Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2866: : Penalty reduced

After Changan was shocked, Jiang Liu raised his hand and patted behind Hua Sheng, causing her to fall asleep. At the same time, she added a barrier to her body to prevent it from spreading.

Hua Sheng could say that he was not prepared at all. Watching Jiang Liu hug Chang'an and say goodbye, his head was thunderous, Hua Sheng was also ready.

However, Jiang Liu raised his hand and patted behind him...

When he fell into Jiang Liu's arms, Hua Sheng looked at Jiang Liu's eyes and suddenly understood.

He is a liar, and he can understand any eye contact, he doesn't understand at all!

In other words, he understood too much and deceived himself.

Hua Sheng really thought that Jiang Liu had promised to go with him, and he really thought that Jiang Liu finally did not choose to face it by himself.

But in fact, Jiang Liu only falsely agreed and didn't want to reason with himself, because he was already prepared to hide the children while also hiding her.

Jiang Liu is so cruel, let her watch him face all this...

The rest of the emotions disappeared. Because Hua Sheng fainted, she told herself not to faint, and pinched her hand tightly.

But still can't hold on, after all, Jiang Liu's sleeping technique is increased to the usual ten successful power...

This is for Hua Sheng not to wake up and not to do stupid things!

In fact, it is not difficult to understand from the perspective of Jiang Liu, how could he let Hua Sheng die with him?

Didn't he come to this point for Hua Sheng too?

He wants Hua Sheng to live well.

Besides, if the two children have no father, they cannot have no mother.

This is also extremely unfair to the children.

Jiang Liu was also reluctant to have his son. When his daughter was in school, there was no father or mother.

Jiang Liu understood Hua Sheng's thoughts at the very beginning, and he also made a decision, but he certainly couldn't tell Hua Sheng, otherwise how could Hua Sheng agree?

The happiness and plain life these days are the best memories in Jiang Liu's mind.

So every decision he makes is without regrets.



Chang'an held Hua Sheng's hand and looked at the river, his head grew big for a while.

His eyes were red as if he was in Meizhuang that night, and there was a magic fire in his eyes.

"Chang'an, control yourself, don't let the inner demon occupy your heart!"

"My punishment is reduced, take your mother back!"

"Don't forget, you promised me, take care of yourself, your sister, and your mother!"

Jiang Liu glanced at Hua Sheng deeply, then flew up, his whole body suspended in the air, feeling the punishment from above Kyushu.

Tianlei took advantage of the situation.

The sound that resounded across the sky shocked the entire three realms and six realms, and this was only the first one!

The thunder calamity that is soaring from the usual calamity is not a concept at all.

A strong man like Jiang Liu bit his mouth subconsciously when the sky thunder struck him up.

It really hurts...

Jiang Liu closed his eyes, his mind was all about meeting Hua Sheng, knowing each other, loving each other, and slowly smiling...

Looking at such a river, Chang'an opened and closed his mouth, trying to shout something, but after all, he didn't shout.

Because he was interrupted by someone, or was suppressed by another person's voice!


How could joy fall asleep like the thunder resounding through the three realms and six realms?

Even if Hua Sheng has arranged a soundproof barrier, don’t forget that the spiritual power of joy grows infinitely. She is uneasy and sleeps unsteadily, even with a smile on her mouth...

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