Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1066: : The source of sin

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At that time, Huazhen Yue and his wife already had two daughters. Hua Zhi was not born yet. This was a scandal for the Hua family.

Naturally, it will not be accepted by the Hua family. Hua Zhenyue naturally has no affection for Wu Lijuan, and he has long forgotten this matter.

Who knows, Wu Lijuan secretly gave birth to a child behind her mother, and this child...

"Wu Lijuan...then you..."

"I was the child Wu Lijuan gave birth to." Wu Nan gritted his teeth with hatred.

Under the panic, Hua Zhenyue stepped back unconsciously and looked incredible.

"It's impossible. At that time, the child was less than two months old. Xiaojuan's mother had promised our Chinese family that if they took the money, they would kill the child."

"Yeah, my grandma thought so, but my mother disagreed. After the two of them left the Chinese family, they had a disagreement. My grandma took the money back to her hometown and found a lame to live with, and broke off the relationship with my mother. My mother insisted on giving birth to me, and then... our mother and son have been living a life that is not as good as death."

"How could... Xiaojuan... why didn't she come to me?"

"Finding you? Finding you useful? Do you even ask for a girl who doesn't dare to admit to a big woman's belly? What are you looking for? The worst thing is your wife's family, who split you after fear of my mother Property, I want to kill us, but it's a pity... I didn't die, but my mother lost her ability to walk in that car accident, and people became silly."

Huazhen Yue opened his mouth wide and looked at Wu Nan in shock.

Is this... his son? God, he actually has a son?

"Huazhen Yue, do you know? How many rainy nights, you are singing and dancing in the clubhouse, and the lights are red and green. And our mothers are like beggars, sleeping under the overpass and eating other people's leftovers? At that time, I thought, the poorest But begging for blessings, undead will eventually come out. God has eyes, let me turn over, I Wu Nan walked out step by step with his own fists and mind, for this is the case? For today...I wait for this moment , It’s been too long...I want to see your Chinese family ruined."

"Child, you... your mother... is she okay?"

"Shut up, what are you qualified to ask her?"

With excitement, Wu Nan grabbed Hua Zhenyue's neck and pressed it directly on the wall.

His eyes were flushed, and he dared not recall. The years when his mother became a ghost and a ghost, it was a painful memory for him.

It hurts more than stabs him a few times.

"Child, I... I don’t know, I really don’t know, if I knew early... I wouldn’t make you so hard... After all, you are my son, you are my son, and my Huazhen Yue actually There are also sons... haha."

Hua Zhenyue may have been strongly stimulated, so her emotions are also very unstable, crying and laughing.

Indeed, for him, he did not dare to think that he could still have a son in this life, so it was indeed a surprise, an unexpected surprise.

It was just this surprise... he seemed a little unaffordable.

"People like you shouldn't have sons, not even daughters. You should be sonless...Huazhen Yue If it weren't for you, my mother wouldn't be so painful, nor would I bear so much, your daughters All of them are bright and beautiful, and people are beautiful, and our mother and son are not as good as pigs and dogs. Why? Why? Tell me, why?" Wu Nan stuck Huazhen Yue's neck to death, suffocating him. .

"Mr. Wu, don't conflict, you'll be killed." A few men behind you hurried forward to pull Wu Nan under impulse.

Just now, he almost missed and pinched Hua Zhenyue, just so little.

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