Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3111: Come to the white house

Bai Kangning now doesn't care about the wound seen by her father, but remembers what her mother said.

How could you say that suddenly?

She knows she is coming for ten miles of spring breeze? Does that mean she is normal now?

And most importantly, let my father come to see him directly, if he is optimistic, then go back?

Isn't that just to let father see his injury?

These injuries on his body were all caused by his mother. If he let his father know, he would finally come back. Isn't something going to happen again?

After finally waiting for this day, Bai Kangning couldn't let Hua Lin mess around.

Moreover, after all, it is mother and child connecting hearts, Bai Kangning always has a bad feeling, so after saying this, he directly took Bai Hao and rushed home.

"Sister Wu, I... I'll go and see."

"Prince you are here, be good, don't open the furniture! I don't have the energy to quarrel with you today, Wang Junxian will go with me."

Hua Zhi wiped her tears, but she was worried, and said hello to Hua Sheng, and then followed Wang Junxian quickly.

After all, it's his sister, how could Hua Zhi really care about it, especially after knowing that something is wrong, Hua Zhi has to go.

There is no need to say what to eat. As for the grievances between Hua Sheng and Hua Sheng, Hua Zhi believes that Hua Sheng will not care about it at this time.

Besides, Hua Sheng also said that he would explain to Hua Lin's mother and son.

It's not even more important.


"Jiang Liu, we are with the third sister, you can go drive."

"Fengxi, you and Qin Wanyu will go back later to take care of the children."

After Hua Sheng finished speaking, he immediately followed.

Of course, Feng Xi and Qin Wanyu did not refuse, and honestly watched their children at home.

Three children and two adults were left, with big eyes and small eyes.

Everyone is expecting nothing will happen!

And Hua Sheng and his party rushed to the Bai's house directly.

Hua Zhi thought Hua Sheng would not let her go. It turned out to be together. The four of Hua Zhi sat together, and their expressions were a little serious, because now everyone thought Hua Lin would stop making trouble.

Otherwise, Hua Zhi would be crazy.

Just looking at Bai Kangning's expression, he must have known something, it is not a trivial matter!

Bai family.

Bai Hao arrived first. Before the car stopped, Bai Kangning got out of the car first. As for Bai Hao's questions on the way, Bai Kangning didn't answer any of them.

What he thinks now is what happened to his mother. He also made a call on the road, but no one answered!


Bai Kangning opened the door and saw Hua Lin sitting quietly on the chair, her eyes looking towards the blue sky.

And Hua Lin did not respond to Bai Kangning's words, as if she hadn't heard it.

"Mom? What's wrong with you? Are you okay? I called you, why didn't you answer?"

"My father and I are back, are you happy?"

"Auntie and Auntie, they have all come to see you."

Bai Kangning squatted beside Hua Lin, carefully reaching out and hugging Hua Lin.

Seeing Hua Lin did not refuse, Bai Kangning couldn't help feeling a little bit happy. After all, the only close contact between him and his mother in the past month was when his mother beat him...

Others also walked in one after another, standing at the door looking at the Bai family, and also at Hua Lin.

"Xiao Lin, what's the matter with you? You let me see what happened to the child's injury? Do you know it? Why did you tell me now?

Bai Hao walked directly to Hua Lin, waiting for her answer, and wanted to know what was going on!

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