Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1756: : Suspicious

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"Don't ask anything, follow what I said."

Liu Yuzhou was very frightened and had many questions to ask Hua Qing, but Hua Qing blocked everything he wanted to say.

Liu Yuzhou did not dare to ask any more, he could only silently record what Hua Qing explained.

He was not good to stay here overnight, so he left.

Hua Qing is actually very complicated. Do you say she used Liu Yuzhou? Yes, it is direct use.

But if you say that there is no emotion at all, it is not.

After all, it was a couple from a young age. You must know that Hua Qing was in her twenties when she married Liu Yuzhou.

At that time, Hua Qing was hard-working, but it was not as vicious as it was later.

So during that time, although the couple didn't have the same kind of love as the others, they also lived a long and bland day like water.

The human heart is full of flesh, and she can't have any feelings for this man.

He used to betray him for nothing, and it was true that even if he was green, he would not dare to do anything.

But now it seems that the man who can help her in the end and let her trust the child is still the man who was looked down upon by her.

Therefore, satire is everywhere in life, and I really don't know when I will be beaten by reality.

Fortunately, Liu Yuzhou is a kind-hearted person who won't fall into the hole and will not make fun of her or mock her at this time.

This can make Hua Qing's painful heart, and there is a last bit of comfort.

Demon Realm

The whereabouts of the cut moon are unknown, but the Nether Realm Dare not dare to act brazenly.

The last time I came to four, but did not take away a mortal thing, in fact, has been spread one after another.

Six Dao in the Three Realms can be described as a humiliation, so a second hands-on is very important.

The most important thing is that Demon Realm is no longer headless.

The boss was not there before, so these guys have their own ideas.

Nowadays, His Royal Highness Three Beasts have returned, and the situation is indeed different.

Even if they are people who cut the moon, but now His Highness is not there, His Highness is also of great importance in the Demon Realm.

To put it bluntly, if you never return, then this is the future Lord of the Devil.

Because Laomozun has only three sons, all of whom are biological.

His Royal Highness has retired, leading the life of Xianyun Yehe, without asking the world.

The burden of this demon world can only be picked by Feng Ying.

But the magical thing is that Feng Ying's idea can't be guessed by most people.

It stands to reason, should we go to find the whereabouts of the moon earlier and force Hua Sheng to ask?

However, Fengying has not been moving. The anxious nine guardians are going round and round, but no one dares to say that they can only talk in private.

The three dragons have always felt very angry.

On this day, I came to discuss with Nine-headed Bird again.

After all, in these guardianships, the three-headed demon guardianship of the nine-headed bird and the four-legged beast are respected.

"Brother Jiu, do you say something?"

"what did I say?"

The nine-headed bird carried his hands on his back, and could not see his anger.

The old faces of the three lizards sank. "Of course it was the matter of His Highness. How long have they been back, but there has been no movement..."

"Isn't His Highness suppressing those volcanic rocks? What are you afraid of?"

"That's not the case. Who cares about those things? What I want to say is, what should we do with our Highness? After all, they are brothers. Isn't His Highness intentional to save His Highness in order to respect the position of the Lord?"

After the three dragons finished talking, the nine-headed bird was slapped up loudly.

"You are not afraid to lose your head when you say this?"

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