take revenge and get the field back.” Anyway, I definitely can’t bear it silently, I can’t swallow this breath. ”

Ronaldo paused and asked, “What’s wrong with you, woman?” ”

Adele rolled her eyes at what Ronado had given herself. “No, it’s okay.”

Ronado snorted.

“Anyway, if you have difficulties, don’t run away…”

“As a human being, you can’t be bullied too easily. You have to fight it to the end! If you are hard, people will be afraid of you, and if anyone bullies you, you will bully back! It’s that simple! ”

Ronado shrugged.

Adele’s chuckle suddenly rang on the other end of the phone: “Is it like that time?” ”

Ronado was stunned for a moment, and when he reacted to what she said “that time”, he coughed a little embarrassed: “You still have to make some sense…”

Hearing him say this with some grievance, Adele giggled.

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