Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 876: : Surprising image

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xie Dongyang licked his lips. He didn't dare to say anything. To tell the truth, Ai Chen was a good girl.

Even Mrs. Xie likes it, and still dreams of what spark her son will have with this girl, but in the end it still dies.

"Okay, I’m not going to ink with you anymore. I’m going to confess to other men. I recently... I’ve been to a university professor who looks better than you, tastes better than you, is gentler than you, and has more temperament than you. It’s just that you don’t have money at home, but it’s okay. I earn my own bread. As long as I love, these are things you can’t give me.

"Okay, then I wish you..."

"Stop, don't wish me happiness, the soil is scumming and gone."

Ai Chen's eyelashes were drooping, so she didn't dare to take a look at Xie Dongyang. She was afraid that she would change her mind.

Xie Dongyang got off the bus and greeted Ai Chen, "Then drive slowly and have time to eat together."


After Ai Chen murmured, the sports car left.

Xie Dongyang stood there for three seconds and turned back to Xie's old house.

Ai Chen was crying while driving. She was reluctant to thank Dongyang, but she knew it sanely.

Xie Dongyang's love for Huasheng is not something that can be forgotten overnight, if he continues to obsess over it.

I am afraid that I will be the third person to be sacrificed, so it is better to give up as soon as possible. Although it will hurt in my heart, long pain is not as good as short pain.

That night, in the evening, we had an appointment with our customers. A new club in the western suburbs of Jiangcheng called Fenglan Yazhu.

It was opened by a friend of Xie Dongyang’s client, so he was brought here.

To be honest, from the outside, this building is very ordinary, even a little old, with a little sense of age.

However, after walking in, I discovered that there was no other way.

The decoration of the whole building is all new Chinese style, with Chinese style everywhere.

For example, the small lamp in the hallway is made of lotus petals, which is not so bright, but it is just right, which sets off the atmosphere.

Another example is that the cups on the coffee table are designed by people, much like ancient wine bottles, very elegant.

Xie Dongyang didn't feel Chinese style before, but since he fell in love with Huasheng, he couldn't help but make up his mind.

He thought that Huasheng should like such a place, quiet and elegant.

In fact, Huasheng really likes it. Her own antique store is decorated in this style.

Xie Dongyang and his customers were drinking tea at first, and then drinking.

When the wine passed the third tour, there was an extra girl in the private room, which the client prepared for Xie Dongyang.

It stands to reason that Xie Dongyang is no longer the original Xie Shao.

There is no interest in this kind of thing. I just wanted to refuse. When he saw the girl's face, he hesitated again.

This girl is very strange, the facial features are not so beautiful, but the beauty is amazing.

There is no resemblance to Hua Sheng in her whole face.

However, Xie Dongyang felt that her temperament was so similar to Hua Sheng.

how to say?

As if it were, the familiar breath is exactly the same.

After Hua Sheng's beauty spread in Jiangcheng, many women used to follow the trend to get plastic surgery.

Follow Hua Sheng's face, or Hua Zhi's face.

Xie Dongyang has also seen many secretly, but unfortunately those are just a little bit similar, and they have not imitated the essence.

The girl in front of him was probably seen by Xie Dongyang, and his temperament is most suitable for Huasheng.

"Don't say hello to Xie Shao yet?" the manager of the clubhouse reminded.

The girl suddenly realized that she looked at Xie Dongyang, her eyes slightly elevated, "Xie Shao."

"What's your name?" Xie Dongyang suddenly became curious.

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