Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1021: : Ling family is very good

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Ginkgo, if you are like this, I will ask Gao He to take you out earlier, not let you live at home, too light bulb."

Of course, Jiang Liu made a joke about this, but Ginkgo also blushed.

"Grandpa teased me again, I... I didn't mean it, who knows that you two will be greasy all morning, really..."

"Dare to love me and my wife are sloppy and wrong?" Jiang Liu looked at the girl funny.

"Oh, these aren't the key points, really happened."

Ginkgo looked at Hua Sheng with anxious expression.

"What's wrong?" Hua Sheng was calm, after all, she was not so anxious.

She was wearing long black hair, leaned on the shoulders of the river, and got a little weak to get up.

That's why Feng Xi often said that Huasheng would pretend to be the most disguised, and will play the role of a pig and a tiger.

Anyone can see that she is a weak woman who can't help the wind. Where do you know that it is a fairy hiding such a powerful spiritual power?

Yes, in the eyes of the wind, Huasheng is already a fairy.

Being able to single out Pluto, beating twelve puppets badly, killing a **** demon for thousands of years with bare hands, and burning a mutated zombie king, this is already an operation against the sky.

"Miss, I just read the news and said that Jiang Cheng had killed seven children overnight."

Hua Sheng was slightly startled.

"Oh, miss, look at the phone yourself, I think something is going wrong, is there any abnormal killer, you said that this man is killing a child, it is really terrible, scared to death, I saw this The news is really half dead."

Hearing what Ginkgo said, Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng took out their phones and brushed the news.

Sure enough, in the morning headlines, the first one was-seven consecutive murders last night.

The deceased became a 7-year-old girl who was found at home.

Moreover, all of them were killed suddenly. The parents didn't know what was going on. The investigation showed that they didn't hear any strange sounds.

Did not hear the footsteps of strangers, nor heard the child calling for help, so inexplicably died.

This incident caused a sudden uproar in the local area, and Hua Sheng frowned slightly.

She felt that the red snake came last night, and this happened today is not accidental.

I'm afraid that Jiangcheng is starting to be a monster, and sure enough...

The wind came in the morning and brought a message.

"A Sheng, the Ling family has been dispatched."

"Oh? Did they investigate clearly?" Hua Sheng asked the wind while making tea.

"I don't know, but Mr. Ling told someone to talk to me, saying that if I am interested, I can go and see together. They have found some clues in the cemetery on the east side of Jiangcheng."

"Cemetery?" Hua Sheng raised his head and looked at the wind.

"Yes, that is the cemetery where Feng Shui is very good, what is it called a paradise, right, is your grandma buried there? It seems to be the exclusive cemetery of the rich."

Hua Sheng nodded.

Grandma is indeed buried there, and she often worships in the past.

There is no problem with feng shui there, but it is still very good, especially for burial. She does not understand, what does the Ling family do there?

"A Sheng, are we going to check it out?"

"Don't the Ling family take action, what are we going to do?"

"But the Ling family is very delicious...Last time, if you were not there, the Ling family would be wiped out by the mutant zombie king."

As soon as this matter is mentioned, the wind is complacent.

I feel that my friend is invincible in the world. A group of Ling family members are all scraps. At the critical moment, they rely on her Asheng.

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