Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1787: : Don't underestimate her

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The wind was killed, and instead of the past, Huasheng should feel it.

But as the fetus took shape and continuously absorbed the pure spiritual power of Huasheng, she was unconsciously drained.

The perception ability is also surprisingly poor, so Hua Sheng, who is still in his sleep, is really unaware of Xie Dongyang and Feng Xi’s distress.

"She? It's so much, it's almost intensive phobia."

Looking at the increasing number of people, Feng Xi felt that his situation might not be very good.

At this moment, there are still many people who have the same idea as the wind, that is, the ancestors of the Feng family.

Because the Feng family can communicate with each other, since ancient times, they have all communicated with each other.

Feng Xi encountered a major event, and the nameless wind in the underworld was also the first to know.

Not only do I know, I also saw the image in the illusion...

Feng Wuming and Ling Kyushu are also friends in the Underworld, but Ling Kyushu was used by the Devil because of his lifetime.

So after death, you can't continue to practice, and the wind is different from name to name. Although you die, you have done too many good things to kill demons and demons.

If you are already pardoned, you don’t need to be reincarnated, as long as you practice in the underworld, you will have the opportunity to stand out like Feng Qing City.

Of course, the practice is like Feng Qingcheng, and it will not come for thousands of years.

Even for thousands of years, you also need to have a particularly good talent.

After all, the Feng family has been out of such a charming city for thousands of years.

Therefore, Feng Wuming's grandfather is not afraid of extravagance. When he meditates recently, he often thinks about things on earth.

The only thing he missed was the granddaughter, so when the wind was dangerous, he still wavered.

"Old man Feng, your granddaughter is about to be torn apart, don't you go save it?"

Although Ling Kyushu can no longer continue to cultivate, nor can it be reborn, a lone soul, but fortunately, freedom.

After all, I didn't do much to harm Yin Yin, so I often came to the wind to nameless chat and play chess.

When he came, he just saw Feng Wuming playing a video, that is, the wind was surrounded by vampires.

Feng Wuming said nothing, and continued to sit on the table and drink tea.

"Huo, it's so suffocating, don't shoot, your little granddaughter really wants to meet us in the underworld. Is this the idea you won't fight? But I advise you not to be impulsive Ah, she's here. Although you are reunited with you, the happiness index is high, but your Feng family is really no one to succeed. Don't step into our Ling family..."

Speaking of this, it's quite sad. Ling Jiuzhou's whole life was also the demon eradication. Although there was no wind, no name, no fame and skill, but many people had been saved.

Just because he is gone, future generations are no longer in the climate.

Ling Xiao, the only one with a spiritual root, also transformed into a merchant, so that he no longer has an heir to choose from.

Therefore, Ling Jiuzhou often envy Feng Wuming.

The Feng family came out with a genius girl and was a little grumpy, which was really a wonderful seedling.

In the early 20s, Fengxi took over the banner of Fengjia, and now it is already a leader in the Three Realms and Six Dao.

Even Feng Qingcheng's ancestors who could not speak for Feng Ming were able to personally guide Feng Xi one or two.

It’s a pity if such an excellent heir really died like this...

"Brother, you're saying something. You must have this skill now, and Lord Pluto won't blame you." Ling Kyushu is more anxious than the nameless wind, even if she doesn't want the wind girl to have an accident, you can also understand it as Love talent.

For a long while, the wind was nameless before slowly speaking, "Our home is not so weak, don't underestimate her."

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