Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3193: : Conceal whereabouts

Some things have been pressed by herself, anyway, she is very heavy.

It's just that no matter how heavy it is, it won't be heavy if new people appear to help her share the burden.

Besides, this person is not someone else, but Jiang Liu, the idol of her master. If such a person knows everything about him, the master will be very happy too, right?

"Mr. Jiang, stay here."

When Jiang Liu walked to the gate outside, a male voice suddenly came from behind him.

In this Hell, where there are only three people, the male voice is not someone else, but Nangong Liuyue.

I saw Nangong Liuyue trot two steps, walked to Jiang Liu's side, bowed and saluted slightly, his expression was a little hesitant, and of course he was a little embarrassed.

This is nothing like the Nangong Liuyue that Jiang Liu had seen before.

Jiang Liu didn't even dare to confirm that this was really Nangong Liuyue.

At that time in the Spring Breeze of Shili, Nangong Liuyue accepted the instructions given by Bairan to stay in Chunfeng to take care of Hua Sheng. He was still very cold and didn't say much.

Within the responsibility, he is very careful, and the others are absolutely ignored.

The demeanor is cold, and he is practicing with one heart, no two heart, now?

If it weren't for the fact that these two faces were exactly the same, and there was indeed no disguise, Jiang Liu would really doubt who was this big boy who was suddenly twitching and shy?

When Yu Qilin was talking with Jiang Liu, Nangong Liuyue always stood quietly, accompanied and never talked too much.

Perhaps because of this, he was able to stay with Yu Qilin until now.

Otherwise he would have been driven away.

"Do you want me to keep your whereabouts here a secret?"

Jiang Liu looked at Nangong Liuyue's shy look, and directly replaced him and spoke out.

Because waiting for what he said, Jiang Liu was worried that it was going to dawn.

Besides, for a big man, it's better to be happy.


"Mr. Jiang...I'm here, if you can, can you not tell the emperor? Or someone else, I don't want to return to the fox clan! If the emperor knows, he will definitely let me go back, I..."

"You have also seen it, there is no one beside Qilin now. If I am leaving, she..."

Nangong Liuyue looked a little unbearable. In the past few years, for people like them, it must be indifferent. For a person who is traumatized in his heart, every minute and every second is It is suffering.

Endless suffering.

Whether it is physical or psychological.

When Emperor Fengdu had just left, Yu Qilin had fainted several times, and there was no hope of life. The whole figure seemed to have lost the meaning of living.

For the loss of such an important person, Nangong Liuyue actually understands.

At first it was love at first sight, but it also started with a heartbeat, and a feeling of protection for a weak person.

Sometimes, like is unreasonable.

The heartbeat at the moment of meeting is something Nangong Liuyue has never felt before.

Before, he thought he liked to practice, and when he met Yu Qilin, he realized that life is not just about cultivation.

In fact, the so-called love at first sight is just an excuse, and it has nothing to do with appearance. Moreover, Nangong Liuyue has always been very confident of her beauty.

After all, the beauty of the fox family has never been a legend.

It's just that Nangong Liuyue didn't expect that one day she would really lose her beauty.

Just as he likes Yuqilin unreasonably, and Yuqilin can like other people unreasonably...

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