Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 477: : A family

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Yuan Shao was really shocked by Yu Ping's words. Maybe he didn't expect such a weak Yu Ping to ask such extreme topics at all.

"If you find it a bit difficult, you can leave it unanswered, it doesn't matter."

"No, I must answer you."

After Yuan Shao applied the ointment, he wiped his hands.

Then looked at Yu Ping, "Since this time, there have been a lot of gossip about us, the most powerful one is that I have fantasies about Hua Sheng, so I used you to approach her, I have not explained it, I I thought you understood. But I also ignored the inherently sensitive and suspicious characteristics of girls. You will have doubts in my heart, and I can understand it. Then I will officially respond to you once today. Yu Ping, I don’t, if I still have a problem with Huasheng Thought, I will chase it directly, and I will not lose my happiness. I will spend time with you to fall in love. Really, this is not my style."

"Yeah, I'm so confused, sorry, Yuan Shao."

"Don't hurry and apologize, let me finish."

Yuan Shao raised his hand and interrupted her.

"Those gossips, it doesn't matter how others misunderstand, but you can't. Feelings aren't childish. No matter what the reason is, since we are together, we have to be responsible for each other. Haven't you always worried that I would go abroad?"

In fact, Yu Ping never asked him, but Yu Ping knocked sideways and asked friends around Yuan Shao several times.

Yuan Shao knew that she was uneasy.

"I will tell you all today."

Yu Ping was nervous, clenching his fists.

"I will not go abroad. Although my family does have this idea, I refused. If I plan to go abroad, I will not accept your confession. If I accept it, I will be responsible. If you really want to go abroad, you will go with me. Otherwise, I won’t go, I’ll always be with you."

"Yuan Shao..." Yu Ping was already tearful.

Suddenly she hated herself, why is such a villain, Yuan Shao is so good, why should she doubt him?

"So don't think about it in the future, what's the matter, can we discuss it together?"

"En." Yu Pinghan nodded tearfully.

The two took advantage of this opportunity to say that they had opened some knots, and Yu Ping also felt a lot of confidence, and even felt that this beat was more worthwhile, at least got the explanation from Yuan Shao.

It's just that the happy time is always short. Yu Ping didn't expect that he was almost on vacation, and the family came.

And came a family, Yu Ping's father, mother, brother, and a grandmother who particularly likes to do business.

The four came from the mountain village, and finally arrived at the University for Nationalities. Then they began to look for Yu Ping.

This is the first time the family has come to such a large city as Jiangcheng. It's just like Grandma Liu's entering the Grand View Garden. Looking around, I feel nothing new.

The four people wore a little bit like the clothes of the 1980s. Yu Ping's father took out a set of Zhongshan clothes that her grandfather had used, but the clothes were already crumpled.

Yu Ping's mother and grandmother used a piece of suede cloth to make clothes, some loose and fat.

Yu Xiaobao, Yu Ping’s younger brother, was even more shabby. He wore a school uniform issued by the school directly. His clothes were dirty and the original appearance could not be seen.

The shoes are also covered with dust...

Their first impression is-a group of country gangsters.

"Classmates, hello, let me ask, where is history?"

"Go straight in, the last classroom."

"Okay thank you."

After her mother inquired about it, she took a family and went directly to Yu Ping's classroom.

Soon after Yu Ping came back, he was going to review the materials and prepare for the afternoon exam.

"Sister, sister, mom, my sister is over there, I saw..." Yu Xiaobao followed a monkey yes, jumped up and down excitedly, and brought all the family into the classroom directly.

The moment Yu Ping raised his head, his face was pale.

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